Kotl Automatons : Is it possible to "train them up" as it is possible to do with pets ?

If yes, how do they get trained up ?

Just like pets ?

If not, why this double standard ?


  • SmootSmoot Posts: 416
    you can train them like a normal pet, but not use advanced pet training.  which i think is fine considering they only take 100 skill points its still a very powerful addition to a character.  (i use one on my archer mainly)

    however, even normal training isnt really worth doing because theres no way to re-gain loyalty.  you cant feed them like animal pets.  so all automatons go "wild" eventually.  its a throwaway item so being able to scroll them, then commit the time to training doesnt really make sense.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Smoot said:
    you can train them like a normal pet, but not use advanced pet training.  which i think is fine considering they only take 100 skill points its still a very powerful addition to a character.  (i use one on my archer mainly)

    however, even normal training isnt really worth doing because theres no way to re-gain loyalty.  you cant feed them like animal pets.  so all automatons go "wild" eventually.  its a throwaway item so being able to scroll them, then commit the time to training doesnt really make sense.
    Thanks for the answer,

    But if Automatons cannot be applies Scrolls of Power like Pets, does this mean that they remain weaker as compared to a trained up Pet ?

    Or are they "as usefull" as pets even though they cannot be applied Scrolls of Power and be trained up to 120 with their skills ?
  • SmootSmoot Posts: 416
    well no there not as useful.  but only 100 skill points.  lets just say their alot more powerful than any pet you can reliably control with only 50 taming 50 lore.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Smoot said:
    well no there not as useful.  but only 100 skill points.  lets just say their alot more powerful than any pet you can reliably control with only 50 taming 50 lore.
    I see, thanks.

    So, "up to" what type of Monster an Automaton can deal with, considering that the only way to heal it while in combat would be for the tinker to stay close to it... no ranged healing spell could be used like with pets....

    Why were, also, Automatons made lesser capable as many pets which can be trained to a much better status ?
  • TimTim Posts: 839
    I believe they are a 0 taming skill pet

    The only character I have that has one also has taming on him but the animal lore is blank for "Pet Slots" and "Requirements"
    That would explain the lower capabilities. Still not a bad body guard for a tinkerer without any taming skill.
  • SmootSmoot Posts: 416

    cant answer your question for how i use them.  they used to be pretty good in pvp because the original kotl ones disarmed, and were very fast.  im not sure if this has changed.

    i just use them in pvm now as extra damage, but i dont actually heal them at all.  if they die they die.

    might be useful on a crafter or resource gatherer for easy to medium mobs if that character has no other offensive weapons or magic abilities.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    Vollem in a crystal. Unless they were changed they instantly bond, take 2 slots, require 0 taming to control and have about the same stats at a nightmare. They're extremely fun.
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