The Grand Wedding Package... is a disapointment for the money.

2900 Sovereigns = 29$ USD (more like 30$ seeing they dont sell by 100's).

To be totally honest, I would soon vomit then be victim of an in-game wedding.  :-)  It was all about the goodies!  Clearly.  The big flower arch!  I also wanted the wedding dress for a special vendor.  The candelabras for the "First Church of Candy" in our little town.  Dress up the place a little!  Not to mention all the little tables, chairs, flowers and such for little garden parties when needed.  If you ask me?  These things, alone, are long about time.

Some things just flat shocked me were missing!

1... The lack of a vail for the bride.  What the..., yeah.  Wouldnt that be a KEY outfit need in a formal wedding?  The groom has a top hat... and when was the last time that was standard?

2... No wedding rings.  Something that could be bound to each other, personalized... something meaningful?  I know, combat and getting around... that ring slot would maybe be way more need to be practical.  But something?

Mainly... its that 2 things.  You can craft a dance floor.  You can fudge a preacher outfit of some kind.  Invites?  Just like those nice valentines cards years ago... to someone you target, from the targeter.

The chocolate fountain is really cute.  Its a shame the wedding cake is pick 1 and thats it.  Seeing the flower arch is deeded... it would be really amazing if you had a choice each time.  Its really hard to place it where I wanted it!  BUT... I'm sure it will amaze visitors just the same.

I think this is just disappointing.  I refuse to spend another real penny in the UO store.  I had SO much amazing trouble... I'd like to real/life kick someone in that store.  o:)

Owner of the Red & Purple Mini Mall, established 2001. - The Red & Purple Pixies of the Yew Wood [Town] Atlantic Shard.
Proud member of the Department of Mayhem.


  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    I asked at a meet & greet about them selling some of the items from the package, separate from the package. they did say they could make the wedding outfit separate but it never got done. I myself would have bought quite a few of the wedding outfit tokens. And if they sold the cake batter token, I would buy enough, so I would have all of them. Also if they put the Arbor on, then they would also get lot more tokens bought for that. 

    There are many people that I know have expressed interest in buying some of the content but they don't want to pay $29 just for the item they want.

    When they were designing the package, they ran out of time to do the brides head piece. I remember them saying at a meet & greet about it not sitting right  (or something along those lines).

    Have you checked out the undead set? its awesome, however it does make the bride white in the face... but my char does look awesome!!!!

    I still think the batter token, outfit token, arch token all should be sold separate. they would make lot more sales if they did....

    and about the rings...
    in 2015 I married my husband in game (where we first met)
    the EM performed the ceremony
    and cause she did the ceremony, we both got rings delivered to our shard from Mesanna

    We got to tell her what we wanted inscribed on it
    When she asked I wasn't really thinking straight, cause Mesanna was in my husbands keep.
    I was just so surprised she was there... hehe
    Later I realized that I should have had her to put our song on it
    "All Of Me, Loves All Of You"
    but I really do love whats inscribed on it...

    since we got married, there hasn't been a wedding on Sonoma, that I know of...
    I did build a wedding chapel at Luna (first one past the blacksmith shop on the west side).
    I recently updated the look of the outside & haven't gotten everything put back up...
    but you are free to come and look around...
    in case you didn't know, the cake & chocolate fountain are both endless. 
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230
    I love the wedding set..bought one the day it came out. I was rather disappointed by the lack of a veil but then the undead set came out so that was good, before that I used a flower garland which worked quite nicely!

    I set mine up temporarily on Siege but have since re-designed my home and have yet to put it back up.

  • *Now knows where to find Larissa*  Muahahahahahaaaaa!!

    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230 I have to move... *winks*

  • I wouldn't worry too much about Victim, he just likes to spray water on things.
  • Evil_Pixie_WorksEvil_Pixie_Works Posts: 109
    edited November 2018
    Have you checked out the undead set? its awesome, however it does make the bride white in the face... but my char does look awesome!!!!
    in case you didn't know, the cake & chocolate fountain are both endless. 
    For one... if they ran out of time... that will happen in deadlines... a new addition solves that.

    Its just, with all the trouble I had trying to do this whole thing... because the 20$ code I got was bad... I had to do some game trading to get a friend to buy the package for me... I flat out REFUSE to ever deal with the UO Game Store again.  I sure wont be buying the undead package.

    I have seen the undead dress stuff... but doesnt it turn you green or white... or something?

    I admit, I didnt think of traditional history... long before the modern day "prom" wedding dress... brides wore garland head deals.  Those never looked right in game... HOWEVER they would be the correct head decoration for the theme we play in.

    Our town actually had a little chappal maybe 11 years ago.  A rare few events.  Its called "The First Church of Candy"... and this long before we had candy in game.  Now its FULL of candy.  I need to do some newer pictures... but this am it...

    If you wish to see the real thing, its easy enough.  Atlantic Shard, Tram, just north-east of Yew's graveyard.  First clearing.  The design has never changed, the decorations have... more added, then actually changed.  This was long before our town banner.  That's just outside the church.

    I didnt know the candles could be dyed!  So I'll fix that soon enough.  Not sure how much I wish to use... considering the "time" our world is set.  We'll see!  I didnt know about the cake or the fountain.  I was playing with the flowers, tables, and chairs.  Its just a matter of being in the right mood.  So much to do!  So much to do.  hehe

    I also designed a friend's 18x18 to be "The Abby of Candy".  Unfortunately, the pictures were lost.  Sometimes I really wish we had a little stand-alone... off-line, UO house builder to design houses... based on foundation size, that could be saved... and shared... or even SOLD.  I really love that aspect of the game and do the most with it.  The Abby could hold a BIG wedding, but in the real... it was a storage house.  You didnt actually SEE that aspect.  Now its a Keep... and I'm finally allowed to decorate that.  I dont like doing the same designs one house to the next.  If I ever get insane enough to buy another house?  An 18x18?  I'll have another crack at an Abby... BUT a newer design.  I like doing houses people want to explore.  Some actually do change hands, a few times, and people leave my origional design as is.  That's impressive... considering how many people have quit the last 7 years. 

    Owner of the Red & Purple Mini Mall, established 2001. - The Red & Purple Pixies of the Yew Wood [Town] Atlantic Shard.
    Proud member of the Department of Mayhem.
  • Blargety said:
    I wouldn't worry too much about Victim, he just likes to spray water on things.
    *sprays Blargety with warm soapy water*
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

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