Did anyone claim the Triton yet ? Is there any variation in the claimed Tritons ?

poppspopps Posts: 4,130
edited May 2019 in General Discussions
The Triton looks to be up as a Reward for 140,000 points.

It requires a Grandmaster Tamer (not sure about Lore) to be claimed.

Has anyone so far claimed it ?

Is there much variation, if any at all, in the Tritons that get spawned this way ?

And, if there is a variation in the Tritons spawned as a Reward, please do Post youtr Triton's Stats so that we can figure out what will are the Low end spawned Tritons's stats and what the High end spawned Tritons' stats.....

If there is a large variation, I imagine the trouble that Tamers will have with having to find many Stables' slots for all of the "bad" Tritons that they will get as spawned until they get those good ones (assuming of course that they have sufficient points to keep claiming Tritons over and over...), before deciding what to do with the "bad stats" Tritons.....


  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    Just to clarify, any character can claim the statuette from the Black Market NPC, but only a GM tamer can turn the statuette into an instantly bonded pet.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited May 2019
    Mariah said:
    Just to clarify, any character can claim the statuette from the Black Market NPC, but only a GM tamer can turn the statuette into an instantly bonded pet.


    Unless all Tritons will come with same, likewise Stats, does the Triton Statuette already show the stats that the Triton will come as when claimed from that Statuette (which would be way more preferable to be, to my viewing, if the Tritons will get spawned with different low-average-high Stats), or does one have to actually turn the Statuette into a live Triton in order to get to know what stats it spawned with ?

    The reason for saying that, in case the Tritons will get spawned in varied Stats (low-average-high), is because, if the Statuette can show those Stats, players not wanting those low end Tritons will be able to keep them as a Statuette and, thus, not have to give up Stable slots until they figure out what to do with those "bad" Tritons...

    If, instead, the sole and only way (which I hope it is not) to get to actually "see" the Stats for that Triton will have to be to turn the Statuette into a live Triton.... well.... then I imagine that some more picky Tamers, might have trouble with their available Stable Slots.... assuming that they have sufficient Doubloons to keep claiming Tritons over and over and turning Statuettes into live Tritons, until they get one with the High Stats that they might want....
  • HippoHippo Posts: 320
    My first Triton was 122.5 wrestle and 160ish resist magic - saves me 2 120 scrolls there! my other Tamer got a 117 wrestle 160ish resist magic - both have overcapped DEX.
  • HippoHippo Posts: 320
    And the price is very much lower than i Feared so I may get on to keep as a statue for deor :)

  • LynkLynk Posts: 186
    I will buy a low end triton if someone gets one they dont want to keep.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    I have given you all the information I have, I would not expect the creatures stats to show before it is claimed; it is so unlikely that I doubt that it occurred to any claiming tamer to examine the statue that closely.
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    edited May 2019
    popps said:

    If there is a large variation, I imagine the trouble that Tamers will have with having to find many Stables' slots for all of the "bad" Tritons that they will get as spawned until they get those good ones (assuming of course that they have sufficient points to keep claiming Tritons over and over...), before deciding what to do with the "bad stats" Tritons.....

    If you did a little searching, uo-cah.com has had the triton ranges there for the past 2 months, since it was on TC.  It's the same from what we have now seen on live. 

    This one  is a lower end triton and it's still a beast:


    A little looking around can find most of the answers you are seeking.

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Question answered time to lock
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited May 2019
    Violet said:
    popps said:

    If there is a large variation, I imagine the trouble that Tamers will have with having to find many Stables' slots for all of the "bad" Tritons that they will get as spawned until they get those good ones (assuming of course that they have sufficient points to keep claiming Tritons over and over...), before deciding what to do with the "bad stats" Tritons.....

    If you did a little searching, uo-cah.com has had the triton ranges there for the past 2 months, since it was on TC.  It's the same from what we have now seen on live. 

