What do the cannon actions in the Actions / Cannon menu do?

What do the cannon actions in the Actions / Cannon menu do? I dragged two of them onto a toolbar and targeted each to the cannons on my ship.  But when I click on the icon nothing happens.  I was expecting for the cannon to be targeted and opened so I could fire it.


  • SuperfrogSuperfrog Posts: 102
    edited March 2019
    they let you select a cannon for making a macro, under the old firing process you would use them to make an auto fire macro. it is essentially a target saver. in the new firing process for cannons, i am relatively sure they are of no use currently.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    @Kyronix can we get the cannon actions under the Actions / Cannons menu to bring up the gump for the targeted cannon when clicked on from a toolbar?  That would make using the cannons easier if the mast or sail is in the way.
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