Krampus despawns after how long?

Heya doing trade route, Krampus spawned, I stuck my pet on the minions and other spawn, krampus was of course yellow, so called out in gen chat that he spawned and proceeded to keep killing spawn, after about 15 mins or so of pounding on minions, and drakes and spider sand all the junk in the bog of desolation where it actually spawned, although I still had it's bar on the screen it was basically greyed out. 

No one else came to help :( so I was by myself. I killed pretty much all the minions, and spawn I then ran around the whole bog trying to find it, even thou I had put a waypoint on the map for his coords when he initially spawned but he was nowhere to be found.

So how long do you get before this happens?  I was a bit annoyed as had to basically stand and vet my pet the whole time while waiting for others to come as it was totally swamped by minions so to have the boss just up and disappear and not even turn red to attack it was a bit lame.

Is there a time limit? It was well under an hour before he disappeared although not sure of the exact time,perhaps 25mins?

Cheers MissE

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  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Says this in the notes.

    • Krampus’ guardians must be defeated before he can be attacked.
    • Only a single Krampus can be spawned at any given time.
    • Krampus will despawn after an extended period of inactivity.

    We have taken > 30 mins to get Krampus red and >30 to then kill when just a few are there and others are taming the Frost Drakes.

    Extended period of inactivity should be more than an hour. 
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Well no idea what happened to mine then, as i was killing spawn and it despawned well before an hour :(

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • had one despawn on Siege after sitting there for about 15 minutes while I was busy chasing a stealther around... so yes, they can despawn rather quickly...
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230
    was JUST about to ask this very question.

    Had one de-spawn on Origin after about 15 minutes...I think if you are actively killing it, it won't de-spawn but if no one is hitting it, he disappears rather quickly!

    MY question was....if you actively hit him and TRY to kill him but are unsuccessful and he de-spawns...does that re-set your trade count? I had about 11 trades done at the time he spawned on me and I was in the middle of running another one. Thankfully I didn't die during my sad attempts to kill him, he disappeared and I was able to turn in my order...SO...

    1, Will attacking but NOT killing Krampus re-set your trade count?
    2. IF I am on an order and he spawns but is not killed and I turn in that order AFTER he's gone, does that count towards my trades or does it re-set?
    3. After he de-spawns, I notice minions will still come out during an ambush...will he then REspawn after that or will the whole cycle start over?

  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    Mentioned this to kyronix but we never followed up on it when he asked for further details. It's about 15 minutes.  Had our first krampus despawn while we were taming drakes and then I had to take a phone call.  You have to keep krampus engaged, which is what we started doing and why we didn't follow up on it.

    Sucks to have him despawn though for all the effort it takes smaller shards to get him to spawn.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Oh that's too short.  Should be an hour. 

    I have gone to the location and sometimes he takes a while to find.  And then you want to avoid him while he is yellow.  Luckily he is always attacking someone while he is yellow for us.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    That is the thing tho, no point in bashing on him or around him while he is yellow but seems if you don't he will despawn as he did with me, I was killing the other spawn just off screen from where he should of been so I didn't have to deal with him as well as the spawn.  I guess you probably have to keep him on your screen while you try and kill  the other stuff, or hope someone else has him there while you tame drakes. 

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    He despawned after about 15 minutes tonight. Three of us could only get him down to 96% before minions chased us off of him and he healed back to 100%.  The number of minions should be dependent on the number of players in the spawn area instead of continuing to increase in numbers until the players are overrun.
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