Wash, Polish, Varnish, Scour, Cure, Gloss... is a BOX much needed, urgently ?

How do other players do with the MASSIVE amount of armor refinement items coming as loot from the Rising Tide content ?

They do not stack and they are too many !!

Perhaps some special boxes or container to hold them all reducing their item count is much urgently needed ?


  • SuperfrogSuperfrog Posts: 102
    popps said:
    How do other players do with the MASSIVE amount of armor refinement items coming as loot from the Rising Tide content ?

    They do not stack and they are too many !!

    Perhaps some special boxes or container to hold them all reducing their item count is much urgently needed ?
    One of the first things that needs to be done (IMO) is to remove the different armor types and just make each type do all armor, that would cut the cut the amount needed, way back. 
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    When I bothered to even loot them at all, I would amalgamate them all into Invul pieces. Very time consuming and I ended up turning them all in for points anyway.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    trade in points. problem solved.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    jelinidas said:
    trade in points. problem solved.
    Not really.... at least, not for all those crafters who actually "need" them in order to keep on their business....

    Or, are ONLY the invulnerability refinement ones (and fortification ones as, with the amalgamator, 5 fortification ones can be upgraded to 1 invulnerability....) worth to be stocked up and all the lesser others possible to be turned up for points ?
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    When I bothered to even loot them at all, I would amalgamate them all into Invul pieces. Very time consuming and I ended up turning them all in for points anyway.
    Amalgamating is surely a way to reduce their count although, it STILL needs to stock up tons of them (which they do not stack on their own...) until one can amalgamate them....

    It still a considerable high number of them....
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    I would like to see that entire refinement process streamlined and simplified. As it is, I don't use it since it really only applies to melee chars (non-medable gear) and I have none. I do like the artwork on them, though. Would be nice if they were stackable, and vendorable on the NM stalls.
  • IMO they just need to stack, I use them a lot in crafting, including the lesser ones.  Though the suggestion to simplify the categorizing to just say tailored/smithed/carp'd armor would have my vote too.
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    Yeah they should stack
  • BasaraBasara Posts: 164
    edited April 2019
    I have 3 chests in my house - 1 for all the deflection types, one for all the reinforcement types, and one for new arrivals. (this is CC - and it works better with the new container gumps enabled)

    The first two have 3 containers for sorting by their graphic, with sub-container in each for the specific armor type whose refinement looks that way (so, there's one with 4 tailor armor type boxes, one with the 6 smith types, and one with woodland and gargish stone refinement boxes)

    Then, in each sub-container, there's 4 rows for Defense, Protection, hardening and fortification.

    As the first two containers only have post-amalgamation refinements in them, then the box for, say, hide deflection refinements would have at MOST 10 items in it (1 defense, 2 protection, 3 hardening, 4 fortification). 

    I then collect refinements in Box 3 (along with 4 amalgamators), until I get about 100 of them.

    Then, I amalgamate the heck out of them, combining the old and new. Invulnerability refinements go onto my vendor.

    The last time, I had about 75-80 items in each of boxes 1 & 2, plus 16 sub-containers. Box 3 had 110 refinements and 4 amalgamators. AFTER amalgamation, I was back down to 65-75 in each of the two storage boxes, 8 or so new invulnerability refinements, and an empty "incoming refinements" (not counting the 4 amalgamators - I have 4 in case there's a bug or misidentified one that results in an incomplete amalgamation, and I had as many of 3 "oops" at the same time at one point).

    I have had times were adding 1 defense refinement EMPTIED a box for an armor type (though I usually had more to put in after); 1 new Defense added to a box with 1 defense, 2 protection, 3 hardening, and 4 fortification, amalgamating as I could.
    2 Defense = 1 Protection. Added to the existing 2 protection becomes 1 Hardening. Adding that to the existing 3 hardening creates 1 Fortification. And, with the 4 fortification already possessed, creates an invulnerability, and empties the box completely.

    The secret to keeping the Refinement numbers down is simply to amalgamate to create better ones whenever possible. 
  • Acid_RainAcid_Rain Posts: 282
    I placed a boat w/ my crafter. Cargo hold has defense & some protection. Xmas gift box 1 has some protection but mostly hardening. GB 2 has fortifications. I rarely run out of room & usually stay between 110-120 items. I do bind them up often then store invulnerability in the chars blue beetle he rides. When I get over 20 invul refinements it’s time to stock the vendor.

    Basara said:

    The secret to keeping the Refinement numbers down is simply to amalgamate to create better ones whenever possible. 
    The dragon & ringmail get thrown out for points as no one ever buys them b/c no one ever uses them.

    Some type of special container/box for them would be awesome so I didn’t have to refresh a boat every 5-6 days. It’s currently a tedious, time consuming, & annoying system but a necessity if the player wants to take advantage of refinement bonuses.
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