Friendly advice from your Bard/Healer

I love being a support character !! here is some things that will help your friendly Bard/Healer
1. Don't Run i repeat do not run! i know its hard when you are red lined and think you are going to die trust your healer
2. plays off of #1 stay close to your bard or you lose the benefits of their buffs and i cant heal you if you are far away as a rule of thumb i am in the middle of everyone including the bad guys which leads to #3
3. watch your Bards/healers health bar I don't. i can have 7 or 8 health bars plus pets up i don't have time or mana to heal myself. i die others die 
and this may sound simple but be nice to your Bard/healer remember all the money and effort you have put into SDI or Damage etc they have invested in being your support show them love 
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    LOL  This is so true about the running!!  If you just have to run.  Run in a close spiral around the healer, not off his screen!
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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