Can we please get the TRITON added to the ZOO list to donate for points ?

Even though it is a new pet, there already is no buyers for the lower ranged Tritons, unfortunately....

So, even though it takes quite an effort to get one, if the RNG spawns a bad one, the Tamer who was unlucky to get it has no use for it....

And cannot even sell it as there is no buyers....

@Kyronix , can we please at least have it possible to "Donate" it to the Moonglow ZOO for points towards the Community Collections high enough to justify the effort done to get it ?

At least, the tamer who needed to discard it to make room in the stables would get something out of it...

Currently, the ZOO only accepts :

Gold coins at 1 pt per 15 coins
Checks at 1 pt per 15 gold
Any kind of pet wolf: 30 pts
Pet slime: 45 pts
Pet polar bear: 45 pts
Unusual riding creatures: 250 pts
(Ki-Rin, Nightmare, Unicorn)
Pet beetles: 300 pts
(Fire beetle, giant beetle and rune beetle)
Pet drakes and dragons: 400 pts
(Dragon, drake, white wyrm)Reptalons: 550 pts

The Triton though, considering the effort needed to get one, should be worth a lot more points when donated to the ZOO, IMHO.


  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    Careful what you ask for. They will call it an upgrade, add the triton and remove 5 of the now working pets.
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    JollyJade said:
    Careful what you ask for. They will call it an upgrade, add the triton and remove 5 of the now working pets.
    Still, after having gone through all of the ordeal to get a Triton and just get a low end one, it is really upsetting to just "let it go poof" upon releasing it because noone is buying it....

    At least, at the VERY least, permit to players to turn it to the ZOO for good points towards the Community Collections and make room in their stables in the process....
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    you could try the trademinsters
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    popps said:
    JollyJade said:
    Careful what you ask for. They will call it an upgrade, add the triton and remove 5 of the now working pets.
    Still, after having gone through all of the ordeal to get a Triton and just get a low end one, it is really upsetting to just "let it go poof" upon releasing it because noone is buying it....

    At least, at the VERY least, permit to players to turn it to the ZOO for good points towards the Community Collections and make room in their stables in the process....
    You have good intentions, as so often. But we have also seen so often where "good intentions" lead us.

    After despise nobody asked for dungeon revamps anymore.
    After t-chest upgrade nobody will ever ask for a loot "upgrade" anymore.

    And I bet after a zoo revamp (they don't touch things short of a revamp), you won't ask for another one ever again.
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Drakelord said:
    you could try the trademinsters
    Why ? They take Tritons ? What for ?
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    popps said:

    Even though it is a new pet, there already is no buyers for the lower ranged Tritons, unfortunately....
    You were the one telling everyone the ones not from Tokuno are no good, the ones with < 120 wrestling were no good.

    Think about stuff like that next time.

    Most pet types start with max 100 Wrestling and 120 as the cap. 110 wrestling saves 100 points for a scroll.

    Buy more stable tokens and give the ones you do not want to returners or new players in 6 months.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Pawain said:
    popps said:

    Even though it is a new pet, there already is no buyers for the lower ranged Tritons, unfortunately....
    You were the one telling everyone the ones not from Tokuno are no good, the ones with < 120 wrestling were no good.

    Think about stuff like that next time.

    Most pet types start with max 100 Wrestling and 120 as the cap. 110 wrestling saves 100 points for a scroll.

    Buy more stable tokens and give the ones you do not want to returners or new players in 6 months.
    Is there a particular reason for not adding the Triton to the list of Creatures that could be donated to the ZOO for points towards the Community Collections ?

    I do not see any.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    They need Eodon Pets there first.

    You need to move on to whips now.  Don't ruin their value please!
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited May 2019
    Pawain said:
    They need Eodon Pets there first.

    You need to move on to whips now.  Don't ruin their value please!
    How much work would it take to add the Triton to the list of Creatures that can be donated for points to the ZOO?

    The Code is already there, right ?

    They could just add to the existing Code for the other creatures the pertaining code to turn in Tritons...

    Would this take up that much work ?
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    You know if this came from some one that actually had a lot of Tritons or that actually did all these Beacons I would accept this request but from somebody that has constantly whined about everything to do with this is totally laughable.  You whined about all the left over sea monsters and have ZERO clue that sea monsters carried T-Maps proving that you know nothing about sea monsters.  You post the stats of ONE Triton and now you want them as a turn-in, please post all the other Tritons you have.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited May 2019
    Bilbo said:
    You know if this came from some one that actually had a lot of Tritons or that actually did all these Beacons I would accept this request but from somebody that has constantly whined about everything to do with this is totally laughable.  You whined about all the left over sea monsters and have ZERO clue that sea monsters carried T-Maps proving that you know nothing about sea monsters.  You post the stats of ONE Triton and now you want them as a turn-in, please post all the other Tritons you have.
    How much Fishing Quests does it take to get to earn 100k+ baits, 2x 120 Fishing scrolls plus hundreds of Lava Traps and a lot more ?

