Scrolls of Alacrity, what Treasure Maps give them (also low ones ?) and how often ?

I wanted to work specifically to get Scrolls of Alacrity and my understanding is, that they spawn on Treasure Chests.

All Treasure Chests ? Also the low level ones ?

With what frequency ?

Is there a way to increase the spawn rate for Alacrity scrolls, perhaps by wearing high Luck ?

Anyone knows more details ?

Thanks !


  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    All maps in fel
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    @Norry It's scrolls of Transcendence that are Felucca only, and in level 4s and upwards.

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited January 2019
    Norry said:
    All maps in fel
    Also level 1s?

    By the way, I thought that in Felucca Treasure Maps gave Scrolls of Trescendence NOT of Alacrity...

    Felucca ALSO gives Scrolls of Alacrity ?

    Also, the Scrolls of Alacrity/Trascendence come with every Map (even those of level 1) or it is random ? And if it is random, what is the chance of getting them ?
  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    I dont have that info, i have only gotten pinks and blues in fel( could just be my luck) from lvl 1 and up maps
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Norry said:
    I dont have that info, i have only gotten pinks and blues in fel( could just be my luck) from lvl 1 and up maps
    With what yield you got them ?

    All Treasure chests containing at least one ? Also level 1 Chests ?
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    There are no released figures for the chance of special items in a chest. The link I posted above tells you what items are possible in what chest level.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Mariah said:
    There are no released figures for the chance of special items in a chest. The link I posted above tells you what items are possible in what chest level.
    I was asking about one's own personal experience doing Trasure Maps...
  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    edited January 2019
    Having done between 100-150 level 1-3 maps since Khaldun ended... I've probably gotten 25-50 alacrities? Hard to say for certain since I keep giving them away to guildmates.

    Sometimes they're more frequent, sometimes I get stretches without them.

    However, they will spawn in all level chests, in all facets.
  • I did 4 lev 2 maps in Tokuno sunday and received 3 alacrity scrolls it seems to be about 50% of the time for me in general. 
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • Acid_RainAcid_Rain Posts: 282
    Seems I get more alacrity scrolls in fel but I mostly do fel mapsii so cant say for sure. I only do lvl 6 & 7 maps w/ the occasional 5 I pick off the 6 & 7 spawns.

    I’d guesstimate alacrity scrolls at mayb 35% of the time with some bad streaks of 3-4 chests with none. That would be my experience but I’m sure it varies player to player. Haven’t done any maps lately due to t-map burnout but easily done a couple thousand the last 2 or so years. I’ve emptied my table quite a few time from full.

    With the new suit switch in the CC (CC is pretty much all I use) theres no reason not to throw on luck just for the dig which is when loot is generated. 
  • BasaraBasara Posts: 164
    Alacrity Scrolls: All maps, all shards, but with a very low chance at level 1, increasing to about 25-33% chance for the high levels.
    Transcendence Scrolls: Fel only.

    Note that it is possible to get both an Alacrity and a Transcendence in the SAME Fel Chest. I've had it happen a couple times, which is surprising since maybe 5% of the maps I do are Fel (and those typically came from Paragon chests).

    Sometime this spring, I look forward to doing the 400+ maps and SOS I accumulated since last Summer (most of them from the Khaldun Trammel Puzzle Chests, which in some cases had TWO maps per chest).
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Acid_Rain said:
    Seems I get more alacrity scrolls in fel but I mostly do fel mapsii so cant say for sure. I only do lvl 6 & 7 maps w/ the occasional 5 I pick off the 6 & 7 spawns.

    I’d guesstimate alacrity scrolls at mayb 35% of the time with some bad streaks of 3-4 chests with none. That would be my experience but I’m sure it varies player to player. Haven’t done any maps lately due to t-map burnout but easily done a couple thousand the last 2 or so years. I’ve emptied my table quite a few time from full.

    With the new suit switch in the CC (CC is pretty much all I use) theres no reason not to throw on luck just for the dig which is when loot is generated. 
    "With the new suit switch in the CC (CC is pretty much all I use) theres no reason not to throw on luck just for the dig which is when loot is generated. "

    What is this "new" suit switch that you mention in the Classic Client ?
  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    edited January 2019
    They have added a dress macro like there is in EC, that allows you to record and automatically dress your character in a specific suit
  • Acid_RainAcid_Rain Posts: 282
    Wear what u want then set a macro (it’s been added to the macro options) to record (up to 3 gear set ups I believe) the setup. Set another macro to equip the number setup u chose on the record macro. Don’t delete the record macro once you have it set - I deleted mine originally as I have to damn many macros already & it nerfs the action. In between the 2 macros I have a “git naked” macro to undress that I hit. Not 100% sure that’s needed but that’s how I sent mine up & it works so I’m not changing a thing :)

    Keep in mind there is a forced delay where u can’t pick up or move objects or have any interaction even with containers for a few seconds after switching. This was added to limit functionality in PvP. I say keep this in mind b/c if u don’t switch out weapons before using said macro or make sure your armed it can lead to an untimely death for a warrior that relies on defense chance, parry, etc,...

    Over all, it’s a great recent addition that the Devs did a nice job implementing. 
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