Fishing Quests: is this a BUG ?
I am having a hard time with Trinsic, Skara Brae and Jhelom Fishmongers.... they do not give me Quests...
All these 3 Fishmongers keep saying this <span>
"Aye, partner, how goes the fishin? Me customer be waitin' fer ye and won't be payin' either of us till ye deliver."
The problem is, that my Ship's Hold is EMPTY and that I have nothing to deliver !
I must go to some other Fishmonger in Britain, Vesper, Moonglow of Sea Market to get a Quest because, for who knows what reasons, I cannot get them in Trinsic, Skara Brae or Jhelom...
Has anyone had this happening to them also ?
Is there a way that I can correct it ?
Thanks for the help.
All these 3 Fishmongers keep saying this <span>

"Aye, partner, how goes the fishin? Me customer be waitin' fer ye and won't be payin' either of us till ye deliver."
The problem is, that my Ship's Hold is EMPTY and that I have nothing to deliver !
I must go to some other Fishmonger in Britain, Vesper, Moonglow of Sea Market to get a Quest because, for who knows what reasons, I cannot get them in Trinsic, Skara Brae or Jhelom...
Has anyone had this happening to them also ?
Is there a way that I can correct it ?
Thanks for the help.
Basically, out of 8 locations giving Fishing Quests I can only use 5 as Trinsic, Skara Brae and Jhelom (all in the same server zone...) do not give me any Fishing Quest....
And I have NO IDEA how to fix this issue...
@Kyronix or @Mesanna , can you please help ?
Thanks !
James: Reputation is pooled among all fishmongers, they talk to each other through a secret chat channel."
I just took the effort to empty out completely my Ship's Hold and Dry Dock it hoping that it would solve the issue but no, after putting the Ship in the Water I STILL get, when asking the Fishmongers in Jhelom, Trinsic and Skara Brae (same Server zone...) the message :
"Aye, partner, how goes the fishin? Me customer be waitin' fer ye and won't be payin' either of us till ye deliver."
And they give me no Fishing Quest....
YET, if I go to Britain or any of the other 5 Fishmongers on server zones OTHER then that where Jhelom, Skara Brae and Trinsic are located I get given the Fishing Quest.
Since the HELP button does not get me a Game Master to help me out (if I press the physically stuck I only get moved to another location...) and Dry Docking the Ship did not fix the issue, can someone please tell me how I am supposed to get this issue fixed so that I can move on with my fishing ?
@Bleak , please ?
He could not do anything about my lost Reputation with the Order of the Dragonfish, though, so it looks like that, even though I did nothing wrong as I did not cancel myself any received Quest and regardless how I ALREADY built my Reputation with the Order of the Dragonfish years back, before I stopped playing, I will have to work it up all again, as if I had never done Fishmonger Quests before....
This is unfortunate, though, and I think that this should be fixed.
Reputation with the Order of the Dragonfish should never decay (only diminish if players cancel a received Order...) as well as players should not get penalized as I was when getting bugged like my character was.... I never cancelled any Order and yet, somehow my character had an order which I was supposed to deliver but which I could not since there was no crate in my Ship's Hold.
The GM cancelled the Order internally to permit my character to resume my questing but, even though this bug was not my fault, I will have to work up again the decayed/lost Reputation and do all of the work back again....
Quite unfortunate.
My character is STILL bugged with the 2 other Fish Mongers in Skara Brae and Jhelom which are on the same server zone as Trinsic so, the fix done in Trinsic only worked there, not also for the other 2 locations... it looks like I still need Game Master assistance for the other 2 Fish Mongers in Skara Brae and Jhelom....
It looks like my return to Ultima Online is not being much blessed by luck....
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Anyways, I had to ask for assistance of a GM a couple of times (apparently one fix was not enough) but it looks that now I can again get orders from those 3 Towns....
Unfortunately, because of all of this, my Reputation is no longer what I had and now I have to start it all over from scratch again.....