Pub 105 - Treasure Map Update Phase I *Bugs, Loot, and Guardian Mob Distribution Only*



  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Given that the gem and gold/reg bags are fine I will not include them as items I would keep as I imagine most will be  kept by everyone.  I am only interested in other loot that I would keep.

    I did one each of the lower level chests (supply, stash, cache and horde) and from all of those the ONLY item I kept was the alacrity scroll.  There was nothing else of value.

    The next 4 maps I did were trove level, 2 in tram 2 in malas.  (mage, ranger, mage, assassin) The ONLY item I kept was the 'hourglass' pictured next to my toon which appears to be a new deco item, it doesn't do anything. 

    There was no other loot worth keeping, of all the items in the corpse there was not a single artifact (lesser, greater, major or legendary) in any of the chests.  VERY disappointing. I loot more from existing level Ingenious/diabolical maps than these so I am a bit surprised that this is considered an upgrade?  I will test the trove maps in other facets later but if this is going to be the standard of loot then my tmapping days are over lol.   Once you have any of the unique deco items you get better loot out of an exodus chest.

    In regular ingenious & diabolic maps now it is RARE that you don't get at least 1-2 of the following, sometimes you may even pick up 3 items: alacrity, sot, orbs, pardons, essences, paragon artifact, mibs, runed sash's.  The fact after 4 trove chests there was zero of these items is not great.

    You would also get AT LEAST a dozen artifact level items of armor/weap at lesser/greater/major level and sometimes a legendary, but  not ever NONE as is the case now.  This is really a fail.  All the weapons and armor in the trove level chests was total junk.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,004
    Margrette said:
    Overall reaction so far, I'm sorry to say, is loot is disappointing. Too many chests have nothing in them except gems and gold. 
    Petra, that's what I'm seeing too.  Both the Stash and Supply levels of chests with the Artisan theme always seem to contain some kind of crafting ingredients.  The Stash level of the Magery theme also always seem to include some kind of reagents.  However, when you look at the rest of the chests at the Stash and Supply levels, many of them pop up holding nothing but gold and gems.  Here are the number of chests I dug up in each theme and the Stash and Supply levels that held only gold and gems, compared to the total number for each of those level/theme combinations:

    Assassin Stash: 9 of 13
    Assassin Supply: 9 of 13
    Barbarian Stash: 15 of 22
    Barbarian Supply: 6 of 8
    Mage Supply: 10 of 12
    Ranger Stash: 11 of 12
    Ranger Supply: 9 of 17
    Warrior Stash: 8 of 14
    Warrior Supply: 4 of 10

    In total, that means there were 81 out of 121 Stash and Supply chests (again, not counting ones that always contain ingredients) that held nothing but gold and gems.  That means two thirds of those chests aren't worth doing unless you want to use your time just to get gold and small gems.
    " That means two thirds of those chests aren't worth doing unless you want to use your time just to get gold and small gems. "

    The troublesome issue though is, that it is impossible to know "beforehand" that a given Treasure map will only yield gold and small gems....

    Therefore, one is always doomed to have to do them all and remain with the nasty finding of getting only gold and small gems for a great chunk of them....

    Not much fun, is it ?
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    I have gm cartography and a +28% cartography tally yet have still failed 15 times trying to decode an Eodon Trove map.  Is this normal?

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    MissE said:
    I have gm cartography and a +28% cartography tally yet have still failed 15 times trying to decode an Eodon Trove map.  Is this normal?
    You need to be in a party to decode high level maps ;)
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited April 2019
    Ok my first and (and if this is the norm) LAST Trove (mages) level Eodon Chest

    It spawned : 2 Myrmidex Warriors, 1 Anchisaur, 1 Allosaurus (a pita at the best of times always takes 10 mins or more to kill with a tamer) and 1 T REX. 

