UO Timeline for 2019 : Will it include also FISHING for much needed new content & additions/rework ?
The Timeline for 2019 (https://uo.com/2019/01/16/ultima-online-2019-roadmap/) has been indicated with 4 "steps" : Rising Tide which is ongong now, Forgotten Treasures, comeing in June, Forsaken Foes, coming in September and Jolly Roger which will take place in December.

As we know, in Rising Tide there is nothing for Fishing and, most importantly, nothing to make the reaching of 120 "Legendary" Fisherman worth the time and cost it takes to get there.....
Will Forgotten Treasures, Forsaken Foes or Jolly Roger contain a MUCH needed overhaul of Fishing and, most importantly, new content/additions which will finally make the reaching of 120, Legendary Fisherman, something really cool and usefull to have done ?
Various Threads in this Forums discuss how, a much needed overhaul of Fishing might be long overdue in Ultima Online....
Legendary 120 Fishermen also need to be made usefull considering what it takes to get there....
As of now, it basically only is making some Trophies off of Legendary Fish that 120 Fishermen can catch.
Instead, if "other" features where to be given to being a 120 Legendary Fisherman that were not merely cosmetic but of some practical use, then it would help this profession quite some...
For example, a "starting" point to give some new life and interesting content for Legendary Fishermen could see the Legendary Fish :
- Abyssal Dragonfish
- Black Marlin
- Blue Marlin
- Dungeon Pike
- Giant Samurai Fish
- Golden Tuna
- Kingfish
- Lantern Fish
- Rainbow Fish
- Seeker Fish
- Spring Dragonfish
- Stone Fish
- Winter Dragonfish
- Zombie Fish
Be made possible to yield more then just a Trophy....
For example, the Developers could make these Fish be made possible to be cut in steaks and pies or other eatables to be made from them (more work for Cooking and other Skills, for example Alchemy if drinks could be made from them distilling the juice from the steaks....) which were to provide good and longer lasting BUFFS for characters and also for pets..... of course, being Legendary "rare" Fish hard to be caught and requiring a Legendary 120 Fisherman skill, they should be significant Buffs for quite lengthy times....
I think that such an addition would provide some usefullness for Legendary Fishermen to fish them up, for Chefs or Alchemists and perhaps other skills, to prepare those pies, drinks etc. and then for Warriors to benefit from those buffs !!
As of now, instead, unfortunately, Legendary fish once made into a Trophy its game over...
How many same Trophies does one need of a given type of Legendary fish ??
I think that it is necessary to make what Legendary Fishermen can exclusively fish be more usefull and usable as to become mere Trophies....
Jolly Roger is the only update where a specific boss or aspect of the game isn't explicitly mentioned.
How many times does the same list of rare fish need to be posted? Is 3 enough? It is for me.
I hope the team don't have the same reaction to being nagged as I do.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Beyond that, fishing is a massive system that would eat up a huge amount of whatever publish it was in. It's definitely on the radar for the next couple publishes, but the scope of it will range somewhere far short of "major revamp".
The larger fishing nets (which are currently just deco...or trash points) could also be given some functionality to bring in a larger haul of various fish (and such) at once. Or they could be used to fish up just deco stuff, separate from mib deco.
I don't expect to see updates to fishing until Forsaken Foes at the earliest, though Jolly Roger seems more likely. Especially since the original HS fishing update was coded by a lush
Seems like it would be pretty easy to add a bonus to MIB loot based on fishing skill... similar to the luck bonus for a treasure map. Would be easy to add that as part of the Forgotten Treasures publish.
Sure, as you say it is focused likely on a revamp of Corgul and Charybdis but, that does not preclude inserting in it also new Fishing stuff....
Also the Jolly Roger part though, could host a Fishing revamp although, Kyronix comment about a serious Fishing revamp taking a considerable manpower was quite a downer, at least for me....
I was really hoping that, after all these Years, something good and significative could be coming as new for Fishing....
And frankly... what sort of ocean or sea only has a handful of varieties of fish? As I've previously said, I like the variety. Now, if they could do like the did with the rarer fish and make a tool that allows one to track a school of a certain type of fish or lobster and results in a greater chance of catching that type over any other... something like that I could get behind.
Edit: Hell, make it a craftable and allow the player using it to select the fish/lobster/crab type they want to track down.