Pub 105 - Treasure Map Update Phase I *Bugs, Loot, and Guardian Mob Distribution Only*

KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,171Dev
edited April 2019 in Test Center
See the previous thread here for more discussion.

In this thread please limit posts to answer the following questions and providing feedback specific to Loot & Guardian Mobs, 

What level and type of map did you complete? What facet were you on?

How many members are in your party?  How long did it take you to complete the chest encounter from the time the guardians spawned to the time all the guardians were dead?

Did you encounter any issues with receiving maps with incorrect names from the Davies Locker?  Maps that you transferred over?  Maps that were complete and are now unreadable?  Maps that you could not decode?  Did you encounter other bugs?  When supplying a bug report we need steps to reproduce in order to recreate and fix the bug.  What were your exact steps that lead to the situation you believe is a bug?

What was your cartography skill while digging up the chest? Were you using any Cartography modifying items (like a talisman)?  What was the quality (Rusty, Standard, Gold) of the chest you were digging up?

What is your impression of the loot that you found in the chest? 

The following topics should not be discussed in this thread...

The distribution of powerscrolls in facets other than Felucca.
The role of remove trap in the Treasure Hunting process (it has been temporarily removed, and will come with a future update and we will focus on that then).

Thank you to everyone who has participated so far - good feedback is key and we are very grateful for you taking the time!  See you on TC!


  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    edited April 2019
    @Kyronix, I've put my chest-digging results in this spreadsheet on the tab labelled "TC Results":

    I'm seeing on nearly every map that the profession information changes when the map is removed from the locker.  Also, there seems to be a noticeable difference in using a cartography talisman (+21% bonus) vs. not for number of attempts to find the chest.  

  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited April 2019
    I posted this in the other thread, so sorry for repeat if you already got it. It does not pertain specifically to the requested info on loot and guardians, but might be a factor in the unreadable maps.

    I tested the Town Cryer treasure hunter quest. I can get to the point where I am given the first map - correctly called a Stash. Quest updates at the provisioner for supplies. When I dig up the map, a new map pops in my backpack for a Supply. So far, so good. However, digging up the Supply map just keeps giving me a new Supply map, and the quest will not advance. The quest text is looking for an expert map. The quest maps have a different name, and are blessed before they are decoded. I did this about 10 times before giving up. The quest map has extra description saying it came from a hoard, which confused me at first. I think the wording for this should be changed to avoid confusion.

    The people who are having unreadable maps in their copied Davie's Locker: did you by chance repeat this quest a few times, and store the quest maps? Perhaps they did not correctly transition due to the different name and coding.

    While working on this quest-test, I did one stash and several supply maps, and a couple cache maps. I really like the new bags, they are very cute, and I like that I can just grab one item and be done. There was not much else in the chests, however. An artisan one had a crate with half a dozen refinements, which is nice for cleanup points, and 50-100 boards. A bunch of the Supply level ones had the bag, and a handful of items but nothing I was interested in looting. A couple Supply chests had a map for a cache. I don't know if luck mattered, but I was wearing 770 luck. All of the quest maps dug up the gold looking chest. The cache maps from inside the supply chest were normal looking chests and had some ok gear but again, nothing I would be interested in at my level. I ended up with over 300 of each gem pretty quickly, and that was nice. My initial impression, however, is that I would stop doing the low level ''solo'' chests after obtaining a few of the nifty new bags. These were all in Trammel.

    Not one of the Supply chests had any sort of artifact or scroll of alacrity. They were quest chests tho, so I don't know if that is a factor. However, I hope the drop rate is not that low.

    What facet or packages will have the orbs and blue scrolls? That is my primary reason for doing treasure maps.
    maps.jpg 130.6K
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    @Kyronix I know you are busy and may have overlooked this and other posts in the other thread concerning LUCK but would you please give us an answer to how Luck will affect loot with the new changes considering this is in UO Wiki

    Systems Affected by Luck

    Luck will affect the following systems,

    Treasure Chest Loot

    Luck is not mentioned anywhere in this publish as a factor
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    @Kyronix, currently you sometimes get MIBs as treasure chest loot.  I don't see them mentioned as possible loot in the publish notes.  Is that an oversight or will we really not be able to get them anymore from treasure chests?
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,171Dev
    Re: Luck - it will play a roll in some regard, how it factors with other chest generation variables is TBD at this point, but we have no plans to ditch luck from Treasure Hunting right now.  Shooting from the hip, I'm thinking it will factor into whether you get a rusty, standard, gold chest (currently that is based solely on Carto skill).

