Ah, is this why your ship was out at sea surrounded? Always head to port! I've had this happen to me before Sacred Journeying, think it tries to send to a safe spot. (otherwise known as teleporting) and maybe the spot it was going to send Jirel to was blocked by something.
The server went down with us on the ship and Jirel logged in after server to THIS:
Were you on a pirate or merchant ship when the server went down? I had that happen to me and ended up there. usually puts you back at your last recall position though.
A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . . Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
you can definitely get more chest from merchants/pirates in a given time than from beacons but it is still comparable on the beacon. and the amount you get from a mythic is the same as about 8 reg chests so it is worth the time in my opinion. 10 million gold to the city coffers is awesome.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Back to scuttling ships...A pirates work is never done.