UO Store Issues... 5 days now.
in Bugs
Sorry! I have no clue where else to ask for help with this.
5 days ago, I started a plant growing house... and needed 3 more beds for my production. I have never used the UO Store before, but I saw a couple other things I'd like to help update my town. However, low and behold the thing always claims an error "try again later" and later its still not working.
Its bad enough, I finally got it together to do a shard jump (shopping/importing) and that refused to work... then I saw a publish was inbound. This UO Store issue has been in play 4 days before that.
Please help?
5 days ago, I started a plant growing house... and needed 3 more beds for my production. I have never used the UO Store before, but I saw a couple other things I'd like to help update my town. However, low and behold the thing always claims an error "try again later" and later its still not working.
Its bad enough, I finally got it together to do a shard jump (shopping/importing) and that refused to work... then I saw a publish was inbound. This UO Store issue has been in play 4 days before that.
Please help?

Owner of the Red & Purple Mini Mall, established 2001. - The Red & Purple Pixies of the Yew Wood [Town] Atlantic Shard.
Proud member of the Department of Mayhem.
Home of the Pet Intensity Calculator, Pet Planner, Trainable Animal Bestiary, and other Tools, Guides, and Information.
For the transfer, I tried both the owned house and town, at an inn.
The web site... I wouldnt expect you need to be logged in at all. :-)
Owner of the Red & Purple Mini Mall, established 2001. - The Red & Purple Pixies of the Yew Wood [Town] Atlantic Shard.
Proud member of the Department of Mayhem.
The transfer token needs to be done from a safe logout location too, and you cannot be mounted, or be in a form (vampiric embrace, etc.). Also make sure you do not have any shard bound items on you.
Home of the Pet Intensity Calculator, Pet Planner, Trainable Animal Bestiary, and other Tools, Guides, and Information.
Shard transfer has zero to do with the bigger problem.
Owner of the Red & Purple Mini Mall, established 2001. - The Red & Purple Pixies of the Yew Wood [Town] Atlantic Shard.
Proud member of the Department of Mayhem.
Home of the Pet Intensity Calculator, Pet Planner, Trainable Animal Bestiary, and other Tools, Guides, and Information.
The UO Store is still an issue.
Owner of the Red & Purple Mini Mall, established 2001. - The Red & Purple Pixies of the Yew Wood [Town] Atlantic Shard.
Proud member of the Department of Mayhem.
Its been like this since the first time I tried, an hour after... randomly since 5 days ago to right now. Pac time, btw.
Owner of the Red & Purple Mini Mall, established 2001. - The Red & Purple Pixies of the Yew Wood [Town] Atlantic Shard.
Proud member of the Department of Mayhem.
Are you in a different country than US?
I'm stuck right in Northern California. Only nice people I know are inside, and active, UO Atlantic. :-)
This is really giving me stress. :-(
Owner of the Red & Purple Mini Mall, established 2001. - The Red & Purple Pixies of the Yew Wood [Town] Atlantic Shard.
Proud member of the Department of Mayhem.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.