Enchanted Wheelbarrows

CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
edited November 2018 in General Discussions
Tonight I received some items that I was having transferred back to Sonoma.
As I was putting them away I noticed the tag on my enchanted Wheelbarrows.
2 of them said Enchanted Wheelbarrow Handbuilt By The Citizens of Mizuho
4 of them said Enchanted Wheelbarrow

I'm pretty sure that they all had the handbuilt part on them, but not really sure
they got stuck on Baja for a lil while, cause they couldn't be transferred from there
Does anybody have any idea if they had two different tags on Mizuho when you claimed them?


  • For a short period they spawned as the 4 you got. They were fixed to read like the 2 you got with the longer tag. No clue on rarity and I only saw them for sale once and I'm not sure what they went for, if anything.
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