About those relic things

Drop rate is way too low.  AT least for non-atlantic shards.  Listening to people in chat daily that have been working it hard, and they aren't getting much.  And most of them aren't gonna get a set. 

Waaayy too low.

And to compound the problem, if someone did get 2 or 3, they don't have a chance of finishing it out because YOU MADE THEM SHARD BOUND!!!!!!!!  So they can't even go to Atlantic and buy one.

Way to go Devs, way to go.  Nice Job.


  • Which relic things?

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    The relics in Khaldun Chests.

    And to compound the problem, if someone did get 2 or 3, they don't have a chance of finishing it out because YOU MADE THEM SHARD BOUND!!!!!!!!  So they can't even go to Atlantic and buy one.

    Way to go Devs, way to go.  Nice Job.
    They just listened to posters who do not play much and were told shard bound Items would make people play on the other shards.

    How did that work?  Hope they never shard bind power scrolls again.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867

    Regarding the Relics, I worked really hard for them at the start of this event, I got zero, and actually burned out, not been able to go near it since. But I hope to go back and chill there. I've really enjoyed the rogue content, and the relics were a huge fun part of it. I would like them to do more stuff like that, throughout the game different stuff in different places. They've been a surprise success. Nice design, nice little set, genuinely bloody hard to get, so genuinely rare. As annoying as it is, I think all of this is a good thing in a way. I wouldn't change the relics.

    Regarding shard bound power scrolls, I think you are right, I've always said they should not be shard bound, it will not help. All it did in this instance, was make players think they were not worth even getting, so no-one farmed for them. That's exactly what will happen if they ever became shard bound. It would mean, only Atlantic would have scrolls, and no other shard would even do spawns, to get the scrolls. The fact there would be no market on smaller shards, would mean players wouldn't do spawns, which in turn, would mean there was no market, vicious downward spiral. At least now, there is a flow, and an outlet, as much as we may hate Atlantic being the central marketplace.

    I did one Felucca Khaldun, got some shard bound 120's, they didn't fit into my powerscroll books, so I binned them, nowhere to store them, they were pointless to me. Didn't go back sadly. There was also the Altar bug in Felucca for a long while, so nothing could even happen there. In the end, interest had been lost, those who wanted to be doing it, just used Sampires in Trammel, any chance of getting teams for it had pretty much gone. And whilst I think the Felucca side of this event was a failure for various reasons, I believe the rest of it was a success, and I've not been that bothered.

    If players want pvp atm, they go to Atlantic mainly, a couple of large spawn guilds creating pvp.

    I personally, have been having a great time on Siege as well, and a couple of friends maybe joining me, so I couldn't be happier. :)

  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    I have done chests on Oceania now for the past three-four weeks every day with high luck and have not got one.  I have had nearly 300 artifacts of the cult, at least 20 of each type painting, about 30 platinum (to give you an idea of how many boxes I have done) and yet not a single relic item.

    I did get one on siege on the second day it was 'live' and since then NONE. 

    The drop rate on these was way too low and has certainly put a damper on the whole thing.  There are supposed to be 4 relics, well given I ONLY do hidden chests and puzzle boxes and that is pretty much all I have done for the past 2 mths, 1 relic is abysmal.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    The lower the drop rate the better, it makes them rare. 

    I have only gotten 3 and I’m fine with it. (Europa shard) 

    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • AaylaAayla Posts: 170
    Mervyn said:
    The lower the drop rate the better, it makes them rare. 

    I have only gotten 3 and I’m fine with it. (Europa shard) 

    LOL of course you're fine with 3. You got 3 vs 0 for MissE lolll such a weird comment 
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited November 2018
    the drop rate was also discussed on this thread https://forum.uo.com/discussion/2488/khaldun-puzzle-boxes-and-stealables#latest

    before I got any relics I declared I was happy with the low drop rate. 

    I don’t really appreciate your description of my comment as “weird” nor the lolling tone and implying that I’m after some sort of self gain.

    I’m not sure if there is a higher drop rate in fel or not but I got all mine there, and I only did them for 45 mins a day for about 2 weeks. MissE and others have not stated what facet they were farming on. 

    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    Depends whether the RNG loves you. It hates me.  I tested this extensively on test shard and never saw a relic. I've lots of pictures etc on Europa, but only one relic.
    It's actually my favourite part of the event and I've collected enough cult drops for 4 belts and a book so far.  
    As for which facet I'm working on - well when the poster above was fighting spawn at the foot of the shelf I was standing on next to a puzzle chest, I decided discretion was called for and stealthed away.
    Sorry Mervyn, for the empty chests I left behind :D
  • There was a very good reason the Relic's were made shard bound if you think about it.  Most of the power hunters have alts on many prodo shards originally made for EM events. These do alot of off Atlantic hunting to gain the most sellable items and make a killing because they have little competition. Think of the EM event items..in under 1 hour the items dropped are on Atlantic being sold.  The yelling by those shard players that they cant even get their own items have hit on the dev ears.    I wish you luck in the hunting... 
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