POLL: Inter-Shard Mobility for the Masses - Part & Question 2
It seems that there is some problem with multi-questions polls, or I
fumbled badly in the editing of the first post, so here is the second
- If you replied YES!!! to the "STS for the Masses", how do you wish it implemented?10 votes
- As today STS, but awared at a much more earlier level, e.g.: 1th to 4th Year VR (Suolstones are!)50.00%
- As today STS, but for sale to EVERYONE in the OS at a REASONABLE price!30.00%
- Nerfed (as little as possible) but awared at a much more earlier level, e.g.: 1th to 4th Year VR.10.00%
- Nerfed (as little as possible) but for sale to EVERYONE in the OS at a REASONABLE price!10.00%
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
2) The point is:
Q1) Do you wish that TPTB of UO will revise the STS issue to makes it more "low level" players friendly?
Q2) If your reply to Q1 is YES!!!, how? (4 choices proposed)
Is this concise enough?
3) ".i think i lost that point too". Nice one! Point taken...
There is another option.
5. I would like to see Shard Transfer Shields functionality removed.
STS would remain as decorative items.
Character Transfers could only be purchased through the in game store, generating increased revenue for Broadsword.
if not just give the shields out to every new player character that is created along with 1 plat and an ethy
Not to mention limit the amount of gold you can transfer along with items(weight limit).