Being Targeted by Monsters and Hiding vs. Invisibility spell....

poppspopps Posts: 4,130
edited April 2019 in General Discussions
I noticed, that even at GM 100.0 Hiding skill, being targeted by a Monster in the nearness usually makes it more difficult to Hide....

Instead, the Invisibility spell or the Invisibility potions always work and, infact, what players usually do is first cast the spell or eat the potion and afterwards, use the Hiding skill for a longer duration...

Now, considering the high investment in Hiding skill points, shouldn't this skill, at least at high levels, work always, with no fails, regardless of being targeted by nearby monsters, under attack or whatever?


  • The potions and spells are Magic in nature. The hiding skill is reliant on you being sneaky and it’s hard to do that when a monster is looking directly at you. You can pop a smoke bomb and hide when they are looking at you. 
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

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  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    I understand that still, it is an investment of 100.0 skill points into Hiding and, I think, it should be more rewarding Monster targeting or not...
  • there Is a benefit from the investment. You get a higher chance that you will succeed at hiding, when you your are at least 7 tiles away from a Mob/player that is targeting you. 
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

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  • CentadoCentado Posts: 1
    Having high hiding also makes it more difficult for monsters to reveal you
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited April 2019
    there Is a benefit from the investment. You get a higher chance that you will succeed at hiding, when you your are at least 7 tiles away from a Mob/player that is targeting you. 
    I understand that, I was only noticing how, with 100.0 GM investment in Hiding skill one MUST be 7 tiles away from a Monster targeting while, with no skill points investment, zero, nothing, with a simple hiding potion or in case of invisibility spell (a 6th circle spell) with much less investment of points in Magery (not sure for a 6th circle what magery would guarantee 100% success at casting) one gets a guaranteed hiding....

    It is the notable difference that strikes me...

    The Hiding skill seems to me grossly penalized here.......
  • Hiding lasts until you reveal yourself or get revealed, which is harder the higher your hiding skill. The spells/potions have a time limit and let you be revealed more easily. If you want to see a change you should come up with an exact benefit you want to see, and suggest it to the Devs. 
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • TimTim Posts: 839
    Not that reality has much to do with UO but. Your enemy is looking directly at you from 7 feet or less and you can hide from him? In that situation the spell will probably be disrupted, will be disrupted if he has a rang attack. With the potion you need a free hand or a "balanced" bow. The only guaranteed hide is with Ninjitsu and a smoke bomb. I find the extra 50 point in Ninjitsu well worth it and the present system reasonable and balanced. Each method has it plus and minuses.
  • Tim said:
    Not that reality has much to do with UO but. Your enemy is looking directly at you from 7 feet or less and you can hide from him? In that situation the spell will probably be disrupted, will be disrupted if he has a rang attack. With the potion you need a free hand or a "balanced" bow. The only guaranteed hide is with Ninjitsu and a smoke bomb. I find the extra 50 point in Ninjitsu well worth it and the present system reasonable and balanced. Each method has it plus and minuses.
    agreed, the points you invest are up  to and whether you feel they are justified. Personally I feel hiding is good as is, mainly because the only characters i have hiding on also have Ninjer. smoke bombs work well with it.
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    Please refer to and read the following publish dated 08/13/1998.

    There was a reason it was changed i am sure.

    I find reading the old publishes healthy as it gives a picture of the world back then. :D

    I have a thief and have never had an issue running a bit and hiding or casting invis. Just have to get faster and dance with the monsters popps.

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited April 2019
    Gidge said:
    Please refer to and read the following publish dated 08/13/1998.

    There was a reason it was changed i am sure.

    I find reading the old publishes healthy as it gives a picture of the world back then. :D

    I have a thief and have never had an issue running a bit and hiding or casting invis. Just have to get faster and dance with the monsters popps.

    I know that....

    The Publish says...

    "Hiding whilst fighting will become completely impossible. This means that if anyone is attempting to attack you, or you have currently got an opponent active, you will not be able to hide. You will still be able to run away and hide."

    Infact, as I said in the OP, what players do when in a combat situation or aggroed, is cast the invisibility spell or use an invisibility potion or a smoke Bomb (Ninja) and, after that, use the hiding skill because that first act breaks aggro and thus permits to use the hiding skill.

    What I am arguing though, is that this change was probably needed in a different UO 20 Years ago.... now, with skills reaching 120 and yet the CAP only being 20 points over the 700 it was back then, and more skills needed on a Template to cope with tougher Monsters which have been pumped up many folds since 20 years ago, skill points, at least to my viewing, is a valuable asset in a Template, especially now with Masteries requiring REAL skill points and not skill points on items to give their bonuses....

    So, is my thinking, perhaps a large investment of 100 skill points in Hiding should, 20 Years after, be reconsidered and be given more advantages as it now has, in a "different" Ultima Online as compared to the one it was 20 Years ago...

    It is only an opinion, sure, and of course others have different opinions, mine though, is that such a generous investment in skill points in a single skill which only it does is HIDE the character, nothing else, should at least be damn good and efficient when it comes to its ONLY reason to exist, being under attack or aggroed or not.
  • I'm guessing this has to do with non melee templates, because shadow strike.  Not to mention all the bonuses and checks with ninjitsu.  It has its great uses.
  • Hiding works with stealth, invis does not. They are 2 completely different things. I find hiding to be much more useful.
  • Hiding works with stealth, invis does not. They are 2 completely different things. I find hiding to be much more useful.
    Especially on Siege. 
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

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