The puzzle chests in Khaldun, Both Trammel and Felucca, are empty.
in Bugs
The puzzle chests that have always been in Khaldun, are completely empty, not even a dust-bunny
A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Devs, when reverting the puzzle chests to a "non-cult-item" state, it should not mean ""Breaking them again to where 90% of the time when you open them they are empty, because the 'loot repopulate' timer is different from the 'reset the puzzle lock' timer" - and some of them won't populate loot at all until you open them empty at least once.
The only time they've worked right during the last 16+ years has been during the 2 months of the Cult event.