    This one  is a lower end triton and it's still a beast:


    A little looking around can find most of the answers you are seeking.

    Well, it was not a granted that today's final release would have been an exact photocopy of what was seen these past 2 months on Test server, right ?

    What if anything about the Triton was changed AFTER the Test spawns ?

    The range for the Triton stats could and would have been different to the one reported by uo-cah.com, right ?

    Only seeing what comes out from today onwards, it is possible to realize whether the Tritons now spawning are the exact same that have been spawning on Test server in the past 2 months or whether there was anything changed to them.... right ?

    Therefore, I think, it still is necessary to see what stats they are coming out with, from today's onwards, "regardless" of what was seen on Test server because we simply have not a clue whether the Tritons we are getting are the same of the Test server or not...

    At least, that is how I see it, UNLESS someone has positive word from the Developers that they released the Tritons in all of its variations AS SEEN ON TEST SERVER, with no changes whatsoever to them....
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Bilbo said:
    Question answered time to lock
    Not really, considering that I was asking players to post their Tritons' stats and we have no guarantee that the Tritons that are spawning from today are exactly the same ranges as those seen on Test...

    Or is there any OFFICIAL word from the Developers that what we are getting is precisely what was seen on Test server, particularly in regards to the low, average and high end ranges of the Tritons spawning ?
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    edited May 2019
    Violet said:

    A little looking around can find most of the answers you are seeking.

    Cah transferred over to Europa (one of the first servers to have tritons active) last night with hundreds of mythical crates.  We spawned a substantial amount of tritons.  Every single triton was in line with the 100s of tritons we spawned on test center.  This morning after server up on our server, we spawned dozens more tritons and again, all tritons in line with our tc figures.  Some people who play actual do valid and thorough testing.

    So when I say the information is out there, I mean the information is out there.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Violet said:
    Violet said:

    A little looking around can find most of the answers you are seeking.

    Cah transferred over to Europa (one of the first servers to have tritons active) last night with hundreds of mythical crates.  We spawned a substantial amount of tritons.  Every single triton was in line with the 100s of tritons we spawned on test center.  This morning after server up on our server, we spawned dozens more tritons and again, all tritons in line with our tc figures.  Some people who play actual do valid and thorough testing.

    So when I say the information is out there, I mean the information is out there.
    "Some people who play actual do valid and thorough testing."

    No doubts, and hats off to these players.

    YET, there was no guarantee, is my argument, that the actual Tritons coming from the live release of today would have been reflecting the ranges seen on Test.

    Unless, of course, any of the Developers did confirm that no change was done from those Tritons seen on Test with those ranges that they came out with on Test server...
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    .... @popps

    why for you argue with ppl who answer you?
    and why for you continue this even though, for as long as there's been a TC, there hasn't been communique from the devs that ever guarantees anything from test?

    you know this.... 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Kirthag said:
    .... @ popps

    why for you argue with ppl who answer you?
    and why for you continue this even though, for as long as there's been a TC, there hasn't been communique from the devs that ever guarantees anything from test?

    you know this.... 
    "... there hasn't been communique from the devs that ever guarantees anything from test?...."

    In that phrase is the "why"....

    Precisely because there has not been communique from the devs that ever guarantees anything from Test server to be "flat out" be brought over to Production Servers, I thought to ask what players where getting, as of today after Server maintainance, for their claimed Tritons in their ranging of Stats, from the lowest ones to the highest ones....

    It does not sound as reasonable and understandable ?
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    and that is why we tested to confirm it was the same, this confirmation was done last night before people on American servers had access to tritons.  And this information was made available in multiple places last night.  Again, if you look for the information....

    it amazes me the people's info you take at face value regarding taming but people who actually do the work, test, retest and verify and you need a developers blessing that they may be correct.

    if you want everything spelled out for you by the devs, they don't have the resources to do that for you.  But other people do take the time to spell a lot of things out with hard work.
  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    edited May 2019
    This doesn't have the resists and stuff, i was just tracking the stats and overcap skills, but there's 9 that got claimed to look at.  Intensity includes all stats/resists/etc though.

