new character with over 522,000 gold??
I created a new character (fisherman mage) on Baja. She started with about 522,500 gold. I don't know the exact amount because I'd already been buying stuff. Is that much gold normal now? She did the new newbie quest, if that makes a difference.
Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
... and wow. Only 522,500 gold after years of play, with eventually 5 characters on that account before I let it expire? We must not have been addicted to worldly goods.
Thats normal if you played casually and did not fight at spawns or bosses much. Until plant dyes came out and I was selling them at crazy high prices on vendors, I did not have 1M.
IME, Vendors don't even recognize GPs as money, even if you have your BP bulging with coins and breaking at the seams for the load...
Only NPC Trainers accept cash payment (hmmm... should we alert the B-IRS???
Please correct me if I'm Wrong (so I can go to Shame instead...
@Ivenor you are essentially correct, however stable fees will be deducted from gold in your pack, if you have any.
What? In UO nobody pays income taxes?
Only "indirect" VAT-style ones in the form of the Vendors percentages?
Please, oh please: how can I download my soul in one of my Chars, cyberpunk-style?
Seriously, thanks for the precisation @Mariah ...