enhanced client backpack wont open

keliswkelisw Posts: 2
edited March 2018 in Bugs
I just started the game again and trying to do the tutorial but the backpack icon on the bar does not work. Ive tried making a macro from the icon in actions, using it from actions, dragging it to a different hotbar.  all the other icons work fine but backpack will not open my bag.


  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094

    Are you sure it's not opening the backpack, or is it opening the backpack and putting it off-screen somewhere? I have had that happed before.

  • keliswkelisw Posts: 2
    well I tried listening for it opening and never heard the sound or saw it on any edge of the screen. It looks like it had something to do with the tutorial though, because I quit the tutorial and it dropped me in the center of town and the backpack button worked!
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,396Moderator
    If you hear the back pack opening sound it has opened, somewhere. As Arroth_Thaiel has said this is a problem some people have had. It can be fixed by changing your ui scale, usually 85% will work, then drag the opened pack nearer to the center of the screen and return your ui scale to normal.
  • MiskMisk Posts: 61Dev
    kelisw said:
    I just started the game again and trying to do the tutorial but the backpack icon on the bar does not work. 
    This more than likely was a tutorial related issue and we have recently disabled the tutorial for newly created EC characters.
  • SlipgateSlipgate Posts: 1
    I just recently had the same problem as the original poster, but I was not in any tutorial.

    Inventory was not visible and would not open or close, no sound indicating either action was performed, and the hotbar button for inventory would not respond. Also, when hovering mouse over the inventory bag in the paperdoll, it would provide no tooltip (also no tooltip for inventory button on the main hotbar, the rest of the buttons had tooltips).

    I ran my character away from my current location until I was in a different loading area. This seemed to immediately fix whatever was causing the issue.

    I don't know if it's related, but I was however, near the tutorial area (on the outside of it). 
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Are you single clicking or dbl clicking, single click in EC there is also a pack on your paper doll single click it also.
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