Apologies again...

EM KincaidEM Kincaid Posts: 204Event Moderator
This annoys me as much, if not more, than you.
I am currently sitting in a hotel, which I didn't have to pay for. That's not the annoying part - the food's pretty good.
The wifi, on the other hand, is not. 
I have been trying since the early hours of this morning to download the latest patch - with no luck whatsoever. I've also tried tethering to my phone, which was even worse.
Given that the patcher is currently at 3%, after 4 hours of downloading, I don't think I'm likely to be able to run an event tonight. So, you'll have to wait until next weekend - when I won't be in a hotel - for those pesky ninjas.

Apologies once again. Hopefully this will be the last disrupted event this year! Anyone who sees this, please let the rest of the shard know via General Chat. Thanks!
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