    Now if only i could copy them to test center to do some build work, or claim statues again on TC....
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    popps said:
    Kirthag said:
    .... @ popps

    why for you argue with ppl who answer you?
    and why for you continue this even though, for as long as there's been a TC, there hasn't been communique from the devs that ever guarantees anything from test?

    you know this.... 
    "... there hasn't been communique from the devs that ever guarantees anything from test?...."

    In that phrase is the "why"....

    Precisely because there has not been communique from the devs that ever guarantees anything from Test server to be "flat out" be brought over to Production Servers, I thought to ask what players where getting, as of today after Server maintainance, for their claimed Tritons in their ranging of Stats, from the lowest ones to the highest ones....

    It does not sound as reasonable and understandable ?
    totally reasonable and understandable.

    what isn't is your propensity to argue with players who answer you, and your continuous insinuations that the dev team should do as you want them to.

    the point of the TC is for us players to test new stuffs that have survived the devs' internal testing, the devs then watch what the players are doing on the TC, and for the devs to make tweaks as necessary. The devs publish what they push out via the publish notes, and then players (like the awesome Cah guild) proofs on the prodo shards to see the details.

    if the devs were to spell out everything for us, the game would be boring.

    so pls. stop with the poking and insinuating - THAT is what makes people exasperated with you.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    I'm giving away 120 and up wrestling on LS after governors meeting.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited May 2019
    Seems you cannot put a triton on the New Magincia pet vendor, I tried and it doesn't recognise the Triton as being in the stable to be able to add it.  @Kyronix

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • AaylaAayla Posts: 170
    Pawain said:
    I'm giving away 120 and up wrestling on LS after governors meeting.

    I’ll use it Allen hehe
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    Aayla said:
    Pawain said:
    I'm giving away 120 and up wrestling on LS after governors meeting.

    I’ll use it Allen hehe
    You need to take it so i can make more.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    MissE said:
    Seems you cannot put a triton on the New Magincia pet vendor, I tried and it doesn't recognise the Triton as being in the stable to be able to add it.  @ Kyronix

    No summoned pets can go on the New Magincia vendor, been like that forever.
  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    Then can they be transfered?

  • LynkLynk Posts: 186
    I started pet training one tonight.. saw I couldn't add Chiv.  You could add chiv on TC, was that removed from production?
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    @popps how about you go claim a bunch of Tritons and post your findings or did you even do any sea battles to get the chests to even claim one Triton.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    edited May 2019
    Mariah said:
    Just to clarify, any character can claim the statuette from the Black Market NPC, but only a GM tamer can turn the statuette into an instantly bonded pet.
    members of my guild said last night, that they have 800K worth of points & the Triton isn't on the list to claim (they don't have taming & were trying to claim it for their tamer)... 

    it seems that it isn't showing up for some people... I just looked with a few chars that don't have taming and it was on the list. I was looking in the CC client, I'm not sure but I think the people that couldn't find it were in EC.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    This is not a client problem, it is a player problem, Please advise your EC playing guildmates to turn to page 3 of the npc's menu, the triton is listed after the title deeds.
  • LynkLynk Posts: 186
    In case anyone was wondering, you have to be positive karma while leveling your pet for the Animal Training to select chiv.  Fixing karma after you go through pet training didn't help.  
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    If you have positive Karma you should see Chivalry.  There was a TC bug.  If you do not see Chivalry on the menu, go to the planner screen and select chivalry then remove the planner and you will then be able to choose Chivalry.

    I got the bug on TC but not on my shard.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    Lynk said:
    In case anyone was wondering, you have to be positive karma while leveling your pet for the Animal Training to select chiv.  Fixing karma after you go through pet training didn't help.  

    It should help, you have to command the pet after fixing karma to have it show up.
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