    Had I spawned this on prodo shard I would walk away and not even bother.  I expect if the TRex is gonna be dumped in the mix then there will be a LOT of them all over Eodon that people abandon.  That is a critter that to kill in any timely manner takes a whole group even then it is a royal pain so the reward would have to be excellent. (I can kill the TRex with two tamers dual clienting but it takes a good 20 mins or so and a few deaths)   Instead.....

    The loot in this chest was absolutely abysmal for the effort that would be required to kill that spawn.  I mean seriously.... is this a joke?   A gem bag and 65k gold?  Total JUNK armor, no special reagents, no arti, absolutely bugger all?    No way can this be worth anyone's time or effort. Sorry.  Don't mean to be negative but this is really bad. 

    The second trove map I got was located on an area (one of the ridges sth of the tiger spawn) and you couldn't actually access the area it was supposed to be in.

    Did another 3 Trove Maps in Fel.  For that effort (other than the gem bag and gold) I got

    1 x 105 mace powerscroll.... go me!
    1 greater artifact gorget which was average but the first artifact level item out of the 11 Trove maps I have done. If you were doing this in a party you would maybe get  20k gold and some gems and all have to fight over the crappy gorget and the 105 mace.

    Overall feedback, unless there is a serious boost to what you get in EVERY chest T-Mapping is just not worth the effort.   Even in existing chests you always get a paragon arti at level Ingenious, you don't even get that now. 

    Go and do the roof or something else for the time invested.  Just not worth it anymore.

    I am not gonna bother testing any more unless there is a serious redo on what you get.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited April 2019
    I tried to test the range. At GM, without a talisman, it appears to be 7 tiles, if one targets the tile directly in front of the char and include the tile the chest is on. So... 8 tiles, including the tile the char is standing on. The message about ''too far away'' is a bit annoying but I believe is happening when you target a tree canopy (even with the canopy toggled off in EC). It is too ''high'' up.

    Taking a little break from testing the new content in order to dabble with building a keep and play a bit in another world for an Easter Event. When I am back, tho, I want to start testing maps as a group. Perhaps the horde and troves are better when used as the Devs intend - as group play. I will prolly have to get a small army of EJ minions and run multiple accounts, tho, cuz t-maping has been ingrained in people's brains as a solo endeavor and people do not appear to be interested in grouping up for it. At least, I don't recall seeing any reports in these testing threads involving groups.
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    edited April 2019
    Whoever asked for T-Hunting to be touched at all needs to get a medal! Well done. If EJ minion accounts and multi clienting is the way to go, I'd rather stop playing UO altogether.
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    Forcing group play onto a profession that was an enjoyable solo pastime is just ridiculous, t-hunts were the one thing we could all do when we couldn't find other people to play with or we wanted to do something alone due to time constraints. Some of us only have one paid account (shocking I know) and needing soulstones means you are excluding newer players who may not have any.  I'm just getting angrier and angrier at these stupid and unnecessary changes to something that I really enjoyed, the loot didn't even matter that much!
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited April 2019
    Relax folks, at least until group test reports come in. There may be little or no difference other than the guardians. Eodon horde and trove chests obviously need some adjusting, but the rest are just as solo'able as before.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Well I had a party of two when doing the Trove maps (although only one did the killing, the other did the chest) but the loot was as I said abysmal.  Of the 11 trove ones I did, other than the gems/gold and one reg bag,  all I kept was

    • 1 deco item (hourglass) ** the only 'decent' item as long as it is a rare drop, too soon to say as it is only deco.
    • 1 x 105 mace scroll and
    • 1 gorget that was a greater artifact (nothing great but the ONLY artifact level item in all 11 chests). Two of these items were in the one fel chest scroll and gorget.

    I just went and did 2 ingenious maps on the real shard, and other than gold and gems/regs I got:

    • 1 mana orb
    • 1 pardon
    • 1 ingenious map
    • 1 luna lance
    • 1 dread pirate hat
    • 1 skeleton key
    • 1 tasty treat
    • 1 runed sash
    • 6 essence of singualrity
    • 6 abyssal cloth
    • 4 refinements and
    • 26 artifact level pieces of armor/weapons of which I will keep 2 bits, a legendary ring and a war fork major artifact.  The other 24 bits will unravel for relic frags in all likelihood, or essence if not.

