Improperly Placed

So I had a keep that was properly placed. I upgraded to the new keep design and now it is improperly placed (i think a tree is now next to front of house). What Should I Do To Fix This?


  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    Unless you expect to want to change the design again there is no need to do anything. Improperly placed houses don't fall.  When customizing was first introduced many people found their houses becoming improperly placed when their neighbours changed their houses.

    The designation would stop you placing the same footprint in the same location in future, but will have no effect on the current building.
  • SirAJSirAJ Posts: 11
    Thanks - looks like that keep is locked in then forever!

  • DanpalDanpal Posts: 119
    I have a feeling my castle would be the same way there is a tree one block away. And if i go to a new look the steps will be touching the tree.
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