Ship moving on its own while logged off ?
Can anyone please explain this to me ?
My Ship (a Gargoyle Ship) yesterday, before logging off, was docked at some Docks (no, it was NOT the Floating Harbour Docks which I know have a no parking rule...).
Today, when I logged in, I found it at sea, not too far from those Docks but nonetheless, still in the middle of the Sea and not BY the Docks as I left it yesterday....
Security Settings are :
Party membership modifies access to this ship: Never
Public Access : N/A
Party Access: N/A
Guild Access: N/A
What gives ?
With those Security Settings, how could anyone board it ?
The only thing which I did not do yesterday, before logging off, was dropping anchor....
But do Ships drift out at Sea on their own when their anchor was not dropped ?
That's odd, I now tried BOTH Commands "Lower Anchor" and "Drop Anchor" but the Tillerman did not respond (my character is NOT at the wheel...).
Has the drop/raise Anchor command been taken out for these Ships ?
My Ship (a Gargoyle Ship) yesterday, before logging off, was docked at some Docks (no, it was NOT the Floating Harbour Docks which I know have a no parking rule...).
Today, when I logged in, I found it at sea, not too far from those Docks but nonetheless, still in the middle of the Sea and not BY the Docks as I left it yesterday....
Security Settings are :
Party membership modifies access to this ship: Never
Public Access : N/A
Party Access: N/A
Guild Access: N/A
What gives ?
With those Security Settings, how could anyone board it ?
The only thing which I did not do yesterday, before logging off, was dropping anchor....
But do Ships drift out at Sea on their own when their anchor was not dropped ?
That's odd, I now tried BOTH Commands "Lower Anchor" and "Drop Anchor" but the Tillerman did not respond (my character is NOT at the wheel...).
Has the drop/raise Anchor command been taken out for these Ships ?
The only buoys that I can see are around the Floating Market but, as I said, I did not leave it there but at some other docks....