Treasure Hunter Templates

Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,054
edited May 2019 in Test Center

Been doing some more testing. Found some interesting things with Magery for those worried about cramped templates.

Map                   Magery Skill to Unlock

Stash (1)           50
Supply (2)         80
Cache (3)         100

Magic Untrap is a lower level spell than Unlock, so if you have enough to Unlock, you have enough to Untrap.

Magery skill can be any combination of Real skill and Items. Meaning that with 0 Magery/Med/Eval, and 0 Lockpick/Remove trap, you can still open a Stash if you have +50 in Magery items (Ring/Brace/Spellbook for instance). All you have to do is equip the magery items, cast Unlock/Magic Untrap, and switch back to your standard gear.

If you have 80+ in Magery items you could open a Supply. With only 50 in Magery and 50 in items you can open a Cache.

That means all the loot in the new system is open to you with only 50 Magery, 0 Eval, 0 Med, 0 Lockpicking, 0 Remove Trap.

So basically, a Treasure Hunter Template looks like this

100 Cartograpy (decoding, help with digging, better chest)
50 Magery

That's it. Everything else is up to you. Neat huh?

Edit: I tried Unlock/MagicUntrap scrolls, but they don't lower the skill requirement. You have to have enough base Magery skill (real + items) to succeed with the spell, in order for scrolls to work. At least in my experience.



  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 352
    I thought the Devs wanted to get back to true treasure hunting and hunters. Now it seems like any ol tamer with a splash of magery will do it. Im really starting to think this whole treasure hunting fiasco is just a plot to sell some soul stones. People are just going to disassemble their treasure hunters and stone the skills in hopes the next team fixes things. smh
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,054
    edited May 2019

    While I appreciate your jadedness, I would suspect the outcome will be the opposite of what you state. Most T-hunters I know or have heard discussing these changes, use Magery to get around the map to the different T-hunt locations.

    People were genuinely worried about having to find space for Remove Trap. It appears there is an option where they don't have to. 

    Templates that did not have Mining and have no room for Remove Trap, will be able to replace Lockpicking with Cartography, and use existing Magery for unlocking/untraping.

  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 352
    So you are saying a true treasure hunter is a mage with cartography. No detect hidden, no remove trap, no lockpicking, no mining. hmmm. Sounds a tad lame.
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    jelinidas said:
    I thought the Devs wanted to get back to true treasure hunting and hunters. Now it seems like any ol tamer with a splash of magery will do it. Im really starting to think this whole treasure hunting fiasco is just a plot to sell some soul stones. People are just going to disassemble their treasure hunters and stone the skills in hopes the next team fixes things. smh
    lol yep.  I reckon Forrest will become a tamer, if I continue to play.  After 20 yrs it may be time to build one.  But I have the stones already, so no, they won't get any $$ from me for stones LOL
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,054
    jelinidas said:
    So you are saying a true treasure hunter is a mage with cartography. No detect hidden, no remove trap, no lockpicking, no mining. hmmm. Sounds a tad lame.

    I said nothing of the sort. I am merely reporting what is on Test Center as an option to address a concern voiced in the community. 

    If you ask around, you will probably find many playstyles and templates which consider themselves treasure hunters. I doubt any would consider themselves "less true" than another.

    This Magery option appears as though it will open treasure hunting to even greater variety in skill choice.

  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,054
    edited May 2019

    Heads up,

    You don't need cartography in your template either, not technically. I thought there would be a minimum to dig a Trove, but there isn't.

    I just dug up 2 Trove chests with 0 cartography. Both were Rusted chests. Looks like you could stone Cartography and go dig.

    Chance of getting a Gold chest with 0 cartography is probably....low.

    The idea to actually mess with this came from @Margrette, who has mentioned cartography levels a couple of times. I do not remember seeing anyone post any numbers for it.

  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,054
    edited May 2019

    Ok, so I dug up 26 Stash Chest (Artisan Stash Tokuno) with 0 Cartography skill.

    15 Rusted
    2  Standard
    9 Gold

    So, not only can you dig with 0 Cartography, but the chances at getting the Gold chest, (Stash type anyway) aren't bad.

    As a note, Artisan Rusted chests still have gold, gems, 2 refinements, and 50 of the lower level resources (like Ash, Spined). I also got a .1 SoT from a Rusted.


