FORGOTTEN TREASURE, 2019 Timeline REWARDS and Remove Trap : Can we please get ITEMS with RT on?

poppspopps Posts: 4,130
edited April 2019 in General Discussions
It is my understanding, that with Forgotten Treasures changes will come to Treasure Hunting....

One of them being, that Mining (to more easily locate the Chest) will be incorporated into Cartography and that Remove Trap will now be "kinda" needed should one want to "unlock" a hidden, secret compartment within the Chest for some particular, special extra loot.....

Please, if I understood it as wrong, correct me.

That said, since many Treasure Hunters ALREADY did not have Mining in their Template and were using "other" ways to find their Chests (the more popular being using the Enhanced Client with its better Maps and Radar over the Classic Client...), HAVING to invest points in Remove Trap WILL mess up many Tresure Hunting Templates who happened to already NOT have Mining on them....

My question is, since there is "new" Rewards being added every month, I understand, why not add also some items with LOTS of Remove Trap points on them so as to help players less painfully be able to pick up Remove Trap without having to totally mess up with their Template Skills ?

Stuff like a Talisman with 50+ Remove Trap points on it....

Or Earrings with 50+ Points of Remove Trap on them.... you got the hang of it.....

@Kyronix , @Bleak ; is this something reasonable to ask and get in UO as new Rewards for the 2019 Timeline ?

Comments ?


  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    edited April 2019
    Did someone say EASY BUTTON? Hehe. Sorry could not help myself. I don't think it is a good idea to put items with that high skill points on any item. I have not started training my character in the skill of remove trap yet, but I hope to do so soon. Got to get ready for the Forgotten Treasures. I will transfer Mining to my crafter and use the freed up points to train Remove Trap.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Arron said:
    Did someone say EASY BUTTON? Hehe. Sorry could not help myself. I don't think it is a good idea to put items with that high skill points on any item. I have not started training my character in the skill of remove trap yet, but I hope to do so soon. Got to get ready for the Forgotten Treasures. I will transfer Mining to my crafter and use the freed up points to train Remove Trap.
    The reason that I said 50+ points of Remove Trap is to make it so that players would not need, besides having to mess up with the Template skills, to ALSO have to mess up too much with the Template's suit....

    I mean, to change a couple of less important pieces or 3 (Talisman, earrings, shoes...) would still be painfull but not "that" painfull, but having to change more pieces to make it up for those 60 or 70 Remove Trap points needed to have to have them on items ?

    I mean, it "perhaps" is feasible to conceive 30, at most 40 "real" points of Remove Trap on the template reducing 5-10 points for a skill here and 5-10 points for a skill there but more then that ?
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    The trouble with this idea is RT doesn't go above GM skill and +skill items only exist for skills that go to 120.

    When it comes to training the skill we've been told it will be divorced from the detect hidden requirement and difficulty to train is being looked at. I wait patiently to see what will appear on test center.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited April 2019
    The trouble with this idea is RT doesn't go above GM skill and +skill items only exist for skills that go to 120.

    When it comes to training the skill we've been told it will be divorced from the detect hidden requirement and difficulty to train is being looked at. I wait patiently to see what will appear on test center.
    "The trouble with this idea is RT doesn't go above GM skill and +skill items only exist for skills that go to 120."

    Well, maybe it could be less complicated if, rather then adding them to the existing Table of items spawning with +skills on them (the ones which you refer to, I guess, for skills that go to 120), these "particular" items were to instead be added as "specific" ad hoc items to be added as a Reward throughout the 2019 Timeline ?

    This way, I would imagine, it could, with less trouble, be possible to create a pair of shoes, a Talisman, a pair of earrings, a sash, just as a few example with +Remove Trap on them and just add them as "new" Monthly Rewards in the 2019 Timeline ?

    That is, forget about the Table of currently spawning items, just add them as "one time" Reward items....
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    Arron said:
    Did someone say EASY BUTTON? Hehe. Sorry could not help myself. I don't think it is a good idea to put items with that high skill points on any item. I have not started training my character in the skill of remove trap yet, but I hope to do so soon. Got to get ready for the Forgotten Treasures. I will transfer Mining to my crafter and use the freed up points to train Remove Trap.
    Don't forget to also leave room to train up tinkering as you also train up remove trap.
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    Forgotten Treasures is still in active development.  Anything and everything that was posted in this thread should be considered "in-concept" and subject to change and/or removal before final implementation.  We look forward to considerate feedback once we have something on TC1 for testing!
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,022
    Margrette said:
    Arron said:
    Did someone say EASY BUTTON? Hehe. Sorry could not help myself. I don't think it is a good idea to put items with that high skill points on any item. I have not started training my character in the skill of remove trap yet, but I hope to do so soon. Got to get ready for the Forgotten Treasures. I will transfer Mining to my crafter and use the freed up points to train Remove Trap.
    Don't forget to also leave room to train up tinkering as you also train up remove trap.
    Not to take anything away from tinkers but we should be able to train RT to GM on chests, crates and barrels out in the wild. The lands are loaded with them! 

    I've trained my share of tinkers. I'm not looking to train up another to keep pace with training RT. Or lockpicking for that matter. And giving a shout out in Gen Chat to scare up a tinker in training is a pretty impossible task. 

    Popps, I think you're overboard. +50 to any one item is out of whack. Footwear, earrings, sashes, etc., with +5 and/or +10 would be more inline with other items we've already seen in the game for boosts to skills like stealth, hiding, etc. 

    I'm with Petra. We've offered a lot of feedback on this already. We can offer more when RT goes to TC. It's a painful skill to raise as it is now. Mostly due to the wait time between tries and finding optimal containers to practice on. Optimal containers that don't require you to work in tandem with training tinkering at the same time.
  • TimTim Posts: 839
    Kyronix said:
    Forgotten Treasures is still in active development.  Anything and everything that was posted in this thread should be considered "in-concept" and subject to change and/or removal before final implementation.  We look forward to considerate feedback once we have something on TC1 for testing!
    Translation "Don't Panic" or make any major changes until it hits TC1.
    I'm not changing my treasure hunter until Kyronix says what they are actually going to do. From reading the original thread I wouldn't be surprised if the remove trap bit was dropped. If it or anything else isn't implemented you were warned.
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