Which Mastery to pick among Throwing, Mysticism and Chivalry ?

poppspopps Posts: 4,132
edited March 2019 in Skills and Stats
All of this stuff is new to me and am not sure what to pick....

What Mastery would be most usefull for a character having Mysticism, Throwing and Chivalry ?

He also has Imbuing and Focus and Tactics, for that matter....

Also, some Mastery spells require mana, others reagents. But I do not understand how long they last...

I mean, those using reagents I assume would then require one to bring them along a sa stock, in case of death would suck because they would get looted and thus make one incapacitated to cast that Mastery spell again...

For example, for Mysticism, Nether Blast needs Dragon's Blood + Daemon Bone while Mystic Weapom Needs Fertile Dirt + Bone.

But that's to cast them initially and then they stay on indefinitively ?

Or they are timed and if one loses the reagents it is game over to use these Mastery spells ?

If so, it is then advisable to only use those Masteries which take up Mana and forget about those using reagents ?

Also, some Mystic spells just mention "mana" others mention "mana upkeep".

What that mean exactly ?

Thanks !


  • I'd personally use the throwing mastery, or mystic if you rely on the Colossus a lot.  Most of the masteries you're talking about are single use things, kinda like weapon specials or most spells.  Their durations are based off you mastery+skills, if they have a duration.  Otherwise they'll just activate for your next attack.

    If it says upkeep for mana, then usually every 3-5seconds it'll drain that amount. Like deathray, bard masteries, taming combatcmasteries, maces toughness.. They continuously need mana to stay active.

    If you're wearing LRC armour then you don't need to worry about having any reagents.
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