    That's what I got in my fishing and, of course, the Sea Serpents I bumped into yielded me more MiBs that I can store besides the maps....

    As in regards to the Tritons, I am currently at 28, is that a number high enough ?
  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    edited May 2019
    What in the world? 28 Tritons? Really? That is a lot. I think you will have to give some away to your Guild mates and friends. I know you must be in a hurry to have the ability to turn them in for points so you can claim more, but I would not hold my breath. Even though to you adding them to the list of pets you can turn in is a simple matter that may not be the case. I am not a programer so I am not sure but the Dev team is working on a lot for us. Why would they stop what they are doing to code something that is not a bug or in dire need to be fixed?? Just my 2 cents. Again that is a lot of points . Is it not 40000 Dabloons per Triton? That is 1,120,000 Dabloons. If that is the cost of them. RNG can be a scrouge. Lol.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    28 Tritons. 3.92M Doubloons.

    Pretty good for someone who has trouble withe the sea creature spawn and getting saltpeter.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Pawain said:
    28 Tritons. 3.92M Doubloons.

    Pretty good for someone who has trouble withe the sea creature spawn and getting saltpeter.
    I try to be creative and overcome my limits whenever possible....

    Problem is, that I do not have Stables' space so, 90% of those are in statues form and I have no clue whether they will turn out to be good Tritons or bad Tritons...

    If i could turn in the bad Tritons to the ZOO for points, perhaps I could see what spawns from those Statuettes....

    Or I need to train up to at least GM Taming more tamers....
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    Or give the bad ones away and stop being greedy.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited May 2019
    Pawain said:
    Or give the bad ones away and stop being greedy.
    The problem is, that it looks that everyone already has plenty Tritons and the low end ones are not wanted, period...

    Every Tamer has at least 1 Triton if not more then 1 already and, unless they are high wrestling, high resists and high dex/strength there is, understandably, no desire to get more....

    I mean, every Tamer already has Stables' issues of their own, why take more Tritons which are low end? What for? To fill up their Stables some more ?

    Sure, if it was a 70%+ Intensity Rating Triton they would take them.... but who'd give those above average Tritons away ?
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    edited May 2019
    Maybe they are limiting it to things you can tame.  The Triton start as a statue, why put a non useable one as a reward?

    They should put the big Cats from Eodon and the Triceratops in the Zoo.Those statues would be nice.

    Maybe next year will be the Zoo revamp and we can do puzzles while the training attempt is going on.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    popps said:
    Pawain said:
    Or give the bad ones away and stop being greedy.
    The problem is, that it looks that everyone already has plenty Tritons and the low end ones are not wanted, period...

    Every Tamer has at least 1 Triton if not more then 1 already and, unless they are high wrestling, high resists and high dex/strength there is, understandably, no desire to get more....

    I mean, every Tamer already has Stables' issues of their own, why take more Tritons which are low end? What for? To fill up their Stables some more ?

    Sure, if it was a 70%+ Intensity Rating Triton they would take them.... but who'd give those above average Tritons away ?
    Maybe put them on a Magincia Vendor.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Arron said:
    popps said:
    Pawain said:
    Or give the bad ones away and stop being greedy.
    The problem is, that it looks that everyone already has plenty Tritons and the low end ones are not wanted, period...

    Every Tamer has at least 1 Triton if not more then 1 already and, unless they are high wrestling, high resists and high dex/strength there is, understandably, no desire to get more....

    I mean, every Tamer already has Stables' issues of their own, why take more Tritons which are low end? What for? To fill up their Stables some more ?

    Sure, if it was a 70%+ Intensity Rating Triton they would take them.... but who'd give those above average Tritons away ?
    Maybe put them on a Magincia Vendor.
    Non spawning pets like the Triton (i.e. spawned off a statuette), that I know of, cannot go on a New Magincia's Vendor stall....
  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    popps said:
    Arron said:
    popps said:
    Pawain said:
    Or give the bad ones away and stop being greedy.
    The problem is, that it looks that everyone already has plenty Tritons and the low end ones are not wanted, period...

    Every Tamer has at least 1 Triton if not more then 1 already and, unless they are high wrestling, high resists and high dex/strength there is, understandably, no desire to get more....

    I mean, every Tamer already has Stables' issues of their own, why take more Tritons which are low end? What for? To fill up their Stables some more ?

    Sure, if it was a 70%+ Intensity Rating Triton they would take them.... but who'd give those above average Tritons away ?
    Maybe put them on a Magincia Vendor.
    Non spawning pets like the Triton (i.e. spawned off a statuette), that I know of, cannot go on a New Magincia's Vendor stall....
    Then I guess for the time being you are stuck like chuck. Sorry.....
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Sell them here or on the other forums or in gen chat or give them away.
  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    Bilbo said:
    Sell them here or on the other forums or in gen chat or give them away.
    Good suggestion. I approve. <span>:smiley:</span>
  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    Also even if the Triton has low stats and skills at spawn, it can still make a great pet. Here is some information for anyone wanting to look into the viability of their Triton as a Excellent Pet.
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