One suggestion for a new veteran reward is a shard transfer shield that lets you choose which shard you want the token to be for when you double click on the shield. It would show a gump listing the shards and you select which one you want. That way you can visit shards you do not have a regular shard shield for.
One suggestion for a new veteran reward is a shard transfer shield that lets you choose which shard you want the token to be for when you double click on the shield. It would show a gump listing the shards and you select which one you want. That way you can visit shards you do not have a regular shard shield for.
Sure thing!
My heart is bleeding for the poor, poor "Shielded Vets", that must have to use...
even more than one VetRew slot if they want to go slumming in more than one of the "low-life" Shards, to syphon out all of their wealth, so let's make things even more easy for them.
As a moral compensation it is only right to DOUBLE (at least!) the price of the SINGLE USE CTT that the peones use to move, once in a while, a single Chars between Shards: 20 bucks a pop is waaaaay to low...
Again I find myself not totally in agreement. If you are using the shard shields to support your own, or friends, characters across 2 shards there is quite enough reason for traffic between the two shards on a regular basis.
Again I find myself not totally in agreement. If you are using the shard shields to support your own, or friends, characters across 2 shards there is quite enough reason for traffic between the two shards on a regular basis.
I'm in agreement with Petra here, if you aren't using the tokens from that shield, there likely wasn't a need for that one to begin with. but i would like to see a way to turn in past choices to exchange them for a different choice.
A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . . Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Again I find myself not totally in agreement. If you are using the shard shields to support your own, or friends, characters across 2 shards there is quite enough reason for traffic between the two shards on a regular basis.
But not all players might get across 2 Shards "that" often... and thus, without the ability to "change" the designated Shard they inevitably would end up with a truck load of account bound transfer tokens which they have no use for.... only taking up space.... and the Veteran Reward becomes useless for them...
By giving this ability to "change" the Designated Shard, those players who have an intensive crossing with that Shard will maintain that designated Shard while those other players not being "that" intensive in transferring to that given Shard, would be able to change the designated Shard and, thus, get tokens for another Shard they might have interest in going to as an alternative...
It would be beneficial to BOTH types of players...
Again I find myself not totally in agreement. If you are using the shard shields to support your own, or friends, characters across 2 shards there is quite enough reason for traffic between the two shards on a regular basis.
But not all players might get across 2 Shards "that" often... and thus, without the ability to "change" the designated Shard they inevitably would end up with a truck load of account bound transfer tokens which they have no use for.... only taking up space.... and the Veteran Reward becomes useless for them...
By giving this ability to "change" the Designated Shard, those players who have an intensive crossing with that Shard will maintain that designated Shard while those other players not being "that" intensive in transferring to that given Shard, would be able to change the designated Shard and, thus, get tokens for another Shard they might have interest in going to as an alternative...
It would be beneficial to BOTH types of players...
Then I would suggest that you pick your shard shields wisely with the understanding that player activity changes all the time.
Again I find myself not totally in agreement. If you are using the shard shields to support your own, or friends, characters across 2 shards there is quite enough reason for traffic between the two shards on a regular basis.
But not all players might get across 2 Shards "that" often... and thus, without the ability to "change" the designated Shard they inevitably would end up with a truck load of account bound transfer tokens which they have no use for.... only taking up space.... and the Veteran Reward becomes useless for them...
By giving this ability to "change" the Designated Shard, those players who have an intensive crossing with that Shard will maintain that designated Shard while those other players not being "that" intensive in transferring to that given Shard, would be able to change the designated Shard and, thus, get tokens for another Shard they might have interest in going to as an alternative...
It would be beneficial to BOTH types of players...
Then I would suggest that you pick your shard shields wisely with the understanding that player activity changes all the time.
Also players' needs change all the time...
While a player TODAY might need/want to go to Shard A, "tomorrow", things may change drastically for that player, his/her friends might no longer be on Shard A and move to Shard B so, for that player, to have a Shield cranking out account bound tokens for Shard A might become totally useless since he/she now is interested in Shard B, no longer in Shard A...
Which it would mean, without the ability to "change" the Designated Shard, to get STUCK for that player with a Veteran Reward become utterly useless....
Again I find myself not totally in agreement. If you are using the shard shields to support your own, or friends, characters across 2 shards there is quite enough reason for traffic between the two shards on a regular basis.
But not all players might get across 2 Shards "that" often... and thus, without the ability to "change" the designated Shard they inevitably would end up with a truck load of account bound transfer tokens which they have no use for.... only taking up space.... and the Veteran Reward becomes useless for them...
By giving this ability to "change" the Designated Shard, those players who have an intensive crossing with that Shard will maintain that designated Shard while those other players not being "that" intensive in transferring to that given Shard, would be able to change the designated Shard and, thus, get tokens for another Shard they might have interest in going to as an alternative...
It would be beneficial to BOTH types of players...
Then I would suggest that you pick your shard shields wisely with the understanding that player activity changes all the time.
Also players' needs change all the time...
While a player TODAY might need/want to go to Shard A, "tomorrow", things may change drastically for that player, his/her friends might no longer be on Shard A and move to Shard B so, for that player, to have a Shield cranking out account bound tokens for Shard A might become totally useless since he/she now is interested in Shard B, no longer in Shard A...
Which it would mean, without the ability to "change" the Designated Shard, to get STUCK for that player with a Veteran Reward become utterly useless....
I would be happy with just the ability to "change" the defaul Shard....
