Are PlunderBeacons and Maritime Trade Cargo going away with next Publish ?

As we know, on May 1st new Rewards are going to be added with the upcoming Publish.

Question is, with the new Publish will PlunderBeacons and Maritime Trade Cargo go away or will they stay for players to still be able to collect them ?

And if they will stay for the May 1st Publish,  will they (PlunderBeacons and Maritime Trade Cargo) then "perhaps" go away then when the Forgotten Treasures section will come live on June 1st ?

@Kyronix , could you please kindly give us some info on this ?

Thanks !


  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,022
    My husband and I started talking about how the idea that the plunder beacon content would expire came about. I think it was purely player speculation wasn’t it?

    Why would this content disappear at all? It’s not like once the revamping of treasure chests or loot found on pirate ships or other changes that’ll come in during the High Seas event will go away after a time. That wouldn’t make any sense. So I don’t know why the plunder beacons and ramped up pirate spawn is temporary. 

    Did Kyronix or any other Dev say something that made it seem like this content would be fleeting? Maybe they did and I missed it. 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    I do not know where the rumors started, but I have heard from various players about PlunderBeacons and Maritime Trade Cargo going away, at some point.... that is why I thought to come here and ask...
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,022
    Well, I hope they stay. Both as a means of adding to the town coffers and for the prizes we earn for turning in our doubloons. 
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    the next publish will be about tmaps & mibs...
    right now mibs are not loot on the Krakens
    And I believe they have said that you might want to hold onto some of the crates for deco.

    Kyronix said:
    Once rewards are added to the Black Market merchant they will be available for the duration of the event.

    All rewards can be redeemed by any character with enough doubloons to claim them.  Whether the character can use it depends on the reward item.

    The event is planned for the next few months.
    (the above is copied from another post)
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,022
    Well, that answers that. Thanks, Cinderella. 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    @Cinderella and @LilyGrace

    Well, at least to my understanding, that Post from @Kyronix only addresses "REWARDS" (those which one can claim from the Pirate at Buccaner's Den, is my understanding), which, as I undrstand it, once added to the Black Market, will remain available throughout the "duration of the Event"...

    It says nothing, at least that I can understand, about for how long PlunderBeacons will be available as spawn and, also, whether or not Maritime Trade Cargo will be available as a spawning item throughout the entire duration of the Event (and after it ends ?) or whether they will end coming as loot at some point...

    At least to me, it still is not clear at all what will happen with PlunderBeacons and Maritime Trade Cargo....
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