BLACKROCK is still NOT stackable ?
If my memory serves me right, years ago, before I stopped playing UO, I seem to remember that there was a goal of increasing the number of items that were stackable and among these, BLACKROCK was one of the main candidates...
Yet, upon returning, I was checking with some Blackrock that I still have and it still does not stack ?
Have there been items over these Years that have been made stackable ?
Is there still a desire to make Blackrock as stackable ?
If you have old pieces that are insured, DON’T uninsure them as when they were made stackable the ability to insure them was removed. These can no longer be obtained. Some folks pay WELL for these pieces due to their ability to bypass dark wisp’s shielding. This comes into play when doing spawns like Primeval Lich, some dungeon areas, & occasional events.
Having a single stone weighted item that’s very small, insurable, can never be lost, & bypasses certain monster shielding certainly comes in handy. The old event large blackrock pieces can also do this & are still insurable but never spawned with one stone weights. They will work similarly but very low weighted (2-4) pieces were rare to mine with graphics 20-50 times larger.
All new black rock stacks, old does not. The idea of different kinds/gem images is for something they might use in a future event or game activity. They do try to make things multi useful. The old big black rock has been ended for quite some time. Though if you look at the Meteorite its just about the same. Re using a image and re naming it to fit is common.
Thanks for the correction @Lady_Storm