Carpentry and Magery

One of my characters is a carpenter. To be able to build the whole set of items, you need other skills such as tinkering and magery. The template gets pretty darn tight!  His template currently does not go above 100 points in any skill, but I'd like to GM+ his carpentry and bow-making.  The current template is:

100: Carpentry, Bowcraft
100: Arms Lore, Cooking
80 Blacksmithing
75: Magery, Tailoring
50: Tinkering
45: Music

What I'd like to do is lower magery to 55 and raise Carpentry and Bowcraft to 110. Without the 75 magery, he will be able to make neither Pentagrams nor the Exodus Summoning Altar. Can a talisman or other magery-enhancing items be used to effectively raise Magery to at least 75 as it relates to Carpentry?  I'm aftaid the +magery items will only apply to casting and not when magery exists as a side-effect.

Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)


  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    edited March 2018

    I had this kind of setup for a long time. It is tight. I eventually wound up with new characters for cooking and bowcrafting.

    Now may main has I believe,

    120 Smithing

    120 Tailoring

    100 Carpentry

    100 Tinkering

    100 Arms Lore

    100 Magery

    50 Musicianship

    30 Focus (Why? It's easy to gain and loose!)

    If you don't want new toons, you can get some SoulStones and just swap in/out the skills combo's you want as needed.

    (I just logged in to check my numbers and I have to say, I really like the new splash/login screen.)

  • RockRock Posts: 567
    Aroth, thanks. Nice template, but I think you only need 45 Music.

    It turns out that my question may be moot. According to the UOGuide Power Scrolls page, there are no scrolls for either Carpentry or Bowcraft. Is this info still up to date?
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    edited March 2018

    As far as I know, Carpentry and Bowcrafting only go to 100.

    I think you are right on the musicianship as well, but I haven't checked in a long time, so anything may have been added/removed/changed. I have 50 music because, well, where am I going to put 5 additional points? 50 was a nice round number.

    I could drop off the focus and go to 120 magery, but I've never bothered to get a scroll. Plus, that would leave 10 points. This character is human, so already gets the 20 point JOAT bonus to all skills.

    It's actually kind of a mess, and with jewelry now this whole thing could get changed around, but honestly, this 'toon is just a crafter who needs to recall for BOD's. It works for what it is. Plus, I can make anything I freaking want!

    As to your questions about how real skill vs. jewelry skill applies to crafting, those will have to get answered by someone far more knowledgeable than me. Or you can log into Test Center and try things out.

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,399Moderator
    Confirm carpentry & bowcraft have no power scrolls. Items will count towards qualifying points for both music and magery.
  • RockRock Posts: 567
    Mariah and Aroth, Thank you.
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • BasaraBasara Posts: 164
    You can get up to 50 points reliably (60 with some effort) of Magery from equipment. 
    +15 Magery from a number of older, but relatively inexpensive, event spellbooks (The spellbook from Treasures of Tokuno, especially)
    +5 Magery from the Treatise on Alchemy talisman from the Britain Library collection (also useful if the Carpenter is also your Alchemist)
    +15 Magery each from imbued or looted bracelets and rings, with rarer loot drops potentially having +20 Magery. There's also event or rare peerless drop rings with +20 Magery.

    As a result, my crafter currently has 60 real magery, and a total of 115 with equipment (after power scroll use), so he can cast summons for defensive needs. 

    For other Carpentry add-ons...

    Musicianship and Magery are in the same skill group, so you can't have jewelry with both unless they create one as an event item in the future. However, you don't need both on at the same time.

    A carpenter, with a little planning, can actually craft musical instruments with ZERO real skill. What you need is a set of gear to swap out for your magery buff items.
    To get to 45 Music, acquire or make the following:
    Ring (+15 Music)*
    Bracelet (+15 Music)*
    *rare loot can be up to +20 music; +15 music can be imbued.
    Choose one of the following choices for the other +15
    a. If an Elf, Song Woven Mantle (+10 Music leaf sleeves from a Mondain's Legacy rare recipe from Heartwood tailor quests), plus Minstrel Talisman (from the Britain Library collection) or handheld item for another +5 (see below)
    b. If human, A Dryad Bow artifact with +10 Music in hand, plus a Minstrel Talisman
    c. There is a semi-rare recipe for a "Singing Axe" for blacksmiths. It has +5 music. You can use this instead of the talisman in choice a., or with the talisman after substitution of a +20 music jewelry piece for one of the +15 pieces.
    d. it is possible to craft a fishing pole with a runic saw, that can have Music on it, but I do not know if can be as high as +10 or not.
    e. Get BOTH jewelry slots with +20 music jewels, then you can use one of any of the items from a.-d. to get to 45 skill.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    edited March 2018


    Glad to see you here! Maybe they will set up a crafting sub-heading and turn you loose!

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