    Re: SoS as loot, they are currently not implemented.  The goal is to separate the systems.  Given the ease of acquring an SoS (either via the vet reward or fishing) adding them to T-Maps was verbose.

    @Tanager thanks for the report!

    @Margrette thanks for putting that together and the reports!
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    I don't suppose we could get cartography talismans added to the scribe BOD rewards? Or... some way to get them.

  • WhesslesWhessles Posts: 49
    Tanager said:
    I don't suppose we could get cartography talismans added to the scribe BOD rewards? Or... some way to get them.

    I actually wondered if they could be added to the chests themselves, Something rare, but attainable. I have yet to see one in production, and maybe that is by design. I see people saying they have them so it seems they were or maybe even are attainable from peerless. I just have not had the luck to see one. I won't harp on this, as I know this thread is designed to stay more around bugs, but maybe this idea should be pinned for later discussion. Also, it does relate to chest loot, at least tangentially. 
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,744
    Kyronix said:

    Re: SoS as loot, they are currently not implemented.  The goal is to separate the systems.  Given the ease of acquring an SoS (either via the vet reward or fishing) adding them to T-Maps was verbose.
    You won't be able to get them from Krakens any more?
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited April 2019
    Yes, sorry - my thinking was that since the talismans appear to effect either the quality of the chest or perhaps the loot inside, that it might be nice to address the issue of a talisman shortage. I have NEVER seen such a beast, and I do a lot of peerless. Adding talismans in general to the chest loot would be nice, similar to the ML quest reward chests. Maybe the artisan chests, since they don't seem to have much going for them. Or BOD master crafter tali would be even nicer, since we could directly target that specific skill. Anyway, I don't wanna go off on a tangent. Just a possible loot to consider adding, please!

    EDIT: Some one on Siege just gave me a 12%, so I can confirm they do, in fact, exist.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Kyronix said:
    Re: Luck - it will play a roll in some regard, how it factors with other chest generation variables is TBD at this point, but we have no plans to ditch luck from Treasure Hunting right now.  Shooting from the hip, I'm thinking it will factor into whether you get a rusty, standard, gold chest (currently that is based solely on Carto skill).

    Re: SoS as loot, they are currently not implemented.  The goal is to separate the systems.  Given the ease of acquring an SoS (either via the vet reward or fishing) adding them to T-Maps was verbose.

    @ Tanager thanks for the report!

    @ Margrette thanks for putting that together and the reports!
    Why would you even consider ditching luck at all considering that we spent real money at the UO Store to get an item to make our luck suits and yes we understand that luck never really worked the way it was sold to us and we accepted that and now you are thinking about doing away with luck on T-Map loot.  Let Cardo do the types of chests but luck should have the same roll it has always had on the loot side.  Same thing should be done with MIBs, let Fishing factor what level of chest and luck factor in quality.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    Margrette said:
    @ Kyronix, I've put my chest-digging results in this spreadsheet on the tab labelled "TC Results":

    I'm seeing on nearly every map that the profession information changes when the map is removed from the locker.  Also, there seems to be a noticeable difference in using a cartography talisman (+21% bonus) vs. not for number of attempts to find the chest.  

    That is an impressive spreadsheet, thanks! Will you be updating more results?
  • WhesslesWhessles Posts: 49
    Question: T6 maps before were worth 1k cleanup and T7 were worth 1500
    These have been reduced to 500 and 750 respectively (Horde and Trove).  
    Was this done purposely, or this simply a conversion oversight?
    I ask because I didn't see any information about this modification in the treasure map information.
    I ask here rather than the cleanup thread because this change directly relates to maps more than an addition to clean up capable items. 

  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    edited April 2019
    Tanager said:
    Margrette said:
    @ Kyronix, I've put my chest-digging results in this spreadsheet on the tab labelled "TC Results":

    I'm seeing on nearly every map that the profession information changes when the map is removed from the locker.  Also, there seems to be a noticeable difference in using a cartography talisman (+21% bonus) vs. not for number of attempts to find the chest.  

