height restrictions

The interior decorator will no longer allow players to increase “house only” tiles pass their height restrictions.

What is the official height restriction please? and please provide link/information to this info? (I am normally not this demanding, but I just can't seem to find anything and want to read/bookmark it *smiles*)


  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    I will look at ammending the title of that page to make it more easily found when searching

  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    Mariah said:
    I will look at ammending the title of that page to make it more easily found when searching

    Thank you Mariah!

    I guess I thought there was a new restriction put into place. I've always heard the number 70 floating around.


    Keep finding new people who want to use stone!
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    Not a new restriction, a new way of dealing with it. Previously if you raised beyond the limit the tiles would raise, but then be removed next server maintenance. Better that the tool doesn't allow it to happen in the first place?
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    Mariah said:
    Not a new restriction, a new way of dealing with it. Previously if you raised beyond the limit the tiles would raise, but then be removed next server maintenance. Better that the tool doesn't allow it to happen in the first place?

    Wasn't questioning (or wanting to fight it) it, just looking for the number.

    I have someone learning how to build a roof and would hate for them to be in the middle of it and it go poof. *gasp*

    I had given them the number of 67 so they could place a few tiles down, walls etc.

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