Trade quest rewards
@Kyronix can these be revisited and balanced a little better ? While 100 bloodwood boards is not fantastic, its a decent payoff for delivering a trade container, but 6 enchanted essence...really ? 6 ? 10 at least would make a little more sense, but how did the number 6 get introduced ? It seems like a code typo.
You and Several Others like this.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Cheers MissE
Happy hunting!
Cheers MissE
This is a community event.
Cheers MissE
Cheers MissE
The rewards are decent...though the longest run I did was from Skara to Minoc...on foot...that's a HAUL! I got a .1 archery pink
The encounter itself was soo fun! I tamed a frost drake and got lots of candy canes off the minion corpses which are worth 2500 turn-in points each! AND I got a gold branch in my Krampus Coin purse which is cool.
The rewards, at least for me, are really good...can you imagine how long it would take to get 196 valorite granite? I'd much rather do trades!
Lots of nice players on LS start in Minoc. We need the funds!
Minoc to Vesper is sweet.
Cancel Moonglow and Magencia and use a mount instead of foot.
Need a boat for Skara and Jhelom or cancel.
Minoc to trinsic becomes closer and closer the more you do it.