    That is an impressive spreadsheet, thanks! Will you be updating more results?
    Have been adding to it for the last couple hours.  It has the results from 24 stash chests (12 done in Trammel and 12 done in Fel) and so far 7 supply chests (2 done in Malas and 5 done in Fel).  I am not sure I'll be doing anything higher than those two levels today.  I brought over maps from 3 different shards so hopefully there will be enough of those two levels for me to mess around for a while. 

  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    @Kyronix - I take back my comment about using a cartography talisman being helpful for finding chests.  Seems like this morning it isn't helping at all to find the chests on a t-hunter that has 0 mining skill and 100 cartography.
  • WhesslesWhessles Posts: 49
    Ilsh Rusty Warrior Horde: (Solo)

    Map required 3 attempts 1 said wait one failed third attempt decoded 100 unmodded cart. 

    Mobs: Similar to Ilsh 6. Minions Gargoyles changelings dig 2-3 tries mostly due to terrain 
    Mobs took about 2 mins to kill if that. Majority of time spent writing this up and running to the actual spot. 

    I am not sure I understand the loot table here. I would think that Warrior would be sword/shield and barbarion would be 2hander (or vice versa) 
    No loot went over Major magic level*

    5 weapons (3 1h swords 2 2hand fence) No Splinter No Reactive Paralyze (Only things I usually look for in ilsh map loot) 2 antique 1 brittle 2 clean of negative prop.

    2 shield (no reactive para) one 50 stone 1 cursed both had eater of some type one at 12% 1 at 3
    decent probs. not specialised but not too magey. 

    1 chain armor Reflect Lrc and 24 phys resist, others sub 10 not mage armor definitely falls into junk loot category for me personally

    ring clean 3 prop with 20 hci 15 Di and MR1 I might take this and hoard it as a base for something due to the overcapped HCI.

    41k gold and gems 20k direct sell at Brit jeweler.

    In short, this really wasn't worth the time. This is DEFINITELY not an improvement over the old system. I netted 30k more gold due to the increase in gold and the easily available gems, but I don't do 6s (or hordes) for the gold count. This is all about the items attainable and none of this was anything I couldn't get in shame 1 tram.
    I hope the specifics help to drive home that point. I would expect at least 1 decent splinter or reactive para item from this same map as a T6 I would also expect to see possibly 1 low legendary or at minimum 1 low major art on a bad roll. 
    I would expect to find at least 4 to 5 items with ovecaps in DI HCI DCI SDI or stat bonuses. 
    I might expect a 100% weapon of some type (to be fair I only ever personally look for poison) 
    I might find a +20 jewelry item
    I would also be peeking in the green bag for one of the minor instruments for a bard. 
    All of these are why I do the higher end  maps. It isn't about a larger pile of gold. 

    I would get more of that per hour farming from Tsuki wolves, or miasma, or any number of other creatures. 
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    @Kyronix ; There seems to be a problem with partying.   Just did a chest with treasure hunter and tamer partied.  They have been partied for about half an hour already.  On this chest, the t-hunter's EVs killed all of the initial spawn.  The tamer looted the chest.  The treasure hunter recalled to the house. However, at that point the tamer was unable to open any of the corpses killed by the t-hunter's EVs.  Brought the t-hunter back and then the tamer could open the corpses.   I'm pretty sure that it had not been long enough for the corpses to become lootable by anyone.
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    edited April 2019
    @Kyronix - So far have had 2 supply maps that failed their first decoding attempt even though cartography skill was at 100. (The messages were for failure to read, not for needing to wait for the map to be generated.)
  • ZamotZamot Posts: 55
    I may have missed this, but have not seen the converting of old maps addressed.  I just transfered 2 old maps over to test.  1 map was a "youthful treasure map" that was converted to  "Unreadable Treasuremap".  The second map was a "Tattered Cleverly drawn Treasure map Artifact rarity 0"  This one was changed to the new system.  I do not know where this one came from only that it has been around for years.  What are the chances that once this goes live that these items will be converted/changed? @Kyronix

