Can we hope to get Weapon Racks, Armor Stands/Wardrobes where to store them ?

poppspopps Posts: 4,130
edited February 2019 in General Discussions
 And, in doing that, also save up in item count.....

I would be great to have Containers reducing the Item count where one could put one's own Weapons, Armor.....

I mean, we got Kegs for Potions, Jewelry Boxes for jewelry pieces, the Keg for Powders of Fortification, BOD Books, Runebooks etc. etc. but what about containers for Weapons and Armor to help stock them and reduce their item count ?


  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    well i'm hoping with this year being about the high seas, that maybe they will do it theme related.
    hoping either anniversary gift or holiday token... buccaneers wardrobe

    would also like the wine cellar. 
    I know last year, when they said they were opening up the wine cellars, I thought they were giving us a wine cellar then.
    I know you can loot wine off of the ships, so maybe they could give us a pirate's cellar
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