Thief and Thief Guild idea
I did an IDOC the other day, and looted a ton of dungeon stealable stuff - stuff I often get myself with my dungeon rogue.
Was thinking, as a lot of this doesn't have a clean-up value and often just becomes junk that is not hunted for again - why not treat it similar to clean-up points;
Have a "Fence" placed within the Thief Guilds, who collects the various stealables for turn-in points, then you build up for another set of rewards, just an idea, as a way to trade out the various dungeon stealables.
That could be a PvM thief idea, my PvP or Feluccan thief idea is the same as one I mentioned before.
Every player who enters Felucca, would carry a "Mark", which could refresh every 24 hours. Thieves would target these, and collect, again for turn-ins at the Thief Guild - the element of danger of course, is a player would potentially target them to maintain their own "Mark".
The player themselves, if they maintained their "Mark" for a 24 hour period, could then hand in their own one, for safetly playing in Felucca for a period, without being stolen from.
Just a couple of rogue ideas.
As a thief, I would love something added to the skill. Your idea, while thought out, would only last a limited time.
If everything is on a 24hr cycle and either I finish or someone beats me to it, then what am I supposed to do with my character my remaining allocated gaming time? As is now, I do VvV until I'm bored of running in circles and I log into something else.
I would love to see a dungeon chest update myself. Lockpicking, detect, remove trap, stealing. Chests that update every x minutes with current loot or SoA or SoT just something current. Something to occupy my time.
Either the risk vs reward balance couldn't be struck when stealing from containers in town. Or there was no way to reconcile what can happen when you turn grey in Felucca vs Trammel. And it couldn't be made to work out for npcs or other players to call the guard on rogues in Trammel. And there was no point in putting any interesting loot in npc backpacks because? I don't know why. I forget.
But I do know I spent a lot of hours involved in message board, player and dev, talk about how to make non PvP Lockpicking, Snooping, Stealing, Detect Hidden, Remove Trap fun. And it was all to no avail until a good while down the road when dungeon stealables came along. Which wasn't my thing so, meh.
Not that being an in town rogue in Felucca with other players, hidden, waiting for you to turn grey when stealing from a chest, killing you instantly, was zero fun. But I sure thought it would get better. Better than dried herbs and copper wire. Better than never giving any attention to the town pickpocket, lockpicking rogue again, like ever.
Dungeon stealables and server up, swipe fast, fruit basket type items are so stale at this point. I imagine there are a few people on every shard that have it down to a science on where to stand when. And how to grab fast.
But this...
I'm sure lots of us can still think of ways to breath life into this system and make if fun again. But I'm going to save my breath to cool my porridge until or unless I'm hearing a dev looking for feedback.