  • WhesslesWhessles Posts: 49
    edited April 2019
    Ilsh Standard Assasin Horde (Solo)
    2 attempts to decode 
    5 or 6 attempts to dig (terrain LOS issues)
    4 titan 1 satyr 1 changeling (4mins or so total kill) 

    70k gold with gems sell value (going off current brit prices as a rough estimate)
    Ilsh barb trove map

    3 pieces of jewelry (all 3 had 18 SDI 2 had 15 HCI 1 had 20 HCI) some other melee bonuses on each  I PERSONALLY overlook anything with both SDI and melee bonuses. So these all looked useless to me immediately. I know there are temps that might use this, but I don't see how an assassin would. 2 prized 1 no adverse prop

    3 bandanas at the X magic item level. Again way too low for the chest strength they came from (considering the consolidated quality over quantity theme). properties were basically inline with a melee toon.

     70/30 poison dagger with HMD lesser magic 

    greater arti cutlass Splinter 15 HML 87 SC UBW cursed . 90% of people would see the cursed and just move on. The Splinter and HML would make me avoid it even without curse not enough PVP not enough PVM just an RNG oops

    Greater Arti kryss HL70 HLL20 HMD 30 HCI 20 FC1 Battle lust Brittle. Maybe your assasin runs SW or Chiv? Again this is kind of a mess HLM isn't going to do you any good in PVM HLL useless in PVP. 

    I know this is all the way the RNG has made this stuff since the dawn of time, but if quality over quantity is the mantra. then quality should be increasing as quantity is decreasing.
    Reasoning: if I have 60 shots at the RNG instead of 10 over time I am definitely bound to get more decent hits. 

    The items here definitely better reflected the ILSH items I am accustomed to, but since I am fairly newly back from nearly 20 years I am not sure if what I know of ilsh items are actually introductions during the Ilsh expansion (specifically lusts, splinter and reactive paras. maybe eaters as well) .

  • WhesslesWhessles Posts: 49
    Ilsh Barbarian Rusted Trove (solo) 

    2 attempts to decode 100 unmodded cart
    Dug first try

    2 gargoyles 2 Satyrs Dragon wolf and minion. Satyr minion combo killed my pet. 2 hits at 348 each. no recovering from that.  This should have been easily soloed without the death, but I got a bit cocky. 

    18 RNG items plate, dragon, and woodland armor, Macing weps. + wrestle skill jewelry. NOTHING over major magic item, and I think only one of those. Quite a few required 125 str. 

    51k gold and 20k or so in gems maybe 25. 

    I would literally expect to see this loot distribution in a current T2 maybe a T3. Obviously much more gold, but the items themselves would equate to a MUCH lower map level. 
  • WhesslesWhessles Posts: 49
    edited April 2019
    Chests seem to be decaying in 10-15 minutes. I don't know the exact timing, but they seem to last a lot less time than the old ones did. 

  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,054
    edited April 2019


    Noticed something odd with the gems.

    5 maps (all Mage Stash, Tokuno)
    100 Cartography (Real)
    260 Luck
    Recorded (Excel) the chests as Rusty, but not sure now if they were Rusty, Standard, or Gold.

    The gems in the bag are in alphabetical order (Default EC, backpack grid view), which is nice actually, but the gem totals scale similarly in all chests. 11 min to ~40 max.

    Meaning there are 11 Amber in every chest, ~15 Amathyst, ~ 18 Citrine....etc., and ~40 Tourmaline.

    So if I did 100 chests I'd have 1100 Amber, ~1500 Amathyst, ~1800 Citrine... etc., and ~4000 Tourmaline.

    (~ is supposed to be Tilde, or "about")

    Is this intended, or should the gem amounts be more random then that? The alphabetical order is nice, but it might be more interesting to get 22 Amber in a chest and 15 Tourmaline, just for variety.

  • WhesslesWhessles Posts: 49
    Malas Assasin standard trove (Solo)

    7 attempts to decode first 3 must wait then 3 failures 
    Found first dig 100 unmodded cart 
    2 rotting 1 mino general 1 devourer i mino scout 1 dragon wolf  4-5 mins 

    61k and ~ 25k in gems

    18 RNG items 9 of which were bandanas 
    1 greater arti bandana antique. 
    5 major magic items
    everything else lower
    No special items

    This might have been an old T4? I mean comparable loot intensity. Concerning that this is the loot distribution in a standard chest at top level. 

