What drops Books of Masteries 2s and 3s ?

Being a returning player after a while away, I need to "catch up" and, therefore, am in need to find Books in varies Masteries for my characters....

Do they spawn on specific Monsters ?

Do some Monsters drop them with an higher chance as others ?

Bottom line is, what would be my most efficient hunt (what monster) to "farm" for quite a good number of Books of Masteries 2 and 3 so that I can cover the various skills of my characters ?

That is, is it more efficient to fight tougher monsters but which have a higher chance to drop them or easier monsters to fight which take less time to kill them but have a lower chance to drop the Books of Masteries ?

I am looking to find what type of fight would in the end be a more efficient way for my time to end up with covering up all of my characters' skills....

Thanks !


  • best quantity of masteries drop from champ spawn bosses. You get about 8 per finished spawn, sometimes more, sometimes less (haven't quite figured out whether it's random or some kind of logic behind this).
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    best quantity of masteries drop from champ spawn bosses. You get about 8 per finished spawn, sometimes more, sometimes less (haven't quite figured out whether it's random or some kind of logic behind this).
    And second best hunting ground as an alternative to Champ Spawns would be ?
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    edited March 2019
    Scalis and something else. I believe ilsh and turtle drop primers so you can do it safely. 
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    Masteries drop from all champions spawns, Scalis and Charybdis.
    None pvp champion spawns include Valor, Humility, Spirituality and Twisted Weald in Ilshenar, Bedlam and Labyrinth in Malas, Sleeping dragon in Tokuno, Dragon Turtle in Eodon.

    Masteries are also shard bound, and as such can quite often be found on player vendors even on quieter shards.

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    Mariah said:
    Masteries drop from all champions spawns, Scalis and Charybdis.
    None pvp champion spawns include Valor, Humility, Spirituality and Twisted Weald in Ilshenar, Bedlam and Labyrinth in Malas, Sleeping dragon in Tokuno, Dragon Turtle in Eodon.

    Masteries are also shard bound, and as such can quite often be found on player vendors even on quieter shards.

    Thanks for the heads up, it looks like there is a decent number of spawns where it is possible to look for masteries books....

    Among those which you mentioned, non-PvP, which could be possibly considered as the easiest and, thus, less time consuming ?

    I guess that in order to get Masteries' Books level 2 and 3 in various skills, it will be necessary to do a given spawn over and over multiple times before I get the ones in the skills I need for my characters and, therefore, it could take significant time if the spawn has a higher difficulty level and is more time consuming to be completed...

    Oh, I am looking for spawns which could be tackled solo.... and this, for a character currently NOT having masteries having only recently returned to UO after a good while away......
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    Samps have tackled all champs solo long before masteries.

    Rat spawn is easiest though. Turtle is most fun. 
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    I could be imagining it but I’m pretty sure I also got a mastery from dreadhorn. 
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    Mervyn said:
    I could be imagining it but I’m pretty sure I also got a mastery from dreadhorn. 

    Yup, all the peerless drop them.
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