Fishing and the RNG... how is this possible ?

poppspopps Posts: 4,130
edited January 2019 in General Discussions
This is something which I noticed years ago, before stopping playing...

Out of the many Shore fish, Deep Water fish, Dungeon fish, Crabs and Lobsters, there is always the same ones which I fish up the least....

Statistically, being it "random", this should not be. Eventually, out of hundreds if fished up fish and crabs/lobsters the numbers should moreless "even out" in between all of them thus resulting in moreless the same quantities of each being fished up.

Yet, to my finding, it ain't so....

It sistematically happens to me that "certain" fish or crab or lobster is caught the least and by quite a large margin...

Back then, I thought it was a bug and did not pay much attention to it.

But now that I have gotten back and started fishing again, I noticed the same thing all over... and I have the impression (if memory helps me...) that it is ALSO the same fishes, crabs and lobsters which I had a harder time getting Years back that I STILL have a hard time getting them now....

What gives ?

The RNG is not a RNG when it comes to fishing ?

Did anyone else notice this or have an answer to this ?


  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    No clue what you're talking about . While I haven't done any trap fishing in a while, my stock of crab/lobsters is not even across the board, but nicely portioned. Same for fish, unless you're talking about named fish, most of those are still just a rumor in my book. 
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  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    my fisher usually gets about the same amount of each from the traps, but usually the fishmongers only ask for one type from my fisher... its been awhile since I have done any traps but I remember having to turn in the same ones over and over again. 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    my fisher usually gets about the same amount of each from the traps, but usually the fishmongers only ask for one type from my fisher... its been awhile since I have done any traps but I remember having to turn in the same ones over and over again. 
    Hmmm, that might be it... Fishmongers asking mostly for the same type of Fish or Crab or Lobster thus causing me an exceptional shortage of it...

    If so, and apparently since you also noticed it, this might be the case, I'd say this might be cause of some type of a bug and should not be.

    Anyone else noticing Fish Mongers asking them more often a specific Fish or Crab or Lobster ?

    If enough players experienced this, perhaps we might ask Broadsword to get it fixed and have Fishmongers ask EVENLY what Fish, Crab or Lobester they request thus not causing uneven shortages in the fishermen's stocks...

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