Tick Tock

EM EchoEM Echo Posts: 165Event Moderator

Taryn looked up from her book curiously and smiled as Brother Andrew pulled a padded leather chair close to the window seat where she was currently curled up and sat down with a slight grunt. Since she had awoken in this strange land several weeks ago, Taryn had spent much time exploring the new place she found herself in. She had initially been shocked to discover how similar it was to her home. There were so many familiar things that, while comforting, also added to a sense of homesickness from time to time. The Abbey had proved to be a refuge when she needed to rest and she was grateful to the monks beyond what she could ever express. Brother Andrew, in particular, was so similar to her mentor Donal that it was uncanny and she felt an immediate bond with him.

“How are you today Taryn? Not out exploring the countryside?” Brother Andrew asked curiously.

Taryn pulled her legs up under her and adjusted the warm woolen throw before answering, “It is such a cold day, the fire, a blanket and a good book beckoned to me beyond what I could resist. The library here is incredible and I thank you for allowing me to spend time here.”

“It’s good to see the books being read my dear,” Brother Andrew replied. “Knowledge should always be pursued and shared. The books here are old friends of mine. I’m happy to see them making a new friend. Tell me, how are you settling in?”

“I’m enjoying learning about the various cities in this land. It’s amazing how similar things are,” Taryn smiled.

Holding up the book, she continued, “Take Minoc and Julia the Tinker for example. I’ve always admired the fascinating little creations the tinkers were capable of producing. I always enjoyed the story, and the mystery, of the clock Julia and Jervaise worked on. I found the history is exactly the same here. Its fascinating don’t you think?”

Brother Andrew stroked his beard thoughtfully and looked down as he pulled a piece of parchment from his robe, “So you are reading about Minoc and Julia? What a strange coincidence. Perhaps it’s time you met some of the citizens here.”

He looked up and, with a furrowed brow, slowly handed the parchment to Taryn.


Please meet Taryn Sullivan at Yew Abbey on Thursday, January 24th at 8:00 p.m. Eastern

You can read more about Julia and the clock here: http://wiki.ultimacodex.com/wiki/The_Tale_of_Julia_and_the_Clock

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