    As you can see, the way maps are NOW (before the upgrade) is much better so as I said above they need to fix the absolutely crap loot that is currently being displayed on this patch. Yes we didn't want a whole chest full of really crap minor magic items but they went the opposite direction and are giving us nothing worth keeping and the trove chests are full of the exact stuff we didnt want, minor magic items and no artifact quality things. I don't consider ONE greater artifact out of 11 chests a win. Especially when I got 26 artifact items including one legendary out of two of the existing chests.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • DizzyDizzy Posts: 78
    Can we turn in the Eodon maps for points?  At least then they'd be worth something.
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    Tanager said:
    Perhaps the horde and troves are better when used as the Devs intend - as group play. I will prolly have to get a small army of EJ minions and run multiple accounts, tho, cuz t-maping has been ingrained in people's brains as a solo endeavor and people do not appear to be interested in grouping up for it. At least, I don't recall seeing any reports in these testing threads involving groups.
    I believe how many characters are in the party only affects the number of randomly generated equipment items that are in the chest.  This sentence in the publish notes under the "Randomly Generated Equipment" heading is the only place where I can find the word "party": "The quantity of items available is based on the level of chest, there is a chance for additional items based on party size."

    The one cache chest I did solo had 4 random items, versus 6 or 7 pieces on five cache chests when I partied the t-hunter with a tamer.  I haven't done anything higher than cache chests, so I'm not sure how many random items spawn in the higher chests.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    I think the various reports have made it clear the loot is lower than we like, both in terms of quality and quantity. That is the purpose of this first testing phase. However, I do really like the containers inside the treasure chest container (reg and gem bags, and also the refinement crate). I also like that the availability of mana orbs and SoAs have been moved down a rank. However, the reduced drop rate within that rank is depressing.

    Our current system has items that are guaranteed to be in certain level chests and I would like that to continue. Atm, there is just far too much RNG involved for me and most chests are disappointing.

    Every Ter Mur artisan supply and higher chest could have essences or other imbuing materials, for example. I would love to see crystalline blackrock and crystal shards from lumber jacking added to the loot table. The RNG pattern I am seeing with the TC1 code is a step backwards, as it often has me walking away from a chest after taking only gold and gems. Which is nice, by the way. But I can get gold and gems a lot of ways - the essences and other imbue materials are a bit harder to come by, which is what makes it worthwhile to do a treasure map.

    Every single horde and trove chest ought to have an artifact drop. Making it RNG is a step down from our current system. Drops based on facet and profession would be nice, so people could target or avoid certain artifacts. Nox bow or one of the 2 instrument slayers for ranger horde, Wooden Steed or Candelabra for artisan, etc.

    I would like for every Eodon artisan horde or trove chests to contain an Eodon recipe. Not the quest ones (tho that would be awesome too), but the pack drop kind that you otherwise only get from hours and hours of mind-numbing farming. The other professions can have the armor set drop pieces.

    As for equipment, I have no opinion. I would be fine if treasure chests never had any at all, but I realize I am in the minority on that. I gave up on the itemization rout years ago, relying more on skill, and at this point I don't know what half of the properties these days even do. I will leave observations on that topic to those better qualified.
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,169Dev
    Thanks everyone so far for the great feedback.  There's a lot of it to go through, so will take some time but from a high level here's a few things I'd like to share about what's coming to loot in a future update again this is all subject to change/deletion based on final implementation,

