November's Events

EM RoenickEM Roenick Posts: 195Event Moderator
edited November 2018 in Atlantic
Greetings everyone, My name is Gusteau and I have been appointed by the King to prepare his Thanksgiving feast.  I will be using some of my families recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation.  The recipes I have require a rare ingredient or two that I will have to track down but I cannot do it alone.  I will be forming a search party on November 25th at 9PM EST.  We will be meeting inside Castle Blackthorn to go over a list of ingredients I will need and the location we can find these.  After we get enough ingredients I will be hosting a cooking party on November 27th at 9PM EST.  Please join me that evening for some fun in the kitchen.  We will be creating some of my special dishes and sharing some of our Thanksgiving memories.  The King will be hosting a short Governors meeting on November 28th at 9PM EST.  Hope to see you there!
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