What gives ? The Bounty Board on the Floating Emporium is EMPTY ??
This is a first timer for me....
The Bounty Board at the Floating Emporium has NO outstanding Bounting for Pirates ?
And how do I complete my Quest ?
Don't they spawn all the time, gone one spawns another ?
@Kyronix , is this intended or is it some bug ?
We are right into the Rising Tide Event and there is no Pirates to hunt ??
The Bounty Board at the Floating Emporium has NO outstanding Bounting for Pirates ?
And how do I complete my Quest ?
Don't they spawn all the time, gone one spawns another ?
@Kyronix , is this intended or is it some bug ?
We are right into the Rising Tide Event and there is no Pirates to hunt ??
I seriously doubt that, even if I took all the hassle to empty the Hold, dry dock the Ship and relocate it in Tokuno, that the PIrate I would catch there would complete my Floating Emporium Quest....
The worrysome issue though, is that there is lack of Dread Pirates !!
I thought that gone one, another would spawn right away.
But, if the Board is totally empty, this is NOT the case and Pirates RUN OUT.
Does this mean that I know have to wait until tomorrow's maintainance that the Server would reset and new Pirates spawn ?
I took the hassle of cancelling the Floating Emporium Quest, to pack the Ship and move it Tokuno where I got a Quest there and found a Pirate Ship but with the added nasty surprise (still having to navigate through an annoying LOT of sea spawn moving the Ship's movements every step...) that AFTER I consumed all the required ammunitions to board the Ship, the Dread Pirate VANISHED into nothingness !!
I got some loot but my main goal was to apprehend the Pirate as I am trying to put together and Orc Ship...
It has been a quite frustrating day of playing.... LOTS of wasted time in searching for nothing and getting nothing.... VERY frustrating and unfun......
Pirates Ships should NOT spawn where so many Sea spawn gets spawned because it is a NECESSITY to maneuver the Ship and they BLOCK IT from all sides making it frustrating to engage in combat with the Pirate Ship....
Plunder Beacons are static but Pirates' Ships ??
In order to get Pirates Ships it is necessary to maneuver which is not possible with all of the spawn blocking the Ship.....
Pirates SHips should not spawn where Plunder Beacons spawn and the waters around Pirates Ships should be clear of spawn blocking Ships movements.
That is at least how I see it.
I wasted a lot of ammunitions, countless hours of time and did not even get a Captain forget about the many needed to get together an Orc Ship.....
And trying to move the Ship around with all of the Serpents, Krakens and Elementals BLOCKING the Ships' movements was totally frustrating.
Not fun, not fun at all. A BIG fail of this Event, to my viewing at least, in regards to fighting Pirates' Ships.
If you go out and only are looking for pirates, it is going to be frustrating. Kill everything that moves on the water and you will run into a pirate before you know it.
I just wish you could capture more than one pirate at a time I run into them that often.
They maybe be such for characters with expensive suits and all scrolled up, they certainly take way more time for normal Templates and by the time they are killed the Pirates Ship is gone for good.... Ammunitions lost and time wasted to search for one again only to rinse and repeat with all the spawn blocking movements.
No thanks. That is NOT fun at all. Only frustrating and annoying.
How are you going to subdue the pirate to chain him up if you can't fight? And if you are using grapeshot to kill ship crews, that is a huge waste of supplies. Just giving you some options on saving ammunition.
And that is PRECISELY what should NOT happen....
Plunder Beacons and Pirate/Merchant Ships spawns should be kept MILES AWAY from one another....
The issue is precisely that. instead, Pirates and Merchant Ships are set to spawn in the same area where Plunder Beacons (and the heavy sea creatures spawn associated) spawn....
It takes obtaning 8 Maps to make an Orc Ship and each capturing a Dread Pirate only has a "chance" of getting a Map among other rewards...
Furthermore, even when getting an Orc Ship Map piece drop, it could well be a duplicate...
What I am trying to say, is that, in order to fet all pieces to an Ord Ship MANY Dread Pirates captures are needed.....
And with the time it takes to subdue a Pirate Captain PLUS the spawn blocking Ships' movements because Pirates' Ships are permitted to spawn in the same Area of Plunder Beacons make the completion of all 8 pieces of an Orc Ship an almost impossible thing to do in a reasonable amount of time.
Thanks but no. To my viewing, Pirates and Merchant Ships should be spawned at a TOTALLY separate spawn area as that of Plunder beacons and there should not be all those Sea Serpents, Elementals and Krakens blocking Ships' maneuvering.
My husband is wearing crap armor, seriously not much better than you could buy off an npc, and is using a mediocre at best bow. He mows through everything other than the krackens. And even those are dispatched pretty quickly. He just has to make sure he takes a step back so the kraken can’t beat up on him. His armor isn’t enough to protect him from them.
I cant image why you’d be having such a hard time. The spawn should not be reduced.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
While the Plunder Beacons are static, and therefore the Sea Monsters that spawn intensively around them do not cause "that" much of an issue to a Ship needing to maneuver, when it comes with having to hunt Pirates' and Merchants' Ships it is an ENTIRE different story.
When having to engage in Ships' combat with Ships that move, it is necessary to maneuver in order to be able to engage them and the Ships' commands are already sufficiently clumsy and difficult that having Sea Monsters that spawn a go-go near by is really unnecessary, to my opinion, and they risk to cancel all the fun and to make a fun experience frustrating and only a waste of time.
As I said, aside from all of the time built in when having to navigate to the location (back and from the Officer that gives the Quest) where Pirates' Ships supposedly hang out, having to actually search and find them among many wrong arrows that the Ships' Tracking command returns (with multiple arrows on the screen how to tell which is pointing to the Pirate Ship or Merchant Ship that we are looking for ?), and then the much time needed to bring the Dread Pirate health bar down to apprehend it, it REALLY is upsetting and frustrating then, that because of Sea Serpents, Water Elementals, Krakens blocking the Ship and making one's own maneuvering even more difficult as what it is, that Pirate Ship or Merchant Ship that we have been able to find after spending much time in the effort, leves the area and we need to start tracking again STILL without knowing which of the arrow reported on the screen reports to the Ship we might be looking for....
And this, when perhaps we have ALREADY engaged in combat with it wasting charges, fuses and ammunitions and all for nothing because the Ship we were fighting it moved away and we could not follow it because of the damn Serpents, Water Elementals and Krakens blocking our Ships on all sides...
No thanks.
It is fun, but, to my opinion, Pirates and Merchant spawns locations must be kept SEPARATE as those of the Plunder Beacons, well far away from all of that Sea Monsters spawn which then blocks and makes ackward and way difficult one's own Ship maneuvering which is much needed to be fluid and smooth when having to engage in Ship combat.
In order to get all of the 8 pieces to an Orc Ship, a LOT of Dread Pirates need to get caught.
But if the apprehension of 1 Dread Captain alone takes hours of game play in between navigating, searching for the pirate ship only to lose it because of the Sea Monsters spawning around and blocking one's own Ships' maneuvering which it makes it necessary to search for it again and, thus, spend additional time, and the time of course needed to then apprehend the Dread Pirate, a player trying to get an Orc Ship will not be able to do it before the Current part of Rising Tide ends which, I understand, is a month of which a week has already gone by....
That is at least my point of view on the new content.