Suggestion for a new carpentry BOD reward: lumberjack axe

Suggestion for a new carpentry BOD reward: lumberjack axe. Like the gargoyle pickaxe it would raise the type of wood being harvested up one level. For example oak becomes yew and blood becomes frost.  Also like the gargoyle pickaxe it would have a limited number of charges.  And like the gargoyle pickaxe using it has the chance for a mob to spawn.  I am thinking reaper, wood nymph, dryad, insane dryad. 


  • SuperfrogSuperfrog Posts: 102
    Make the spawn “Keebler Elves”. 
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    Superfrog said:
    Make the spawn “Keebler Elves”. 
    No minions while chopping wood!!!! NO NO NO!!! (that's what I pictured while reading your post)
    lil keeblers hehe
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