    25 Trove, 0 Cartography

    20 Rusted
    6 Standard
    1 Gold

    So you can get a Trove gold chest with 0 Cartography. The chance of doing so is pretty low.

    It seems like any sort of barrier/hurdle/gate to get into t-hunting has pretty much been removed at this point.

    You have a strong incentive for Cartography on your template, but it is not mandatory.

    I wonder what the distribution would look like with 0 Cartography and the +5 Cartography Glasses...

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2019

    Say its a Tamer - what's the full template going to look like that maximises your chances?

    I've not been on Test, I don't really enjoy or have time for that side of the game.

    My Tamer/T Hunter currently looks like this - I use Mining/Cartograpgy for stage 1 finding, then soulstone to Hiding/Lockpicking to open the chest. I could drop out Hiding/Mining, and put in Cartography?

  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    edited May 2019
    My current tamer template for treasure hunting is:

    110 animal taming 
    110 animal lore
    100 veterinary
    100 cartography
    100 lockpicking
    100 magery
    100 remove trap

    Works decently enough for my methods. If doing lower level chests, I may stone lockpicking and remove trap for some meditation and eval.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    To me, a treasure hunter is some one who looks for treasure. It can be a rogue thief, it can be a noble paladin, it can be a mystic mindbender. Why does the idea of a ''treasure hunter'' have to fit into a cookie cutter box? A mage can pop the chest open, or a rogue can pick the lock. The more variety, the better! With this revamp, the only requirement for solo content is to be able to read a map. I think that is fantastic. I suppose that is because I want as many people as possible to be able to enjoy UO, with whatever template is fun for them. That is what is best for the survival of UO.

    This is the template I have been using for cache and hoard (GROUP content) chests, across all facets:

    120 Magery
    100 Med
    100 Tame (120 jewls)
    100 Lore (120 jewls)
    100 Carto
    100 LP
    100 RT

    Not having room for vet is a drawback, but careful game play makes it doable for me. People who have good MR suits can prolly get by without meditation and keep the vet.

    For cache maps and lower, it is far simpler.

    120 Magery
    100 Carto
    Whatever I am in the mood for that day

  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,769

    This is mine tamer t hunter.  I did have a mage rogue way back before Pub 22, but when all maps went random I went this way and retired the other.  That is the current copy on TC1 where I been testing maps.  I been told that I am not posting to the format and my posts are being moved or delete.  I am 68yrs and a twice brain injured survivor, the first was an auto accident, the 2nd was a brain brain hemorrhage both within 6 months of each other.  I was in a medical induce coma for two weeks.  So having to follow the FORMAT has been hard for me as it takes a lot of work for me to type and I rather just post images that are far easier for me to follow.

    Pictures are far easier for most older folks like me to follow, written instructions only make it far more confusing, specially for me.  Doing the puzzles is a hard challenge that I rather leave be as they give me headaches (BAD ONES) and I hope they do not continue with bringing that to the game across all shards later.
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,769
    edited May 2019
    P.S.   I had to look up all the hard words there after trying to spell by sound as I read all I type to see if it sounds ok to me, my family will sometime check on me as I get quite loud reading back to myself, a single post that takes most 5 minutes will have me taking three times that time.
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,054
    edited May 2019
    Cookie said:

    Say its a Tamer - what's the full template going to look like that maximises your chances?

    I've not been on Test, I don't really enjoy or have time for that side of the game.

    My Tamer/T Hunter currently looks like this - I use Mining/Cartograpgy for stage 1 finding, then soulstone to Hiding/Lockpicking to open the chest. I could drop out Hiding/Mining, and put in Cartography?

    From what's on test, at least as I am seeing it, the only skill you need to maximize your chances at a gold chest is Cartography 100. You could add the +5 Cartography glasses on top of that, just like mining gloves currently work with mining. That is my understanding at least.

    So, I would say, for your template

    120 Animal Taming
    120 Animal Lore
    120 Veterinary
    100 Hiding
    105 Cartography (100 base skill, +5 cartog glasses)
    100 Mage (unlock/magic untrap)

    This would get you all Stash, Supply, Cache at maximum chance for a gold chest with the least skill investment. At least as I understand it.