    • The Barbarian chest is going to get merged with the Warrior chest.
    • The issue with the Davies locker changing map packages when you pull them out of the locker, and other issues with Davies locker display will be resolved.
    • Luck will play a roll in loot generation 
    • The +cartography talisman does not currently impact anything other than your success chances when crafting maps.  That begin said, we do plan to release + cartography skill items to help with Treasure loot in Treasure chests
    • There are some additional new items that we haven't released yet that will be coming to Treasure Maps that will spice up various levels.
    • Cleanup points for maps will be adjusted based on the new levels
    • The issue with taking a bit to decode a map has to do with the way we are distributing maps on TC1.  Maps take some time to find a location, creating lots of them in short periods can cause the system to get jammed up.  Just give it a few moments and try again.
    • @Arroth_Thaeil re: Gems - the gem totals are based on the quality of the chest (rusty, standard, gold) and the level, so you'll see some similarity and some variety based on RNG
    • Chests will have an object handle before final client release
    • The issue with regard to placing items in the new bags is being investigated
    • The issue related to the T-Rex for Eodon maps, as well as the balance for Eodon map mobs will have another pass for difficulty.  Expect changes.
    • @Dizzy - no changes (excpet Eodon maps) were made to the Guardian mobs.  The same ones that spawned before, spawn now, with the same numbers as before.
    • @Whessles Re: bonus distance - the distance bonus is the same as it was with mining, the only difference now is that cartography skill is being used.
    • @Tanager - Re: availability of special items in the chests.  Nothing (beyond simiple stuff like regs and gold) was every guaranteed to show up in a chest, it was always RNG.  The same chances for the loot to show up in the previous system are used in the current system.  What did change is how we distribute loot.  In the old system the chest would begin filling against an item cap.  Every time you were succesful in your loot rolls, the item would be put in a chest and count against the cap.  Once the cap had been met, you weren't eligible for items anymore.  This meant that depending on how "lucky" you were and where an item was on the list, you may never even have a shot at it.  Now we do straight rolls with no cap, if you make the roll, you get the item.  Those chances match pretty closely to where things used to be.  That said, we will be evaluating those chances.
    • A final note on randomly generated magic equipment - we will certainly be making changes here but consider this.  Upping the intensity and limits and tweaking the item property packages to mesh with each other is something we can certainly do, however there is just no way every high end chest is going to guarantee clean legendaries.  Most are working with characters that are outfitted with gear collected over the years, and something to fit in that current scheme that isn't junk is like trying to thread a needle.  Not saying the points regarding the quality of the items are lost, not at all - but the expectation on how good of items you can pull out of a chest based on the current difficulty of doing certain maps needs to be kept in mind.

    Thanks again everyone for testing and providing feedback!  See you on TC!

  • WhesslesWhessles Posts: 49

    I am not going to quote that entire post, but I wanted to thank you and the team involved for reading the piles of feedback, and for keeping us updated with what is being considered. I personally feel like my time on TC has been of value now. I can only speak for myself, but this has re-invigorated my anticipation for this release. Will continue to test and report things not yet documented to death. :)

  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    @Kyronix, how soon do you expect to make any changes on TC?  I'd like to help with more testing, but I don't want to put any more time into it at this point until there are some changes.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited April 2019
    I do realize treasure hunting has always had a high RNG factor. However, I just did 5 ter mur horde maps. I pulled absolutely NOTHING of worth out of any of them aside from the gold/gem bag and a single armor piece that had 150 luck and is worth enhancing. That is all. 5 level 6 maps in the current system would have 5 artifacts for starters, among other potentially shiny things. I realize that some chests have always been duds, but there has also always been a certain guaranteed success with at least lvl 6 and 7 maps. I feel as though now it has to roll on giving me an artifact in the first place, and THEN it rolls on if it's a crap artifact.

    My main reason for doing treasure maps are Orbs, SoA, imbue materials, creeping vines, and 3 specific minor arties: gold bricks, wooden steed, and candelabra. I look for medable 150 luck pieces and SCNP 150 luck shields but ignore the rest of the gear loot. I am THRILLED that the circlets have been added, because this means I can find an attractive looking 150 luck head piece that can be enhanced to 190.

