Rising Tide and the Britannian ship... will there be content friendly for it in the 2019 Timeline ?

poppspopps Posts: 4,130
edited May 2019 in General Discussions
Given its large size, the Britannian Ship seems to be at a gross disadvantage for the Rising Tide content... and in fact, I have not seen anyone using it....

The various Tokuno, Orc and Gargoyle Ships already have maneuvering problems because of the heavy spawn blocking their movements and the Britannian Ship would be at even a further disadvantage...

Nonetheless, considering how the current 2019 Timeline is a revamp of the High Seas, as I understand it, I sure hope that with future additions, perhaps the Forsaken Foes, the Developers will include some good use for the Britannian Ship that would be proper for a Ship of its size, in this 2019...

Considering how it can be available from either the Community Collections or the UOStore, to give it some good use within the current Timeline could be a good way to promote both....

Thoughts ?


  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    popps said:
    Given its large size, the Britannian Ship seems to be at a gross disadvantage for the Rising Tide content... and in fact, I have not seen anyone using it....

    The various Tokuno, Orc and Gargoyle Ships already have maneuvering problems because of the heavy spawn blocking their movements and the Britannian Ship would be at even a further disadvantage...

    Just saw a Britannian ship on Sonoma in the pirate-infested area east of Jhelom.

    I just started going after plunder beacons yesterday. First time doing them and I went at it solo after watching a player-made video about it on YouTube that was very helpful.  I haven't had any trouble with the spawn around the beacons getting in the way.  It just takes some careful maneuvering and sometimes my peace tamer drops what guildmates call "peace bombs" to keep some of the stuff from moving in the way of the ship.  

    There was a little bit of a learning curve involved in learning where to not drive the ship so it wouldn't get damaged by the cannons on the beacon.  And it was also an eye opener when an orc pirate ship crept up to the far end of the ship and started doing damage while I was focused on the other end of the ship.  But other than that, I have to say it's been a lot of fun. I will never get points as quickly as someone using an archer (or two). Went out today with someone asking in chat and OMG he was killing things quick!  But it's been fun and I'll try to keep at it and get a few more tritons and maybe a shoulder parrot (have one triton and one statue so far).  

    So, Popps, if someone as bad at UO as I am can tackle the beacons solo after doing some reading/watching to learn how, I think almost anyone else ought to be able to do it too.  The spawn around the beacons is NOT something that should prevent people from taking out the beacons.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    ^^^^ LIKE
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    I do think the big ship should get some .love at the very least make the cannon damage equal to the orc ships i would also like to see at least the dragon boats be much faster than the orc ships if you have less guns and do less damage you should at least have the advantage of speed 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
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