Warriors need help (none of this is sampire related )

My Warrior just can not compete i just can not come close to doing the same damage as an SDI mage or Tamer i don't mind that they do as well as they do and i understand that a sampire could cleave the world in half if they so choose. i want help for my meat and potatoes warrior!

why is damage increase capped at 100 while SDI is not ? i understand diminishing returns etc 
even at 200+ DI on my Archer he can not do half the damage my SDI (143 base) Mystic bard can do .
120 Archer(silver ring and despicable quiver)
120 tactics
110 anatomy
100 resisting spells
100 healing
100 focus
70 chiv
what can i do to improve

Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 


  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    edited May 2019

    I tested archery vs magery not long ago. An elemental damage slayer bow at max swing does about the same damage (no special/no hit spell/regular hit) as a low end sdi mage.

    There's just certain templates that do better than others. It's just how it is.

  • King_GregKing_Greg Posts: 250
    Flamestrikes of ~540 damage with 120 Eval 150 Int 143% Sdi, and maximum Damage modifier Before resists are calculated.

    Not sure on how fast it's supposed to cast but on my end it's 2s to cast a flamestike with 2 faster casting. 

    so 270 Damage Per Second before resists are calculated. 

    A Composite bow Max Base damage is 63-79. Assuming Maximum overcapped damage modifier to compensate for the 90% Damage of Armor ignore. You will hit for ~213 Damage Every 1.25s regardless of resists. Putting it at ~170.4 Damage Per Second. -

    So if the target has more than 37 Fire Resist. Armor ignore from a composite bow will deal more damage on average than a flamestrike per second.

    A two Handed axe in the hands of a 120 tactics, 120 anatomy, 100 lumberjacker with 150 strength and 100% DI  will deal 68-80 Base Damage. Assuming overcapped damage modifier for double strike, it can hit for ~222 * 2 Base damage every 1.25s putting it at 355.2 damage per second before resists are calculated. 

    You would need almost 200% Spell damage be on par with that. but to be fair it's roughly the same investment in suit, but 460 Skill investment vs 240 for the damage. 

  • fonsvitaefonsvitae Posts: 51
    King_Greg said:
    Flamestrikes of ~540 damage with 120 Eval 150 Int 143% Sdi, and maximum Damage modifier Before resists are calculated.

    Not sure on how fast it's supposed to cast but on my end it's 2s to cast a flamestike with 2 faster casting. 

    so 270 Damage Per Second before resists are calculated. 

    A Composite bow Max Base damage is 63-79. Assuming Maximum overcapped damage modifier to compensate for the 90% Damage of Armor ignore. You will hit for ~213 Damage Every 1.25s regardless of resists. Putting it at ~170.4 Damage Per Second. -

    So if the target has more than 37 Fire Resist. Armor ignore from a composite bow will deal more damage on average than a flamestrike per second.

    A two Handed axe in the hands of a 120 tactics, 120 anatomy, 100 lumberjacker with 150 strength and 100% DI  will deal 68-80 Base Damage. Assuming overcapped damage modifier for double strike, it can hit for ~222 * 2 Base damage every 1.25s putting it at 355.2 damage per second before resists are calculated. 

    You would need almost 200% Spell damage be on par with that. but to be fair it's roughly the same investment in suit, but 460 Skill investment vs 240 for the damage. 

    Thanks for this clarifying post.

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    edited May 2019
    Some old Stratics calculators, not sure how up to date they are but might help
    Weapons  https://uo.stratics.com/content/arms-armor/arms.php

    Player vs. Monster Melee Damage Calculator  https://uo.stratics.com/content/arms-armor/damage.php 
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