    I love the new items (bags, table, engraver, etc) and will do treasure hunts just for those items if it comes down to it. The code might be the same as far as loot generating, but it sure feels like I am walking away from chests with a whole lot less in this new system. Of course, it could just be that the RNG does not like me - I have not done as many maps as others have to get a broader average.

    These were 2 mage, 1 warrior, 1 barbarian, and 1 ranger. Perhaps I am not understanding something, and artifacts and such are in different map level, profession, facet, etc? What chests should I focus on testing for SoA, for example? 20 Supply chests, across 2 facets, yielded just one SoA.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,054
    edited April 2019
    Kyronix said:
    • @ Arroth_Thaeil re: Gems - the gem totals are based on the quality of the chest (rusty, standard, gold) and the level, so you'll see some similarity and some variety based on RNG

    First, thank you for reading through 4 pages of stuff and for the detailed list of feedback. That's awesome!

    5 professions and 5 chest levels seems tidy. *Thumbs up!* 

    I don't think anyone was actually worried about the number of gems (that's probably my poor explanation), but that the number of gems by type is currently not random. In every chest Amber is the lowest number of gems, Amethyst is the next lowest, etc., and Tourmaline is the highest. The total number of gems being distributed by type is alphabetical. 

    In every chest.

    Basically, the gem distribution in every chest looks like this.

    11 = Amber
    15 = Amethyst
    19 = Citrine
    24 = Diamond
    29 = Emerald
    34 = Ruby
    38 = Star Sapphire
    42 = Sapphire
    47 = Tourmaline

    The numbers may vary by a couple of gems, but it is always alphabetical by type, Amber is always the lowest and Tourmaline always the highest.

    If this is intended, then that's fine, Amber will just become a rare gem (err, less common?) and we'll have metric poo-tonnes of Tourmaline.

    (Is it sad I know the names of the gems in UO from memory?)

  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,169Dev
    @Margrette - probably targeting next week for the next TC1 update, but that could change and may not include any of the loot stuff.  At the moment working on how Remove Trap is going to play into this so we can get that out for feedback ASAP.  Once the first pass of that is out, we'll work on pass 2 for loot. 
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    edited April 2019
    @Kyronix Here is my take on the Treasure Chest "revamp". The loot is WORSE than before, and you can't even test half of the "changes". After A LOT of problems on TC I decided it isn't even worth it to test. Give the people what we asked for, a bump in loot quality. There is no need to try to reinvent the whole system. If what I am seeing is ANY indication of the "finished product" y'all are better off spending the time doing something else. Perhaps like, oh, enforcing your own ToS, and banning the RMT people!

    Anyway, Some thoughts:
    1) What is happening (or not) to the "secret compartment" that was discussed?
    2) When will y'all seperate the need for both Remove Trap and Detect Hidden (not worth it to test until then because not enough skill points available)?
    3) Why is the loot  quality WORSE (on armor, weapons, and jewelry) than before it "fixed"?(The upgrade in the gold is nice though)
    4) Tell us how luck will figure in to the equation
    5) Are whatever changes y'all make to the Treasure Chests permanent, or is it a limited time event?

    Lastly, Are y'all just pulling our collective legs, with regard to the loot, and you DO have upgraded/better loot planned for the chests, but for some strange reason, have decided to keep it "under wraps", like the Triton (assuming y'all ARE still planning on releasing it at some point)

    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    edited April 2019
    @Kyronix, is there any way you can give us a breakdown of which skills are attributed to each theme?  The SoTs and SoAs spawn so rarely that even after doing about 175 of the Stash and Supply chests, I still don't have a great feeling for which skills belong with each theme.   Also, can you give us more information about which types of randomly generated equipment are associated with each theme?  For example, could we expect to see instruments spawn in Ranger chests?
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    KHAN said:
    @ Kyronix Here is my take on the Treasure Chest "revamp". The loot is WORSE than before, and you can't even test half of the "changes". After A LOT of problems on TC I decided it isn't even worth it to test. Give the people what we asked for, a bump in loot quality. There is no need to try to reinvent the whole system. If what I am seeing is ANY indication of the "finished product" y'all are better off spending the time doing something else. Perhaps like, oh, enforcing your own ToS, and banning the RMT people!