Perhaps, a Veteran Reward for 21 Years could be a "tool" to do that ?
A tool to change the designated Shard of the Shield to a different one ?
LOL So you want the ability to change the shield anytime you want to instead of getting a shield for every shard there is, how selfish. Where is your request to change all to old rewards that we all claimed from years ago that are useless. And you do know that what you are asking for already is in the UOStore it is call a Transfer Token that allows you to pick your shard at the time you use it.
Lol So having those shields which grant you huge advantage over others which pay the same monthly sub as you is not enough already?
Holy fkng greed...
God. Normally I don't wish bad things happen to people but in your case I make an exception.
I do not see it as a matter of greed but, simply, of usefullness of a Veteran Reward.
Whenever a need changes for a player because their friends are no longer on that Shard A, for example, but move to another Shard B, that Shield defaulted to Shard A and being account bound is basically rendered useless.... having no use.
Instead, if the player could change the designated Shard they could still use that Reward...
I see it as a matter of "usefullness", not of greed.
Lol So having those shields which grant you huge advantage over others which pay the same monthly sub as you is not enough already?
Holy fkng greed...
God. Normally I don't wish bad things happen to people but in your case I make an exception.
I do not see it as a matter of greed but, simply, of usefullness of a Veteran Reward.
Whenever a need changes for a player because their friends are no longer on that Shard A, for example, but move to another Shard B, that Shield defaulted to Shard A and being account bound is basically rendered useless.... having no use.
Instead, if the player could change the designated Shard they could still use that Reward...
I see it as a matter of "usefullness", not of greed.
Instead, IMO obviously, greed it is.
As noted, the vast majorty of players pay monthly the same subs amount as "Shielded Vets", but have to pay 20 bucks for A SINGLE ONE WAY TRIP between Shards.
SS are a HUGELY disruptive element, that gives the de facto total control of inter-Shards trade to a small minority of Players, and to make them even more poweful is crazy.
That said, obviously, WATDR to the right of everyone to have and express a different opinion...
you can always ask people if they need stuff taken to that shard. make a throw-away char to deliver stuff to that shard & then delete that char later. do the service for tips
you can always ask people if they need stuff taken to that shard. make a throw-away char to deliver stuff to that shard & then delete that char later. do the service for tips
"Tactically" and occasionally sure, but that is not the point. The point, as has been repeatedly noted previously in this Forum too, is that the SSs give the virtual monopoly on inter-Shards "serious" trade to a resctricted oligarchy, that in the years have bought off Vet accounts of retiring Players. So making the Shields even more powerful will make the "ATL vs Rest of the Shards" problem even worse.
Maybe I'm over sensitive, but I always feel attacked when people start on with 'shard shields'. I have just a few, I didn't buy my accounts from anyone. My account age matches my start date. I am most definitely NOT an 'oligarch'. I, and a lot of others who have them, use my shields to transfer items not only to and from my own characters, but also those of friends and alliance mates. Many, many people offer free 'rides' for items for other people. I emphatically do not use them for trading.
Sure there are some that use them more selfishly, but please, please don't tar all shard shield owners with the same brush! Many, maybe even most, are generous and sharing with the facility.
The question has been asked and answered. If the ethics and morality of Transfer Shields need discussing, please do so in another thread. Please be mindful of the Terms of Service when you do so.
My heart is bleeding for the poor, poor "Shielded Vets", that must have to use...
even more than one VetRew slot if they want to go slumming in more than one of the "low-life" Shards, to syphon out all of their wealth, so let's make things even more easy for them.
As a moral compensation it is only right to DOUBLE (at least!) the price of the SINGLE USE CTT that the peones use to move, once in a while, a single Chars between Shards: 20 bucks a pop is waaaaay to low...
I mean, "how many" transfer tokens which are account bound one wants to get for that same exact Shard over and over and some more over ?
One reaches a point where there is ENOUGH of those tokens all for the same one Shard and this particular Veteran Reward becomes totally useless....
It would also be nice to have the account bound shard tokens be stackable...
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
By giving this ability to "change" the Designated Shard, those players who have an intensive crossing with that Shard will maintain that designated Shard while those other players not being "that" intensive in transferring to that given Shard, would be able to change the designated Shard and, thus, get tokens for another Shard they might have interest in going to as an alternative...
It would be beneficial to BOTH types of players...
While a player TODAY might need/want to go to Shard A, "tomorrow", things may change drastically for that player, his/her friends might no longer be on Shard A and move to Shard B so, for that player, to have a Shield cranking out account bound tokens for Shard A might become totally useless since he/she now is interested in Shard B, no longer in Shard A...
Which it would mean, without the ability to "change" the Designated Shard, to get STUCK for that player with a Veteran Reward become utterly useless....
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Perhaps, a Veteran Reward for 21 Years could be a "tool" to do that ?
A tool to change the designated Shard of the Shield to a different one ?
Holy fkng greed...
God. Normally I don't wish bad things happen to people but in your case I make an exception.
Whenever a need changes for a player because their friends are no longer on that Shard A, for example, but move to another Shard B, that Shield defaulted to Shard A and being account bound is basically rendered useless.... having no use.
Instead, if the player could change the designated Shard they could still use that Reward...
I see it as a matter of "usefullness", not of greed.
make a throw-away char to deliver stuff to that shard & then delete that char later.
do the service for tips
Sure there are some that use them more selfishly, but please, please don't tar all shard shield owners with the same brush! Many, maybe even most, are generous and sharing with the facility.