Blackrock Infection

I cant seem to find a definite source of information from when this feature was turned off . I had a mage that was Blackrock infected I enjoyed running into a random black rock infected creature and the added difficulty along with the neat named chest. Since there is talk about revamping treasure chest maybe these could be brought back I like fighting paragons and blackrock infected things for the chest. Can we have these back please i also miss blowing myself to pieces with blackrock i even had a full body of myself locked down after one such experiment :)


  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    It was turned off at the end of the event in around later 2008 I think it was.

    Casting Armageddon still worked to an extent (summoning the blue wisp) until fairly recently, when it too was shut off. Casting it has absolutely no effect anymore.
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    There is a weapon that is suppose to infect things, I will have to find it again. I went out recently to test it and kept one hit killing everything with it. :D Some swordsmanship thing. a reaper looking tool. Scythe? Big red thing.
  • Sounds like one of the Brit Invasion event, Vanq weapons.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,226
    Berserker's Scythe has a rare chance..or DID..I haven't tested it in years....

  • Ezekiel_ZaneEzekiel_Zane Posts: 326
    edited January 2019

    That thing?
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426

    That thing?
    Yup! That thing :)
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