    Anyway, Some thoughts:
    1) What is happening (or not) to the "secret compartment" that was discussed?
    2) When will y'all seperate the need for both Remove Trap and Detect Hidden (not worth it to test until then because not enough skill points available)?
    3) Why is the loot  quality WORSE (on armor, weapons, and jewelry) than before it "fixed"?(The upgrade in the gold is nice though)
    4) Tell us how luck will figure in to the equation
    5) Are whatever changes y'all make to the Treasure Chests permanent, or is it a limited time event?

    Lastly, Are y'all just pulling our collective legs, with regard to the loot, and you DO have upgraded/better loot planned for the chests, but for some strange reason, have decided to keep it "under wraps", like the Triton (assuming y'all ARE still planning on releasing it at some point)

  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    @Kyronix, to further clarify regarding which skills go with the various themes, here are some skills that I'm just really wondering about because I really don't want to get many SoTs or SoAs for these skills:  Camping, item ID, and taste ID.  (Yes, I know item ID got a very marginal use when imbuing was added, but it isn't worth the points it takes up on a cramped crafter's template.) 

    Also, where does a skill like begging fit in?  And which skills are "mage" skills?  Where do things like bushido, chivalry, ninjitsu, mysticism, spellweaving, and imbuing fit in? Are tracking and detecting hidden ranger skills or assassin skills?  Is detecting hidden an assassin skill?  Is fishing an artisan skill or a ranger skill?
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,169Dev
    edited April 2019
    KHAN said:
    @ Kyronix Here is my take on the Treasure Chest "revamp". The loot is WORSE than before, and you can't even test half of the "changes". After A LOT of problems on TC I decided it isn't even worth it to test. Give the people what we asked for, a bump in loot quality. There is no need to try to reinvent the whole system. If what I am seeing is ANY indication of the "finished product" y'all are better off spending the time doing something else. Perhaps like, oh, enforcing your own ToS, and banning the RMT people!

    Anyway, Some thoughts:
    1) What is happening (or not) to the "secret compartment" that was discussed?
    2) When will y'all seperate the need for both Remove Trap and Detect Hidden?
    3) Why is the loot  quality WORSE (on armor, weapons, and jewelry) than before it "fixed"?(The upgrade in the gold is nice though)
    4) Tell us how luck will figure in to the equation
    5) Are whatever changes y'all make to the Treasure Chests permanent, or is it a limited time event?

    Lastly, Are y'all just pulling our collective legs, with regard to the loot, and you DO have upgraded/better loot planned for the chests, but for some strange reason, have decided to keep it "under wraps", like the Triton (assuming y'all ARE still planning on releasing it at some point)

    This is part of testing. If you get frustrated by things being broken, incomplete, getting changed on the fly than I would suggest that maybe TC1 isn't something to get involved in.

    To answer some of your other questions - the idea that "all the people wanted was a bump in loot and there is no need to reinvent the whole system" takes some liberties with regard to your comment.  For one thing, you don't speak for the entirety of the people.  We receive feedback from a variety of sources ranging from a number of perspectives.  The idea that we can "just" do anything, especially just bumping loot ignores the problems that were inherent to a system that had not been updated in almost a decade.

    Like I said before, this is an iterative process and many in this thread have been able to provide their findings and offer feedback that we can use to better the final product.  If you are going to come into this with preconceived notions with a perspective skewed from bias against unrelated matters, again perhaps TC1 isn't the something to get involved in for you.

    That all being said, I appreciate the time you took to ask some questions, here's some answers,

    1 - The secret compartment idea was just that, an idea.  Currently there are no plans to implement it.  This is why early discussions, and this are prefaced with the disclaimer that things can and will change.  If we are to continue (which I hope they do because they've been incredibly fruitful) with early discussions, this needs to be 100% understood.
    2 - It's already been done internally, when our RT release comes it'll be part of that release.
    3 - See my comments about this being an iterative process.  As we move through the process we can tweak things up.  It's more productive to nudge the dial up then dial it back down.
    4 - Luck will likely factor into random magic equipment similar to the way it does now.  The final implementation is TBD as we work through that process.
    5 - These are permanent changes.

