Arcane Empowerment with a Lvl 6 Focus only gains 6 seconds life ?

The Spellweaving Arcane Empowerment is quite short lived, only 26 seconds...

If the Spellweaver has a level 6 Circle, the life of the spell only is lenghtened by 6 seconds making it last only 32 seconds.

Shouldn't it be longer lasting if I may ask, especially when having a level 6 Circle ?


  • ZamotZamot Posts: 55
    How much longer would you think this should be?  I think it is fine as is.  It takes only 2 characters to get a level 6 focus(not that hard to do).  In that 32 seconds I can get off a few spells and they do a considerable amount more damage.  I do not have exact numbers but hitting the orcs on a plunder beacon with out I do 200 damage with chain lightning.  With the arcane empowerment I do almost 300 with the same spell.  just how much damage would you like to do and for how long?
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Zamot said:
    How much longer would you think this should be?  I think it is fine as is.  It takes only 2 characters to get a level 6 focus(not that hard to do).  In that 32 seconds I can get off a few spells and they do a considerable amount more damage.  I do not have exact numbers but hitting the orcs on a plunder beacon with out I do 200 damage with chain lightning.  With the arcane empowerment I do almost 300 with the same spell.  just how much damage would you like to do and for how long?
    I was commenting on the "difference" between a zero level Circle and a 6 level Circle.

    Six seconds increment is about a 23% increase.

    And this, with a "max" Level 6 Circle !!

    Which it means, that for lower level Circles the time duration extentiion will only be for a couple of seconds or so....

    To my opinion, the duration increase should "at least" provide a couple of seconds if not 3 per Level of Circle cast which, in the case of a Level 6 Circle would mean a duration increase of the spell of 12 to 18 seconds making the overall duration for Arcane Empowerment cast with a Level 6 Circle be like 38 to 44 seconds.

    I mean, 2 or 3 seconds duration increase per Level of Circle Cast is not that big of a deal, is it ?

    As of now, what is it, 1 second increase per cast Level of Circle with Level 6 Circle giving 6 seconds duration increase ?
  • ZamotZamot Posts: 55
    Arcane Empowerment - Aslavdra
    Icon arcane empowermentgifMana CostMinimum SkillCasting Delay
    Duration16 - 32 seconds 15 + ((Spellweaving Skill x 10) / 240, minimum 1))
    Area of EffectCaster
    Arcane Focus Bonus+14% spell damage, enhanced healing, and +2 seconds duration per additional arcanist

    This spell enhances the caster's spell damage and healing. The caster's summons will have their hit points increased by 10% and be more difficult to dispel. An icon will appear in the caster's Buff Bar when enhanced by Arcane Empowerment.

    The above is what I found.  I tested and with no Mastery the numbers follow the above.  The benefit of the higher focus is in the spell damage and not so much in the time.  

    If you have a Spellweaving mastery up I can hit the top with just one other player in the circle.  I believe they also had a high level spellweaving skill but do not know for sure.

    Again if you add more time it would most likely be unbalanced with the given spell damage bonus.
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