    Now, if you really want Hoard/Trove you're going to need some trade offs, because those require lockpick/remove trap - and you must currently solve a puzzle -. That is the current build on TC, so obviously subject to change.

    So, a different template you could use if you really want LP/RT for the Stash, Supply, Cache, or you're going after Hoard/Trove might be,

    120 Animal Taming
    120 Animal Lore
    120 Veterinary
    105 Cartography (100 base skill, +5 cartog glasses)
    100 Lockpicking
    100 Remove Trap
     60 Magery (bump that to 100 with items)

    Depending on how your +skill items are, I think you could lower some skills, and depending on the need for real skill vs. item skill for your particular build, you might even be able to squeeze in Hiding. Not sure, and I'll leave that up to you!

    Keep in mind this is all my understanding of it as it currently sits on TC. I could very well have it wrong, and/or the next TC build could change it all completely.

    Lots of options now, lots of options.

  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,054

    You're fine @Drakelord, I think they are just trying to keep that Strict Guidelines thread on template so that they can sort through all the feedback. From the way it is setup, I'd say someone is actually entering all that feedback into an electronic database.

    I like all your pictures, maybe put them in the thread @Mariah setup where she copy/pasted your last post?

    Also, it was the post you made about your friend accidently killing you with the puzzle trap, that lead me to start thinking about the......potential......of those traps.

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    this is my Tame/peace/disco
    add-ons are tally, inbued ring/bracelet and spell book
    so I could easily drop the bard and add Cart/LP/RT and redo jewels 
    Stats 260

    Str 125

    Dex 25

    Int 105 255

    Lore 115 120 5 120
    Taming 115 120 5 120
    Vet 100 120 20 120
    Discord 94 120 26 120
    Music 94 120 26 120
    Peace 94 120 26 120
    Magery 108 120 15 123

    720 840 123 843

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,433
    Thanks for the feedback there everyone, very helpful.
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 352
    Think of all the soulstones they are going to sell now for all these unneeded skills! Cha-ching!
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
     Not getting a gold/gem bag half the time when using magery to unlock/disarm a chest IS a bug, right? If it is an RNG penalty for not having skill, then ok, but I would like to know. It effects my template.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,054
    Tanager said:
     Not getting a gold/gem bag half the time when using magery to unlock/disarm a chest IS a bug, right? If it is an RNG penalty for not having skill, then ok, but I would like to know. It effects my template.

    What level maps are without the gold/gem bag? Ok, you know what, from now on the gold/gem bag is the GGB. It's like the BBC, but not.

    If you're talking Hoard/Trove, it's not just magery and I am 99.9% sure it's a bug, as described below. If you're talking Stash/Supply/Cache then that might be something totally different.

  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    Tanager said:
     Not getting a gold/gem bag half the time when using magery to unlock/disarm a chest IS a bug, right? If it is an RNG penalty for not having skill, then ok, but I would like to know. It effects my template.
    It definitely needs clarification. This is what the publish notes say:

    Stash (1), Supply (2), and Cache (3) Treasure Chests,
    • Can be unlocked using Lockpicking or Magic Unlock, depending on skill
    • Can be untrapped using Remove Trap or Magic Untrap, depending on skill.
    • Are trapped with an explosion trap, that if activated via direct use or telekinesis will cause a large explosion damaging those nearby and some of the items inside the chest being destroyed.
    I would also lock to know if having a lockpicking failure with no message about gas escaping or anything else happening except that the lockpick broke means that something has been deleted from the chest.  Could that be why so many of the chests don't contain things like recipe scrolls, SoTs, SoAs, deco items, etc.?
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    I have been focused on cache chests, because I am trying to sort out which packs and facets have which deco.

    Every single chest that I dug up using real LP and RT skills had a bag inside. However, when I used magery spells to open the chest, it averaged 50/50 for no bag, sometimes with half a dozen chests in a row having nothing but RNG equipment. This was across several facets.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,054
    Tanager said:
    I have been focused on cache chests, because I am trying to sort out which packs and facets have which deco.

    Every single chest that I dug up using real LP and RT skills had a bag inside. However, when I used magery spells to open the chest, it averaged 50/50 for no bag, sometimes with half a dozen chests in a row having nothing but RNG equipment. This was across several facets.

    Hmm, yeah, in that case I hope it's a bug and not intended.
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