    No leg pulling intended, again - part of iteration.  I know you are not satisfied about the Triton, you've made that abundantly clear.  Sorry you feel that way.

    Thanks again for taking the time to provide some feedback. 

  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    edited April 2019
    Kyronix said:
    KHAN said:
    @ Kyronix Here is my take on the Treasure Chest "revamp". The loot is WORSE than before, and you can't even test half of the "changes". After A LOT of problems on TC I decided it isn't even worth it to test. Give the people what we asked for, a bump in loot quality. There is no need to try to reinvent the whole system. If what I am seeing is ANY indication of the "finished product" y'all are better off spending the time doing something else. Perhaps like, oh, enforcing your own ToS, and banning the RMT people!

    Anyway, Some thoughts:
    1) What is happening (or not) to the "secret compartment" that was discussed?
    2) When will y'all seperate the need for both Remove Trap and Detect Hidden?
    3) Why is the loot  quality WORSE (on armor, weapons, and jewelry) than before it "fixed"?(The upgrade in the gold is nice though)
    4) Tell us how luck will figure in to the equation
    5) Are whatever changes y'all make to the Treasure Chests permanent, or is it a limited time event?

    Lastly, Are y'all just pulling our collective legs, with regard to the loot, and you DO have upgraded/better loot planned for the chests, but for some strange reason, have decided to keep it "under wraps", like the Triton (assuming y'all ARE still planning on releasing it at some point)

    This is part of testing. If you get frustrated by things being broken, incomplete, getting changed on the fly than I would suggest that maybe TC1 isn't something to get involved in.

    To answer some of your other questions - the idea that "all the people wanted was a bump in loot and there is no need to reinvent the whole system" takes some liberties with regard to your comment.  For one thing, you don't speak for the entirety of the people.  We receive feedback from a variety of sources ranging from a number of perspectives.  The idea that we can "just" do anything, especially just bumping loot ignores the problems that were inherent to a system that had not been updated in almost a decade.

    Like I said before, this is an iterative process and many in this thread have been able to provide their findings and offer feedback that we can use to better the final product.  If you are going to come into this with preconceived notions with a perspective skewed from bias against unrelated matters, again perhaps TC1 isn't the something to get involved in for you.

    That all being said, I appreciate the time you took to ask some questions, here's some answers,

    1 - The secret compartment idea was just that, an idea.  Currently there are no plans to implement it.  This is why early discussions, and this are prefaced with the disclaimer that things can and will change.  If we are to continue (which I hope they do because they've been incredibly fruitful) with early discussions, this needs to be 100% understood.
    2 - It's already been done internally, when our RT release comes it'll be part of that release.
    3 - See my comments about this being an iterative process.  As we move through the process we can tweak things up.  It's more productive to nudge the dial up then dial it back down.
    4 - Luck will likely factor into random magic equipment similar to the way it does now.  The final implementation is TBD as we work through that process.
    5 - These are permanent changes.

    No leg pulling intended, again - part of iteration.  I know you are not satisfied about the Triton, you've made that abundantly clear.  Sorry you feel that way.

    Thanks again for taking the time to provide some feedback. 

    Thank you for the response. It does clear up a few things, and makes some valid points.
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    TY @Kyronix for the reply to @KHAN post  answered a lot for me too.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,004
    edited April 2019

    First, I would like to say that I am very happy (but for the Powerscrolls only in Felucca Chests) with your Design revamp of Treasure Hunting.

    I particularly like the "specialization" of the Map so that players will be able to address a certain type (profession) of maps, depending on what they need.

    This is very great and appreciated, thanks.

    That said, there is one issue that I did not see mentioned in your updates....

    ARTISANS' Treasure maps and their contents as focused on Crafters' needs.

    Particularly, we are not finding in Artisans' Treasure Chests all the various kinds of crafting RECIPES and even not finding any Mondain's Legacy Resources (regular and special) at all !!

    ML resources, yet, seem to have been spotted in Assasins', Barbarians' and Warriors Treasure Chests... NOT in Artisans' Chests....

    Can we please get reassurance that indeed Artisans' Treasure Chests, particularly addressed at Crafters' needs, in the end and final implementation will get to see all of the various recipes and resources/reagents, included Mondain's Legacy Resources (regular and special) ?

    Or will we need to dig up Barbarian/Warriors and Assassins Chest in order to find ML resources ?

    Thanks !!
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,054
    edited April 2019
     Margrette said:
    @ Kyronix, to further clarify regarding which skills go with the various themes, here are some skills that I'm just really wondering about because I really don't want to get many SoTs or SoAs for these skills:  Camping, item ID, and taste ID.  (Yes, I know item ID got a very marginal use when imbuing was added, but it isn't worth the points it takes up on a cramped crafter's template.) 

    Also, where does a skill like begging fit in?  And which skills are "mage" skills?  Where do things like bushido, chivalry, ninjitsu, mysticism, spellweaving, and imbuing fit in? Are tracking and detecting hidden ranger skills or assassin skills?  Is detecting hidden an assassin skill?  Is fishing an artisan skill or a ranger skill?

    Well, since you asked......this is for fun, enjoy!  B)

    Camping....Obviously a Ranger skill. Who's out in the woods camping after all?

    Taste ID.....A good sedimentologist can tell slit/sand/clay by the way it feels on their teeth. So, Taste ID goes to Mining, which goes to Artisan.

    Item ID.....for merchants, or crafters, so Artisan.

    Begging.....Bards, how many times have you seen somebody out on the street playing their guitar with the case open waiting for "tips"? Hmm...wait no Bard, let's call it Ranger.

    Chivalry is the Paladin skill, and originally in Ultima there were Fighters and Paladins. So, we can make the same division in UO. Fighters are for the basic skill (Sword, Mace, Fence, Parry, Archery, Throwing, Wrestling, Tactics). Chivalry, Bushido, and Ninjitsu can be for characters devoting their lives to killing, so Warriors! Original Ultima had Tinker, which in UO has been expanded to include all crafters, so Paladin can be expanded to all Warriors! What'da think, that's pretty good eh? And since Barbarian (Fighter) and Warrior are about to be combined, they are all Warriors anyway.

    As an aside, since Chivalry and Necro released at the same time, I'd put Necro in Warrior as well. I mean, you're not raising an Army of the Dead to do the laundry and trim the lawn! Plus, Chiv/Neco, Bushido/Ninjitsu, straight up combat vs. nasty dirty tricks, honor and the right way vs. turning the world upside down, sounds like Order vs. Chaos to me! Bring a little balance to the skill list. BooYeah.

    Mysticism, Spellweaving, and Imbuing into the magic prof, so Mage.

    Tracking to Ranger.

    Detect Hidden to Thief, and Poison is in the Thief Skills, so Assassin.

    Miners, Fishers, Lumberjacks, Shepards, all resource gathers, put'em in Artisan.


  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    Thanks, @Arroth. Taste ID for mining.  Bards as rangers.  Sheesh!    :o
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    @Kyronix, why do we have to have chest quality if luck is eventually going to be part of this?  I just dug up two rusty horde chests and the loot is awful.   Really, really awful.  If we have no control over the chest quality and then luck, or lack of luck, is going to be part of this, why are we even going to bother digging up chests?  It takes me a bit of time to kill the spawn on a horde chest and the loot just isn't worth the time.  There's absolutely nothing in the chest but gold, gems, and useless loot that probably doesn't even unravel to relic fragments.  It's a waste of my playing time to go dig these up.
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