New RP program - The Life of Flunkeydom (2019)

EM LyraaEM Lyraa Posts: 187Event Moderator
edited April 2021 in Drachenfels
NOTE: This program was concluded with the ceremony as of March 23, 2021. 

Dear Drachenfelsians,

For three years our RP program HoF (House of Flunkeydom) has provided entertainment and excitement in Sosaria. That's over now. Since the beginning of 2019, the era of LoF (Life of Flunkeydom) has begun.

What's new about this RP program is that you can do it yourself on the start day or later, within 2-3
weeks. How does it work? Read on!

EM Lyraa

(PS: Die Deutsche Version findet ihr hier)

The Life of Flunkeydom (2019-2021)

Participate in the life of the servants!
So far, The "House of Flunkeydom" has been the measure of all things. The servants worked tirelessly for the good of all in the castle and its surroundings. This chapter is now closed – now we turn to the life of servanthood (Life of Flunkeydom = LoF).

How can I participate in LoF?
By attending the LoF events, they will give you the points you want. The events are always announced in advance and include the addition (LoF/RP), this concerns the Town Criers, the EM website and our Facebook pages.

How does a LoF event work?
The events run at least 2 to 3 weeks from the start date. They can also overlap in time. The event day is always the start day, from then on you can complete the event at any time. It is prepared with NPCs, books or objects. If you attend the startday event, you are registered for your point automatically.
After the start day you will find a book at the EM Museum, which will put you on the right track. It is marked with the place and date and tells you the starting place or the starting NPC you have to visit.

The most important tips for the LoF Events!!!

  • In the future the cooperation with governors of the cities in Sosaria will play a role in these events. Unoccupied cities can be filled at any time – in consultation with the king, of course. If you are governor, please contact the Crown (e-mail is the quickest way, or put a book with your contact details in the EM Museums mailbox.)
  • The characters (NPCs) are generally very friendly. Therefore always greet them with “Hello”, otherwise they won’t help you
  • Pay close attention to the words of the NPCs. Often you can ask them a counter question like an echo and learn more – often it’s just a “keyword”, but now and then it can also be two
  • Sometimes you should get one (or more) items. You don’t have to spend hours searching for it, it can also be a “related” item: a bottle is a bottle, whether it contains sake, beer, or wine… and mostly it’s an everyday item anyway
  • Take a close look around – is there a book or item around that can help you?
  • Very important! Take a writable book with you on your journey: write down all NPC and other names you meet. This way you can be sure that you have really completed the whole adventure. It should also contain: Date, name, guild and/or email address (this will help if I have any questions). After you’ve completed the event, you can throw the book into the mailbox at the EM Reward Museum.

Are there rewards for participation?
Yes, once a year there is a big reward ceremony (with the king, among others). A suitable selection of rewards for your achievements will be made beforehand. It will be a modest item such as a sash, shoes or a piece of clothing. The custom-made piece will be personalized with your name and will also be tied to the Shard Drachenfels.

How can I collect points? And how long do they last?
The easiest way to earn points is to visit and participate in LoF events. If you submit a correctly completed book (see the important tips above), each event will earn you a maximum of one (1) point for active participation. Ideally, you will participate with only one (and always the same) character, as the points will be registered to your unique information in the book. Points will be displayed and regularly updated on the forums here, so visit from time to time to find out your status.
After one year, the points will be deleted and each participant will start again from zero (0) points. Points cannot be carried over to the next year.
Important note: There are at least one or two LoF events per month.

How many points do I need?

  • With up to 13 points you are a simple participant and not eligible for any rewards.
  • With 14 points you receive a special item/reward
  • With 18 points you will receive two special items/rewards
  • With 20 points you will receive three special items/rewards
  • With 22 points you get the chance for a special title or the choice for three special items/rewards

What about the titles?
If you manage to earn 22 points (or more), you can get a title instead of items/rewards. You can choose the title from the HoF list, and other (RP) matching titles are also possible. The power of decision is always with the crown!

How can I get my reward?
On the occasion of the participation in the ceremony which takes place once a year. It will be announced on the forums here, on Facebook and ingame with the Town Cryers.
If you don’t make it to the ceremony, you can send me an e-mail to make an appointment. This is possible for a maximum of two weeks afterwards, otherwise your reward will unfortunately be cancelled and deleted.

What about the official characters participating in HoF events?
There are a few characters who will participate in the events. However, changes are possible spontaneously at any time.

And how do I participate in this project now?
Unlike in the past, you don’t have to register. The most important thing to get the points is the book you have to fill out when you complete the event, see above – Important Tips for LoF Events!

Since when does this project exist?
The first test event took place in December 2018. Points were not credited until the official first event on 27 January 2019.

This project was initiated by EM Lyraa. The rules can be changed at any time.
Last update of these guidelines: February 1, 2020.

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