Why does it take dry herbs but the only way to get them is to steal them

My cook is not a thief, so where can a cook get dry herbs?
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Treasure Hunters


  • Hell, Cooking itself needs a revamp. When was the last time you saw a fisherman standing at Brit Bank hawking his Fish Steaks? Seriously, all Cooking recipes need to provide some sort of benefit, even if minor. There's no point in cooking Sausages other than for decoration.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    Cooking is a hold over from when our characters had to eat otherwise their stamina would decrease to the point the characters could barely move until they ate something.

    Tinkers have the same issue with needing to steal copper wire to make some things.  That is why I created a thief character.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    its easier to make the enchanted picnic basket & it comes with the food already...
    but I do like to have the recipe...

    I like cooking cause of the BODs... love the apron, natural dye, and the plum tree...
    and making the nutcrackers for christmas
  • holy hanna   I have thousands of them... a base line thief in the training can get a lot in the moonglow shop near the inn... tram and fel
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    Buc's den has a couple barrels (where the edible fruit basket is) that needs no stealing skill. (Tram and Fel.) It produces copper wire, along with other deco. A couple cheap stealing jewls for 26 skill (or better jewls + bandana + shadowdancer leggings if you can insure them) is enough to steal the herb without too much trouble. I keep an alt nearby for rezzing.

    I vote to make food useful again! Stam loss was nice, or add lil buffs to them all.
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    Definitely would love to see cooking get some new uses.  Its actually a fun skill with a lot of different items...lots of room for ideas, I'd imagine.
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