  • WhesslesWhessles Posts: 49


    Noticed something odd with the gems.

    5 maps (all Mage Stash, Tokuno)
    100 Cartography (Real)
    260 Luck
    Recorded (Excel) the chests as Rusty, but not sure now if they were Rusty, Standard, or Gold.

    The gems in the bag are in alphabetical order (Default EC, backpack grid view), which is nice actually, but the gem totals scale similarly in all chests. 11 min to ~40 max.

    Meaning there are 11 Amber in every chest, ~15 Amathyst, ~ 18 Citrine....etc., and ~40 Tourmaline.

    So if I did 100 chests I'd have 1100 Amber, ~1500 Amathyst, ~1800 Citrine... etc., and ~4000 Tourmaline.

    (~ is supposed to be Tilde, or "about")

    Is this intended, or should the gem amounts be more random then that? The alphabetical order is nice, but it might be more interesting to get 22 Amber in a chest and 15 Tourmaline, just for variety.

    I just checked my trove. Sure enough they are aphabetical and the amount increases as you go left to right. 
  • Kyronix Posts: 407Dev
    Re: Luck - it will play a roll in some regard, how it factors with other chest generation variables is TBD at this point, but we have no plans to ditch luck from Treasure Hunting right now.  Shooting from the hip, I'm thinking it will factor into whether you get a rusty, standard, gold chest (currently that is based solely on Carto skill).
    Q: Is it the case that luck is figured in when I start digging, rather than when I open the chest?

  • WhesslesWhessles Posts: 49
    Malas Artisan rusted trove (Solo)

    7 attempts to decode. 4 were time then 2 failures. The timer on a little more time was longer this time. 

    Dug up after a couple tries. No Davies. I am eyeballing them all. 

    2 Min generals 2 wanderers 1 corpse 1 dragon wolf 1 mino scout ( 4 -5 mins on guardians).

    53k gold and 20-25k in gems.  As noted elsewhere gems are in alphabetical order and ascend in quantity along that same order.

    18 RNG items
    1 major magic item rest lower 
    No extra items

    From an artisan chest I got "weapons" that an artisan might be carrying pickaxes smith hammers etc. 

    This is plainly to expertly drawn loot at most. 

  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    Noticed same with the gems, i.e., they increase in quantity as you slide down the list alphabetically.  
  • Yadd_of_LegendsYadd_of_Legends Posts: 35
    edited April 2019
    I did a mage's horde in Ter Mur (out of the TC bank) near where Bouras spawn
    Solo - Gargoyle with 950 luck and 120 mystic, 120 focus, 115 magery, 100 EI (I didn't need it), 100 med, 100 carto, 100 locks
    Same spawn as present L6 maps (greater poison ellies, enraged earth ellies, lava ellies)
    Took about 10 minutes to find the chest (using EC map), dig it up and kill the spawn
    Got 44k gold, hourglass, no loot worth anything
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 878
    Regarding maps in DJ's Locker? I'm not sure what is an effect of copying over maps and lockers to TC or what might be bugs with the locker as it relates to handling the conversion to the new maps.

    Is this all old news?...

    Maps decoded on home shard, whether they're in your pack or the locker, arrive on TC as not having been decoded and need to be decoded again. So that's got to be a TC thing not a locker thing. 

    Maps copied over to TC inside DJ's Locker show up with their new themes and levels assigned, with some errors still showing in that column for some maps.

    Taking maps out of locker on TC, decoding them and dropping them back into locker changes the themes on them. Facet, Level, Coords, all seem to retain the same information. Taking them back out changes themes again when they fall into pack. Rinse and repeat

    First pic is how maps first arrived on TC

    2nd pic is after removing maps, decoding them and putting them back into locker

    I'm not seeing any maps now with the message that I have to wait to decode but I am getting maps now that give a message that they're too difficult for me to decode. I have GM Cartography so eh?
  • WhesslesWhessles Posts: 49
    Bug sort of: 
    Chests do not have an object handle. Dug one against the Southern hill line of Eodon and couldn't see it to open it. Old chests had object handle you could use in these type of situations.  
This discussion has been closed.