Crew can move your ship
Ok why is it necessary for Crew to move the ship? Firing cannons yes, moving my ship NO! I had to remove crew status of one that was moving my ship without my permission, I made them a passenger. I think they need to reset this to Officers and Captains only being able to move the ship
Remove Trap = Bad News
Treasure Hunters

Treasure Hunters

Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
This is what I found when I returned
Treasure Hunters
You should have waited for him to recall away and set your ship to deny. Or just set the ship to Deny before you logged off. This only cost you 20 mins and some wood cloth and ingots. You are lucky the cannons were not destroyed.
I do not feel the menu needs changed for one player leaving his ship and leaving others on board without setting the ship to deny before they left. Deny does change the Access list.
We have a guy who falls asleep and he will be on board while I'm ready to dock. But I can not, so I set the the ship to deny because when he talks he has the ship commands on letters. When I can tell he is writing a long sentence I take myself off the wheel and watch the ship move around.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo