PlunderBeacons not shooting at NON-High Seas Ships : intended ?

poppspopps Posts: 4,130
edited April 2019 in General Discussions
@Kyronix @Bleak

Is it an intended feature that PlunderBeacon cannons manned by Orcs seem to not shoot at NON-High Seas smaller Ships or is that a bug ?

If it is intended, that is a strange way of promoting the High Seas Expansion to players when NON-High Seas Ships get advantaged for not being shot at by the Cannons manned by Orcs at the PlunderBeacons over the High Seas Larger Ships...

And not only that !

Of course the smaller, NON-High Seas Ships ALSO get the other advantage of being able to maneuver way more easily through the heavy spawn that is around the PlunderBeacons as compared to High Seas Larger Ships....

It would be interesting to know if this advantage for NON-High Seas Ships of not being shot at, to my understanding, by Cannons manned by Orcs on the PlunderBeacons, is intended or a bug...


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Seriously?  If they want to spend 45 minutes killing one, who cares.  I guess someone needs to fill the void of M.

    I have no problems maneuvering thru spawn in my Orc ship. 

    Pull up when they are done with the orcs and fire your cannon and get mythical cargo. The highest 8 damagers get one.

    Get better.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    I love the fact that I play on a shard where, if something like that happens, I can directly affect it, should I choose to ;)
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    I would note the local go kill a beacon and come back when the orcs are dead and fire my cannon once and get a  free drop.

    The drops are nice, if your backpack is full and you earned 3 more crates, those crates will pop into your backpack when you turn in a crate at the Pirate or city, or drop something.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    popps said:
    @ Kyronix @ Bleak

    Is it an intended feature that PlunderBeacon cannons manned by Orcs seem to not shoot at NON-High Seas smaller Ships or is that a bug ?

    If it is intended, that is a strange way of promoting the High Seas Expansion to players when NON-High Seas Ships get advantaged for not being shot at by the Cannons manned by Orcs at the PlunderBeacons over the High Seas Larger Ships...

    And not only that !

    Of course the smaller, NON-High Seas Ships ALSO get the other advantage of being able to maneuver way more easily through the heavy spawn that is around the PlunderBeacons as compared to High Seas Larger Ships....

    It would be interesting to know if this advantage for NON-High Seas Ships of not being shot at, to my understanding, by Cannons manned by Orcs on the PlunderBeacons, is intended or a bug...
    I don't think it is a bug, I think the orcs don't see your little ship as a huge threat. While it is true that they may not fire on your ship because it is pre high seas, you would take a very long time to destroy a plunder beacon with no cannons. Another disadvantage is that you are on a very small ship with no room to run and once you fire on the orcs they will respond with force, and even though your little ship may be able to menuver quicker, it is still not faster than running from one end of a ship to the other. However if you don't mind these drawbacks then more power to you.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited April 2019
    Pawain said:
    Seriously?  If they want to spend 45 minutes killing one, who cares.  I guess someone needs to fill the void of M.

    I have no problems maneuvering thru spawn in my Orc ship. 

    Pull up when they are done with the orcs and fire your cannon and get mythical cargo. The highest 8 damagers get one.

    Get better.
    "Seriously?  If they want to spend 45 minutes killing one, who cares. "

    I have seen groups of players in this little boats taking down the Beacon (after killing the Orcs) in LESS time then a High Seas Boat using Cannons....

    Sure, a group of several characters is needed but, considering that the beacon drops up to 8 Mythical Maritime Cargo crates, if it is a group of 8 characters all doing high damage they will take it down in no time and all get a crate....

    And with no issues from the 8 cannons....

    There do are Templates out there capable of doing a LOT of damage.... even without using Cannons....

    That's a strange way, at least to my viewing, to promote the High Seas expansion when NON-High Seas Ships get to get the job done more easily and more rewardingly as compared to High Seas Ships....

    This, of course, if it is an intended "feature" that NON-High Seas Ships get no damage from the 8 Cannons manned by the Orcs on the Side Ships of the PlunderBeacon...

    Otherwise, if it is only a bug, perhaps it needs to be fixed as soon as possible ?

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited April 2019
    Arron said:
    popps said:
    @ Kyronix @ Bleak

    Is it an intended feature that PlunderBeacon cannons manned by Orcs seem to not shoot at NON-High Seas smaller Ships or is that a bug ?

    If it is intended, that is a strange way of promoting the High Seas Expansion to players when NON-High Seas Ships get advantaged for not being shot at by the Cannons manned by Orcs at the PlunderBeacons over the High Seas Larger Ships...

    And not only that !

    Of course the smaller, NON-High Seas Ships ALSO get the other advantage of being able to maneuver way more easily through the heavy spawn that is around the PlunderBeacons as compared to High Seas Larger Ships....

    It would be interesting to know if this advantage for NON-High Seas Ships of not being shot at, to my understanding, by Cannons manned by Orcs on the PlunderBeacons, is intended or a bug...
    I don't think it is a bug, I think the orcs don't see your little ship as a huge threat. While it is true that they may not fire on your ship because it is pre high seas, you would take a very long time to destroy a plunder beacon with no cannons. Another disadvantage is that you are on a very small ship with no room to run and once you fire on the orcs they will respond with force, and even though your little ship may be able to menuver quicker, it is still not faster than running from one end of a ship to the other. However if you don't mind these drawbacks then more power to you.
    "While it is true that they may not fire on your ship because it is pre high seas, you would take a very long time to destroy a plunder beacon with no cannons."

    Well, take a group of 8 characters all being able to do high damage and then let me know how long it takes to take down those beacons even without Cannons....

    I have seen groups of characters on those NON-High Seas Ships taking down PlunderBeacons in LESS time as compared to High Seas Ships using Cannons (if using the prow cannon only, not using multiple broadside cannons together... since the reload takes time and it needs about 11 shots to take down a PlunderBeacon). Do not underestimate also the superior ability that these NON-High Seas Ships have with maneuvering (because being smaller) through the intensive Spawn around the PlunderBeacons as compared to the Larger High Seas Ships which often get "stuck" in their moving around by Spawn....

    All 8 of them will get a crate and they will ALSO have saved on cannons ammunitions, not having to bother with all of the process to make Charges, cannonballs, having to continuously repair the Ship etc. etc. etc.

    Frankly, a very "strange" way to promote the High Seas expansion and the upgrading to it with players when NON-High Seas Ships get so many advantages as compared to the actual, High Seas Ships......

    And it would be even "intended" and not a BUG ?

    Go figure....

    All it would take to "fix" it would be to make Plunderbeacons "immune" to damage done by characters (or make it so that characters can only damage the Beacon a tiny, miniscule fraction of the overall damage that they can do, regardless of how they do that damage, ranged, melee, magic, pets, whatever...).

    Make it so that ONLY Cannons would really make damage to the Plunderbeacons. THEN players would be motivated to ugrade to the High Seas Expansion to be able to get the benefits of the new Rising Tide content and in doing so, bring much needed new, fresh revenues to Ultima Online for its upkeep....

    At least, that is how I see it.
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    edited April 2019
    What about those of us on big ships that can do a plunderbeacon and not get damage?

    Oh... and not get shot at.
  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    I do on my Orc Ship and most of the time I remain at 100% Ship health. I do the beacons whenever I come across them, but prefer the Merchant and Pirate Ships because of the resources and the Cargo, which is not as good as the Beacons but also worth doing. I hope one day soon we will have the oppertunity to do a big ship battle agains a huge foe that not only can target players but cause things like tidal waves or whirlpools that would affect the player ships, that would be awesome. Lol @Bleak @Mesanna @Kyronix.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Gidge said:
    What about those of us on big ships that can do a plunderbeacon and not get damage?

    Oh... and not get shot at.
    Try getting in the way of the PlunderBeacon's Cannons with a High Seas Ship and see how much damage they do....

    Cannons get blasted into nothingness from damage done by PlunderBeacons' Cannons, and Ships require an extensive amount of wood and cloth tobe repaired not to mention, all of the Charges, Fuses and Cannonballs that might get lost should Cannons be destroyed containing them by the PlunderBeacons' cannons....

    All penalties which do NOT happen to NON-High Seas Ships. They do not deal with any of that and, YET, they can fully reap all their rewards, the full 8 Crates provided if the Group on that NON-High Seas Ship doing damage is of 8 characters...

    As I said, a very "strange" way to promote the High Seas Expansion and the upgrading to it with players, a "very" strange way, to my viewing.....
  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    edited April 2019
    And even with all that I am having a BLAST (Pun intended) lol. I enjoy going into battle with my High Seas Orc Ship. I can't wait to go log in in a few hours. I work nights and can only play for a few hours till I need to sleep for the next nighs work. Too bad I don't have a laptop computer I would be playing at work when my tasks were done. Waiting (Impatently) to see what May High Seas Rewards will bring. The Dev Team has outdone themselves, I just worry that because they did such a great job IMO that the next Update may not shine as much as this first High Seas Update. I will hope that they can and will keep raising the bar and keep clearing the bar everytime. *Puts Pom Poms Down* <span>:smiley:</span> @Mariah @Kyronix @Mesanna @Bleak
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    popps said:

    Try getting in the way of the PlunderBeacon's Cannons with a High Seas Ship and see how much damage they do....

    I have and learned how to avoid them. Though in agreeance that is takes a lot of fire power of the non cannon variety to do one. Lets see 6500x10 that's 65000 I wonder what boss that is equal to?
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited April 2019
    Gidge said:
    popps said:

    Try getting in the way of the PlunderBeacon's Cannons with a High Seas Ship and see how much damage they do....

    I have and learned how to avoid them. Though in agreeance that is takes a lot of fire power of the non cannon variety to do one. Lets see 6500x10 that's 65000 I wonder what boss that is equal to?
    But if the group of characters doing that damage is made out of 8 characters (ALL getting their crate, in the end), how much time consuming is for them 8 to deliver that quantity of damage ?

    Not much with developed characters and as I saw them taking down a PlunderBeacon in LESS time as a High Seas Ship takes, firing the Bow cannon, because of the reload times....

    And, on top of that, the NON-High Seas Ships not only do not need to bother with not having to repair their Ships and all that is associated with it, but neither they need to repair any cannon or furnish them with any Charges, Fuses, Cannonballs nor need to deal with Saltpeter etc. etc. etc.

    Yet, they get their crates just fine....

    As I said, if this is intended and not a bug, a very strange way, at least to my viewing, to promote the High Seas Booster and its purchase within the playerbase to better support the upkeep of Ultima Online....
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    I"m actually surprised that EJ accounts, without the High seas expansion, are able to even see this new stuff.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    edited April 2019
    Well It seems that this is a very great concern for you. Maybe you should post this info in the Bugs forum. 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Arron said:
    Well It seems that this is a very great concern for you. Maybe you should post this info in the Bugs forum. 
    The problem is, that I am not sure whether it is a bug or it is intended....
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    8 characters can be on a big ship and all stand at the bow and cast and the boat not take damage.

    I am not fighting you on it, I am just saying it can be done on a big ship to with no damage.
  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    popps said:
    Arron said:
    Well It seems that this is a very great concern for you. Maybe you should post this info in the Bugs forum. 
    The problem is, that I am not sure whether it is a bug or it is intended....
    Then I suggest you contsct the dev team, or post on the bugs forum.
  • ZamotZamot Posts: 55
    I tried this out when it first hit test center, thinking it was an easy button.  While the ship did not take damage your players that are on deck do take damage.  Both from the orcs manning the cannons and the grapeshot that is fired.  My boat during the test was a small dragon ship.  While on this small ship you also take damage from all of the see creatures.  Unlike being on an orc ship and staying away from the sides to keep the sea serpants and the Kracken from hitting you.  I tested this by myself and since I was going to be doing this alone on a real shard,found a way for the orc ship to do a plunder beacon with minimal to no damage. 

    On another note ever since high seas came out the older smaller ships have taken no damage out on the water.

    I still hate the new interface for firing cannons.  The old way you could make a macro, the new way you are unable to( or at least I have been unable to) make a key stroke to start the loading.  

    Popps, you need to figure out what works for you and find someone that you havent annoyed yet to help you in game.
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    @Zamot Do you have classic client? and if so, UOassit? I have one for loading and one for firing just the front. If you use EC, in one of these threads, someone made one I think?
  • ZamotZamot Posts: 55
    Gidge, I am using EC.  I will look for the post.  Thanks for the info
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